

Has anyone noticed the similarity between the Steltek ships of Privateer, and the Nephilim ships? What sparked it for me was the look of the 'arms' with green tips on the Tiamat, and the similar green areas on the steltek ships.
I think that was suggested a long time ago, leading to *speculation* that the Nephilim could be a creation of the Steltek gone horribly wrong.

I personally think that the two races were designed to be separate. I think we associate green with aliens, especially insectile ones, too much.

Also, the Steltek seems to have very bulbous, rounded designs. The Nephilim seem to have ships (capships, anyway) designed around points of seven.
All this may suggest that the Steltek and the Nephilim races are roughly at the same age, and/or borowed each others design. Other than that, chalk it up for reusing designs. They did it for SM1.5 and WC2.
Steltek scout appears to have 7 point design.

I agree, prolly just recycled ship ideas, but maybe the Nephilim are the steltek. They are certainly old enough to be so.

Maybe Brown-hair's little adventure in privateer that woke the drone triggered some sort of alert that awoke the mother-race (by this i mean alerted the race who built the thing).
alert the rest of them? :eek: AHHH NO!!!!



ok, just calm down now.... *takes my ritilin* thats better... :cool:
I think it's pretty safe to assume that the Steltek are not the Nephilim, since the WCP manual says something in that direction. And they look completely different.

BTW: Didn't the Steltek build the Drone activated in Priv? I am sure they did...
Yes, the WCP manual state very clear, the Steltek are not the Nephilim, and about the other thing you are also correct Mekt
Wow, I am correct two times in a row! :)

BTW: Ghost, I read your interested in Dune. I have a small question concerning Dune, would you give me your email-address? I wanted to ask Dralthi but he isn't present as often as he was some time ago.
Yes, the WCP manual state very clear, the Steltek are not the Nephilim . . .

No it doesn’t.

[M]aybe the Nephilim are the steltek. They are certainly old enough to be so.

We don’t know how “old” the Nephilim are. But if we assume they are the Kilrathi “star gods”, that takes us back only 4,000+ years. The Steltek, on the other hand, go back 2.4+ billion years. That’s a bit of a gap.:)
Originally posted by Nemesis

No it doesn’t.

True, it doesn't rule the possibility out that the Steltek were responsible for the destruction of all those installations.
But "So far there is no evidence to link the current threat with any civilization known."

Ghost: Thanks, I'll contact you.
I never got to finish Privateer, but from everything I have heard, we actually see a Steltek in that game, and it is some sort of lacy, energy-based being. (Anybody knows better, correction would be welcome.) At any rate, it didn't look anything like the bug that we got a good look at when Blair was fighting it.
"So far there is no evidence to link the current threat with any civilization known."

It’s too bad that statement is already dated. Wish we were privy to any updates, if only to learn there are none on the point.
Originally posted by Dralthi5
Mekt, you could've asked. I'm here everyday, I would've seen it, I just don't post all the time.

It didn't seem right to me to post "Say, where is Dralthi, I need his address?" in the middle of a thread. :)

I needed an excuse to post something thread relevant and then include my question and the opportunity was given here when Ghost agreed with my previous statements.
But it's good to know that you are always watching... ;)
I read a interview that some of the Game creaters had and they say that then Nephilim were one of Three races controled by some entity.
Originally posted by Fenris
I never got to finish Privateer, but from everything I have heard, we actually see a Steltek in that game, and it is some sort of lacy, energy-based being. (Anybody knows better, correction would be welcome.) At any rate, it didn't look anything like the bug that we got a good look at when Blair was fighting it.

Hmm, I don't knwo what "lacy" means (and the dictionary is my brother's bedroom who is already asleep) and I never considered the Steltek looking energy-based. Problem is, I have serious problems in describing how the Steltek looks in Priv. He (or it) looks..., well, very alien and definately not similiar to the Nephilim, that's right. :)

The Nephilim being a slave race (or worker race or whatever) controlled by a higher race is a popular imagination. It would explain why the Nephilim are a bit dumb, the famous "mother creature" that is always mentioned and the overall bug-ant colony impression they make would make it fitting. (Bah, horrible sentence but I am too lazy to refine it. ;))