WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

avathar raises a fair point - the fact that it has cloak and high firepower aside, the Dragon takes very little effort to take down. Bearcats and Thunderbolts seem to last a lot longer.
i love the mod i miss useing the jump nodes and the confed marine boarding craft no longer docks with confed hq or carriers or stations if you play as confed.

when would the next fix come out?
do you plan on addig the kilrathi any time soon?
WOW!! This is one of the most amazing things I've seen in my life. I use to dream about what huge fleet engagements would look like in Wing Commander. I remember watching the scene in Wing Commander 3 when all the Confed ships gathered and wishing I could see what it was like for them to clash with a huge Kilrathi fleet. This is amazing!

I can't believe it was even possible to make a game that looks and plays so well.. I like it much better than Homeworld, which I really liked. I suppose I shouldn't thank you though because I've spent entire days playing and even watching the computer play itself ;). Balancing is great, I've had the computer play itself and it usually wares out the resources on the map before victory is acheived.. usually by the Black Lance walking it's Vesuvious around and mopping up what's left of the others.. but I've seen the Border Worlds beat Confed and vice versa. The Vesuvious is outrageously powerful, but it's fair because it's easily defeated by a full squadron of bombers from either side (which are even cheaper to make I think).

I'd be afraid to suggest any changes because it works so well already.. but I of course have a few ideas that I hope wouldn't ruin it.. actually, I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I'd rather see the Kilrathi faction before tweaks are made to this game.

Ok, here's some observations: I didn't notice too much of a difference between different fighters: are the stats accurate: i.e. if one ship flies at 400kps and another at 500, does the Mod version have them flying at 4/5ths of the speed? Do the amount of the missiles fired at a time equal the amount the fighter carries? Are the damage stats and maneuverability comparable to the actual stats? Is the Vesuvious really faster than the Border Worlds Carrier (Durango)? I always thought the Durango carrier could outrun the Vesuvious, but the Durango stats weren't available on the ships database when I checked.

I would like to see more character from fighter to fighter (which applies to the above comment). For instance, I didn't feel like the Scimtar was a 'gun heavy slug', it seemed nimble and quick.. maybe make it very slow with more powerful guns? The Hellcat seemed spot on. The Excal. seemed powerful, but I thought it should be more powerful as well as more expensive. It should dominate dogfights in my opinoin. I thought the Dragon was a very effective fighter and capship killer. The transports seemed a little too powerful, I would see them taking out whole squadrons of fighters. I would expect a single squadron to be able to at least be comparable.. maybe make those weaker but less expensive to build (especially scout transports if not mining ones).

The fighters also seem like they could be faster: they are often slower than the resource collectors. I love the dynamic fighters feature, so if its necessary to make them slower to make that work, then I think it's worth it. I've noticed the Razor fighters have trouble locking on and firing at anything. I've also seen a few bugs where the fighters or resource collectors get stuck: especially collectors trying to salvage scrap from an exploded ship.

Capitol ships in general seem to be underpowered in terms of gun strength especially when taking on other capships. That yellow laser from the games use to wreak havok on other capships in one or two shots. I know it's interesting to have them take a long time to blow each other up, but since it takes so long for them to crawl across the map, it could make sense playability wise and strategically to have a big payoff once it gets there.. especially since fighters get there so much faster and are more effective (maybe make the bases more powerful so the game wouldn't end as soon as a cruiser shows up). They also seem to have higher armor compared to the Wing Commander Universe, but maybe that helps the game's playability.

Those are just suggestions I remembered on the fly.. but I think the game is already amazingly fun as is. Don't change anything if you think it would ruin it and again: I would advise making a Kilrathi faction first ;).
Hey this is really cool.

What do I need to do to be able to build the Hellcat?

Also, to get this to look right you have to run it in 1280x960, but that is a widescreen resolution and everything looks stretched out because of it. I am on a widescreen monitor.

Is there a basic instruction manual for how to play? :)

Thanks for the great work so far!
Hey this is really cool.

What do I need to do to be able to build the Hellcat?

Also, to get this to look right you have to run it in 1280x960, but that is a widescreen resolution and everything looks stretched out because of it. I am on a widescreen monitor.

Is there a basic instruction manual for how to play? :)

Thanks for the great work so far!

