
Originally posted by Oggy
Confed can't really examine Neph tech properly cause pirates are bootlegging a lot of it around systems so they have all on preventing that, 'sides it infects people with a deadly virus, its hard to examine something that kills you in depth (they would have to use class 5 bio suits to research, and even then it might not work, the disease could be *gasp* sentient:eek: we just don't know enough about it, would you want to risk it finding out?)

"Yeah, Scully, it's me. I need your help out here in the Kilrah system. I need you to do an autopsy on this creature, and whatever you do, DON'T let Krycek know we're here..."
Originally posted by FrostyCOS1
Regarding that last tower we see tumbling through space after the first wormhole's collapse :

How could Confed miss something like that? It's pretty safe to assume Confed would want to study Neph technology (for weaknesses, tech that we could use,secrets of the wormhole, etc..), and I would think they would check out the giant piece of Neph debris tumbling through space. They woulda gone over that thing with a fine tooth comb. If Blair was on it, I'm pretty sure they would've found him.

I would like him to be alive as much as anyone else, but I don't think he was on that thing.

Well they didnt send Diesease control to Kilrah to check the debris and we all know what was on that. And they also have failed to stop a Black market of this debris. And to top all of this they also messed up big time by letting the bugs walk in Sol Sector and make a wormhole there. Confed seems to miss alot of big things.
Frankly, for being such a genius when it comes to flight tactics, carrier design development, etc etc, it always pissed me off greatly to see Blair walking all slow, prudent, and observant back to his shuttle when he damn well knew the wormhole was collapsing. Any human being with his instincts in tact would run like hell, not wait for death to drop from above. It's called the fight or flight response. Considering he was finished with the fighting, and the damned thing was about to blow, you make with the flight, or am I just misconstruing a human being's natural tendency towards self preservation?
Everybody. I was just trying to say...I don't think he was on the tumbling tower. If he was, the disease woulda killed him (maybe), or pirates would've found him. Whatever. Maybe it crashed into kilrah before anyone could get out to it.

Personally. I think he was on the tower that fell into the wormhole, still alive standing over a dead bug. If not, what a lame way to go (given he made the wormhole's destruction possible and all, but still.) I could understand if he "kamikaze torpedoed" the last tower, that would be cool. But for the scourge of Kilrah, I found something lacking.
If I recall correctly, LOAF once said that the writers admitted that they had planned a sequel, with Blair as the arch-nemisis.
Now me I would think just maybe you would want to run really fast, to quote Monty Python "Run away!". Besides I would think Mr Bug wouldn't be able to catch you once LC door was shut.
I love that movie! "1...2...5!!!" :p

BTW Thymer.. I think you e-mailed me but I accidentally deleted it... can I have your e-mail or could you e-mail me again please?

stiltek and the bugs use the same stuff the way they were studying everthing in sight.

Just try to remember the start of WCP the cat prophacy!
Originally posted by Darkwarrior
Maverick is not dead! If the cats can not kill him no bug can not kill him!

?????, I clearly stated that i think that Blair is NOT dead.
And you can edit your post with the EDIT button.
Originally posted by Darkwarrior
Oggy confed can examine the technology of a live ship instead of a dead one

I think that the bugs onboard might have something to say about a bunch of confed scientists trying to examine their ship
<scientist> "hi, we were just wondering if we could take a look at....."
<Nephilim>"Die man-creature"
I don't think examining a live ship is a realistic possibility given that the bugs almost wiped out Dekkers marines on one occasion and forced them to retreat to the landing craft, the bugs ain't carrying pea shooters thats for sure!.
Woah, woah, woah.

Confed hasn't been having any trouble researching captured Nephilim technology -- we see that throughout SO... the problem with the pirates contracting the virus is seperate -- they're not taking *all* the wreckage.

Further, Nephilim ships don't necessarily "live" and "die" -- they're just made out of organic materials... as is plastic.
Originally posted by Darkwarrior
Maverick is not dead! If the cats can not kill him no bug can not kill him!

One note, Ghost never said that, as he mentioned. Another note, that's a double negative and you've basically said a mosquito could suck him dry of blood and leave him dead on the ground with that very clever sentence.

And LOAF? Sacraficed? I'm confused. He was done wid his business. It's like they say, "If you're not gonna s*!$, get off the pot." He took his dump and shoulda ran for it in my opinion... no other sacrafice necessary lol. The bug he sacraficed himself to stay and fight woulda fried in the tower anyway, and he saved us from nothing basically lol. But that's just what I think.
There are a number of reasons Blair could have not rushed to escape. Maybe Blair wanted to stay behind and fight the Warlord. Blair actually was going pretty quick untill the bug came. And sometimes even the greatest heroes buy the farm. Who knows. That story Blair being evil and the origins of the Nephilim was indeed false.
Since ConFed has captured the Proxima Wormhole I think it is safe to assume that humanitys knowledge of the Nephilim and there origins are about to be greatly increased.
The Nephilim are more than likely not the Steltek. While the ICIS article does not rule them out (to lend a feel of fictional authenticity) I think the designers made it pretty clear that this race is not the Steltek and definitely not the Mantu. I also doubt this race is the one the Mantu fought because the Mantu is believed to be the victor. Also, there is know evidence to link the Nephilim to the race in Action Stations in the core (at least no compelling evidence thus far.) That is just as silly as saying that they are the Steltek. That the Nephilim come from the core just because they are an evil race is not solidely supported. But...I do not want to start that thing again:) .
aren't we not suppossed to talk about the Blair thing? Or was that just a suggestion in the rules?
It is a wise suggestion in the rules I would say. However,I think the main point of discussion is about why Blair was not able to escape the tower not on the issue of his current state of existence. However, I guess this is topic starting to walk a tenous line.