Wing Commander reality

The Simpsons, Hero.

Actually, the Muslim religion prohibits - yes, I said prohibits the conversion of heathens by the sword. Only we Christians are barbarous enough to do that
The Arab Empire was one of the most tolerant empires ever. Atheism and polytheism, if I recall correctly, were most definitely frowned upon, but any monotheistic religion was fine, as long as you paid the non-Muslim tax. Naturally, a lot of people decided to switch to Islam just so they wouldn't have to pay the extra tax
Of course, then the Turks came along, and everything went to hell in the proverbial handbasket.
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That's right Q, but from which episodes???

And of cousre, you've forgotten about Sivar (had to make that one WC related somehow
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The second quote is from the Ned Flanders gets his house blown away episode... I think. As for the first, I've no idea. 'Aven't seen the Simpsons for ages.
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Where I shalt eat naught but burning hot coal and drink naught but burning hot cola!

I believe that that was the episode in which Bart sells his soul.


CAG of the Blacklance HQ
"Canadian and proud of it"-TC
Did anyone see last week's Simpsons, I missed it and heard that it was a scream.

BTW, whada ya think of them killing Maude off?

Using the power of the Drift Side,

DK: Maude's death was NOT right. Ned wasnt exactly likeable, but he gets dumped on quite a bit, and losing his wife shouldnt have happened (especially not to a salvo of Tshirts meant for Homer, launched by a flock of bimbos)

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
I'm rather in favor of Maude's death... not so much for the way it was done, but for the reasons behind it
How great would it have been for Friends to kill off all the Friends and replace them with new characters when they demanded more money last year
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Christians also say that unless you're one of them, you go to hell. Somehow, that doesn't sound right to me.

Who's Maude?
Cricket, I'm Christian, and I've never heard of anything like that.
Yeah, there are some fanatical priests that belive in such things, but the heads of the church don't agree with that.
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I don't know if Christians actually say that, but they sure as hell act as though they mean it.
Earthworm and others: reread the Book of Revelations, especially the part about the Book of Life. It sort of explains who goes to hell and who doesnt.

You deal death with your roars and your screams, your threats, your taunts, your overblown ego. I hand it out, one with the steel and the silence, the blackness around me, with a thought.
It doesn`t really matter since there`s no such thing as Hell. <ducking for cover>
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And were do you think all the cats went after we blew ‘em up?
They sure as hell didn’t go out for ice cream.
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Death is the only certainty. After that? Who knows? No 2000 year old book written by some supersticious fools is gonna tell me that.

The time is near.
There are still quite a few days remaining.

I don't care for fame, power or money...
I just want to FIGHT!
-Sanosuke Sagara