As far as an 'instruction manual', I suggest referring to your Homeworld 2 manual, and everything works similar to that. Basically, you just need to press 'b' for build and click your mouse on medium fighter bays for either your carrier or starbase. Once fighter bays are built, you can build the Hellcat. This is assuming you chose 'Confed' as your faction.. Black Lance and Border Worlds don't have Hellcats.
I've been playing through the game a few more times and thinking of ways it could be made even better. I think the Arrow is underpowered and should also be a better dogfighter. As it is, it's basically useless (except for the Black Lance since the cloak ability is useful for a cheap scout). The Border Worlds and Confed Arrow are sitting ducks to enemy fighters when positioned close enough to scout. You definitely shouldn't build them as Confed since a cloaking Excalibur is much more effective as a scout. It seems to need a boost in armor and gun power. It should also be able to outrun all but the faster opponents once it's spotted or if retreating from combat. These things carry eight missiles, so they can deal out a good bit of damage even though their guns and armor are weaker than medium fighters.

Those changes might make it a better fighter than the Banshee and Hellcats, but it could be made cost prohibitive to make a bunch of them by making it much more expensive. They might even win a dogfight 1v1 vs. most other fighters, but in mass groups the cheaper price of other fighters mixed with better shields and guns would make medium fighters much better in packs. The Arrow could then be used for more strategic roles like when you need a group of fighters to reach an undefended resource patch quickly.

Also, I didn't see much of a point in building frigates, destroyers, or cruisers unless you had already maxed out your fighters. It seems that giving them more powerful and effective firepower would be a first step, and perhaps make them move faster. The cruisers also seem to be a bit too expensive since it takes probably more than four of them to take on the Vesuvious, and even building four would be more expensive and time consuming than building a Vesuvious. I don't recall the Black Lance science station having much of a point in being built either.

Looking at that it seems like a lot of criticizm, but in reality this game shows a remarkable amount of talent and ability. It's truly amazing that one person made such a fun and great looking game. In the meantime, it would be even more of a dream to see a Kilrathi faction with a Kilrathi Dreadnought than these suggested changes.
Considering I went and got HW2 recently I should probably download this and try it out.
I have a suggestion. Is it possible to let the marine shuttles land on carriers and cruisers? Or is that a glitch with the game?

I love this mod and i played it many times with much fun.
but i reinstalled my homeworld 2 and the mod and now i have a strange probleme. the mod starts well und alle the ships are ingame, but all icons are the old HW icons and buttons.
i have the original cd, the 1.1 patch, tried everything and reistalled the game 2 times.
what can i do?

I love this mod and i played it many times with much fun.
but i reinstalled my homeworld 2 and the mod and now i have a strange probleme. the mod starts well und alle the ships are ingame, but all icons are the old HW icons and buttons.
i have the original cd, the 1.1 patch, tried everything and reistalled the game 2 times.
what can i do?

The redone interface only works with one specific resolution. Anything other than 1280x1024 will revert back to the HW2 interface.
I wounder if any new updates came out?
i saw some pictures that had a ship yard. and some with the kilrathi in it.

it would be cool to see the ship yards in it but not solid like the pictures more like a supprort beam look type like that in the wing commander 4 movie clips.

Here is a ideas i have that might make the mod tops.

1 bring back jump nodes
2 bring back letting the confed marine shuttle dock with carriers & confed HQ.
3 let all marine shuttles dock with confed carriers and hq
4 add a research HQ
( whats a research HQ?)
answer it is a confed HQ with two dry docks with the vesuvius and mount st hellens.
this gives the player the movie looks and feel.
5 the victory drydock.
6 giving confed the mt. st. hellens to be built after all it was in the game.
7 add a hospital ship as convoy or repair
8 maps of earth and other planets to even above ones to give extra cace combat.
example like worlords earth map then make a above for earth this way the player feels like they are fighting at a planet or above one.
9 add the kilrathi.

with these nine ideas it would be a wing commander dream come true.
it would out do other mods with original real content.

by the way will there be a wing commander 3 mod or wing comander 5 one?
I would like to see this done. I can help in terms of coding and texturing. Got previous experience in modding so, I hope the project isnt dead.

Good time to bump the thread in anycase. Heres hoping our fearless mod maker will pop up and talk a little about whats been going on these last couple months...