if you could design a wing commander game

The WC1/2 Kilrathi are the best. The Privateer Kilrathi face was also good.
My problem with the WC3 Kilrathi was, while they did not look that bad, they reminded just too much of monkeys. Thus, when they yelled at me in combat that I was an ape, I couldn't take them serious. The WC4 Melek was strange, just strange. Reminded me of a Gremlin, don't know why...
I had the the official movie magazine long before I saw the movie. So I was prepared that the Kilrathi (and the rest) wopuld be completely different from whatever I saw in the games. But when I read Freddie Prinze's comment that the Kilrathi were the best animatronics he had ever seen, I was filled with hope. But when I saw the Kilrathi, I found them to be one of the worst aliens I ever saw. So clumsy...
I thought the WCIII cats were ok. I just think the change between WCIII and WCIV with Melek was "too obvious". But they both seemed fine. Hobbes looked alot more like a real Kilrathi than the rest, might have been the costume coloring or something, but looked more convincing.

Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

Franco-German Kilrathi please.
Still sad because they made only fun of you because of your cute little Panda ? <g>
Picky huh? ;)

I think all the Kilrathi from the games were ok... EXCEPT the movie ones...
I just can't picture hairless Kilrathi... :eek:
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
The WC3 ones never struck me as being particularly fake... but, apparently, it bugged the heck out of Chris Roberts.
Really? WC3 Kilrathi are my favourite, then WC2.

How hard is it to experiment on paper, then make a puppet/CGI model of it? :)
Originally posted by Wedge009
Poor Q.You'll tell us when you have finally vanquished the silliness, won't you?
Oh yeah, you'll hear me ;). What I don't understand though, is this - if the changed April Fools images stick for so long, then why was I able to see them in the first place? I mean, with this silly proxy cache problem, I shouldn't have even noticed April Fools :).
Er...going back to the original topic of this post...

Someone might have already mentioned this, since I didn't have time to read through all 17 pages of the thread, but there was a Wing Commander book (I have it, but not with me, and I forgot the name) that had the characters using a captured Kilrathi supercarrier on a mission in Kilrathi space. Although there wasn't a lot of actual combat in it, if that story was changed a little to leave a little more room for gameplay, I think that would make a REALLY good game. Putting the player in a command role between battles might add to the challenge, since just keeping the already-heavily-damaged Kilrathi ship running would, like in the book, be a large obstacle on its own.
How about a Wing Commander game a la Strike Commander? I liked the idea of having my own merc squadron, buying ordinance, and travelling around in a C-130...
As a April's fool some images of cute little animals were placed instead of the rank insignia. I missed that time, so I did not realize that but the insignia for the 2dn Lt was a little kitten looking at his bowl. Now these animals have been replaced again with the real insignias, but Quarto and I still have that kitten instead of the real 2nd Lt insignia. And we can't get rid of them, no matter how often we clear the cache. (That is the case for me, I assume Q has the same problem)

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 04-26-2001 at 12:29]
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
As a April's fool some images of cute little animals were placed instead of the rank insignia. I missed that time, so I did not realize that but the insignia for the 2dn Lt was a little kitten looking at his bowl. Now these animals have been replaced again with the real insignias, but Quarto and I still have that kitten instead of the real 2nd Lt insignia. And we can't get rid of them, no matter how often we clear the cache. (That is the case for me, I assume Q has the same problem)

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 04-26-2001 at 12:29]

you STILL have those? you got problems.
Originally posted by DarthMole
How about a Wing Commander game a la Strike Commander? I liked the idea of having my own merc squadron, buying ordinance, and travelling around in a C-130...

What's the added bonus over a standart Privateer/Solo effort? As much as I liked SC, I always preffered not having to look out for my squad mates in SC, or my cargo ship in P2.
Flying solo in Privateer = No sexy traitor wingmen.
Flying with a squadron in Strike Commander = Sexy traitor wingmen.

And that makes all the difference!
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Flying solo in Privateer = No sexy traitor wingmen.
Flying with a squadron in Strike Commander = Sexy traitor wingmen.

And that makes all the difference!

you don't get out much do you?
LOaf, couldn't you just get the Mac version of Super Wing Commander and then emulate it on a pc? instead of getting a 3do machine.