Midway Class: Undergunned?

Originally posted by Supdon3
Well im sure that it reall depends on the cruiser's current mission is at the moment, defense, offense, patrol duty, picket duty.

Not really. A frontline ships duty could change at any moment. You cannot suddenly switch the fighter complement at a moments notice. Which means the fighters should really be selected to supplement the weaknesses of the cruiser, regardless. To me that is patrol (Piranha) and space superiority (Panther). Piranhas have the advantage that they won't take up much room of the cruisers small flightdeck.

The booster pack on the Wasp is a nice toy, but it is expendable (i.e. takes up storage space) and the Wasp cannot really be used in offensive missions like a Panther could. The Plunkett is really very fast for a cruiser so it can buy itself extra intercept time by heading in the other direction at top speed.
true, the booster pack is but a toy. good toy, though. but why have piranhas? they really suck, id rather have tigersharks, cos of the adjustable mass driver. they arent that much bigger, if at all i dont think.
That's because you need them for scouting, escorting, when you need a person somewhere fast.

The Pirahna is fast, the wasp also but without the booster he's a bit faster then a tigershark.
I'd tend to avoid Wasps. I believe they're a short-range interceptor. Justifying a position for a strict interceptor on a limited flightdeck is difficult. I'd stick with Panthers - they would do the intercept job nearly as well, and other roles much better.

Similar argument for the Tigershark. The Tigershark is nice because it is versatile - it does a lot of roles reasonably well. Personally, I'd prefer to have stick with Panthers 'cos they would do most jobs better. I would probably also stick with a small number of Piranhas, simply because their max speed is significantly greater. They would fulfil the scouting and fast-intercept role much better then the Tigershark. Their excellent speed & manouvreability, plus the stormfire cannon, makes them excellent dogfighters against light enemy fighters. If there's serious fighting to be done, you send the Panther wing.
If anyone actually rememebers that mission on SO in Ella, the fighters that jump with the Murpys and the Plunkett are.......


And that makes sense, since its a multirole fighter and the Plunkett cannot have a lot of fighters aboard.
Tigersharks do make sence, but since the Plunketts are front line battle ships the fighters would be primarily emergency defence ships. As such they would need interceptor class ships
Certianly not Wasps... they have a much shorter range that other fighters. Excals would make sense, asside from being over 30 meters long, since with their matter/anitmatter plants they have a longer range, and they can jump which would allow them to scout ahead into other systems.
Tigersharks can jump as well, as Panthers and Vampires....
In fact I think that besides the Wasp all the new fighters in WC P can jump.
No Wasps?

THe whole point of the Wasp is point defense... And honestly, I know if i was a Midway captain, I'd feel a lot safer knowing that a squad of these can boost out to engage those incoming enemy bombers at a much further range. Besides that, Wasps are the smallest Confed fighter(without booster loaded) and would not sacrifice any room on the flight deck. Now the Black Wasp is another story entirely. Even if I was a PLunkett captain, there would be room on board for a few of these... No fighter i've flown has had a gun armament as effective(and DAMNED entertaining) as the Black Wasp's two dust cannon, two cloudburst armament. Throw in those nifty little Swarmers, and that little lady is one hell of a heartbreaker. I'm willing to bet that (after the booster is ejected) that a Black Wasp would be able to dog it with a Vamp and come out on top(well, at least if I'm flying it...). The fact is, larger ships need long-range patrol craft... smaller cruisers and destroyers don't, because they are equipped for patrolling themselves. Generally they have short-range CAP fighters as escorts but that's it. And another thing, they sent Wasps out form the midway to recon the Nephilim gate at Kilrah, and that was still a ways away too.
With a single (or less) squadron of fighters, smaller capships tend to mount medium fighters -- Rapiers on the Exeters, Hellcats on the Tallahassee's... a good bet for the Plunkett's compliment might be Tigersharks (the exception would be the Waterloo -- which carried several squadrons of Epee's and Ferrets). You probably *wouldn't* find something like a Wasp or a large bomber onboard a cruiser, because of the space required to maintain such ships.
I must agree dragonmage on all your points, that is why I am a fan of the Black Wasp, in all of WCP it is my favorite fighter
Note that you're talking about the Black Op's Wasp there guys, not the Vanilla variety which you would find on most ships.
Sure, but he's not going to be flying them off a Plunkett is he :p .... unless it's a black ops Plunkett of course :cool:

[Edited by AzraeL on 02-27-2001 at 02:36]
The Plunkett is a cruiser built to deal with capships so it would not have a need for strong bomber forces, so what fighters put on it? I woul tend to a mix of Wasps and Panthers. They are both relatively small and cope eith most missions (except strikes on large Capships).
And the "Black" Wasp is awesome, almost too good. I usally switch off the Cloudburst and only shoot with the Dust cannons to save energy for those. And as they are placed in the middle of the fighter they really wreak havoc. :)
The dust cannons do all the work. Take out the shields, eat the armor and then comes the cloudburst to fininsh the job. But 8 swarmers is a bit much to me. Ok, those guns and the missile load-out makes the ship to good.
A Black Wasp and a Black Vamp going at it? Hmm be one heck of a dogfight! But I would have to favor the Vamp, that puppy has one heck of a roll rate, which any improvement in roll improves your yaw, end result, turn faster and get behind ur enemy quicker! Not dicing the wasp by any shot, that bird has a sting that will hurt!!
