I bring good news

I don't believe a 'petition' style letter would work -- they're too easy to fake, they're not particularly memorable and they're a pain. The best thing to do would be for everyone to e-mail EA seperately... we can post a form letter and contact info at the CIC, if you want.

The last 'attempt' was an online petition (big warning flag *right there*) that basically demanded EA give them something for free... we want them to make new games, not give away free industry secrets.

Woa Manjana, You're talking like you've seen the "light" or something ! You don´t have to be so radical. Sure there are millions of things out there to be seen, games to be played, but there no harm in coming here and talk about our favorite game. You've got a point in saying that some guys in here are...humm... obcessed with WC. It's true, I don't like it either (believe me, I've been menaced so many times with beeing banned, that I don't care anymore), but what can I do? I love WC since the first time I saw it back in 91, and this is the only place to talk about it. As for loosing interest in WC as you get older...It's not true (believe me, I'm 26, and YES, I do have a life). The problem is, some guys don´t consider WC as a hobbie anymore but more like a religion, and they tend to trash anybody that doesn't agree with them. And that´s BAD. One more thing, the Admn. are doing a fantastic job with this place, and I'm sure that if one of these days another WC game comes out, in part will be because of them (even if they think that they are always right ;) ).
Wing Commander Prophecy, retitled:

Wing Commander: Where was the Ka-Boom? There was supposed to be an Earth shattering Ka-Boom!!!

Starring Marvin the Martian as Lt Lance Casey...
I have seen what??? Ey crass, alter do you know I am on LSD, ha! Or was it Shit that I cracked last night?
Or the alcohol I drank? Or maybe god offered himself to me (I don't believe in him)...no nothing of that. I also just understood what it brings to me to post here....you have three attemps to think of the result. That's why I am so radical!
It's the result of my logical thinking.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I don't believe a 'petition' style letter would work -- they're too easy to fake, they're not particularly memorable and they're a pain. The best thing to do would be for everyone to e-mail EA seperately... we can post a form letter and contact info at the CIC, if you want.

The last 'attempt' was an online petition (big warning flag *right there*) that basically demanded EA give them something for free... we want them to make new games, not give away free industry secrets.


Thanks, LOAF, a "form letter" (I understand this to be an example letter in "correct english") and contact info would be very helpful because I think there are many WC fans (including me:)) whose english I not so good that we could write a letter of "the style that EA would respect"

BTW, who's Jumper?
Hehe, Jumper is the guy who did the 'engine source code release petition' and disappeared angrily because Origin wasn't "respecting" him, or somesuch.

Anyway, that's pretty much what a form letter is -- I'll write one and get it put at the CIC.
At this rate, does any letter of any type have any hope of putting a dent in someones head up there at EA regarding any new WC game? Seems to be no light at the end of that tunnel!

Not a chance.

Besides that, WRCEERSPC showed us that very few people care enough to do something as simple as signing a petition. How many will care enough to copy/paste the form letter, add their name, and e-mail it? I'm guessing 70-100.

But it wouldn't make a difference anyway.
What if they just license the name Wing Commander and allow someone to create a new WC game with totally new code and engine? Im guessing that probably was already pitched to them and they said no. :(

No, they still believe in Wing Commander. They're just not doing anything with it right now. They won't let it go.
Originally posted by KrisV
Besides that, WRCEERSPC showed us that very few people care enough to do something as simple as signing a petition. How many will care enough to copy/paste the form letter, add their name, and e-mail it? I'm guessing 70-100.
I disagree... if the right people get the petition, it could get pretty big... Thing is, you won't really sign a petition if you don't care at all whether Wing Commander is continued or not...

So the objective here is to get the petition to Wingnuts, or occasional gamers that happen to like the WC series (without being necessarily like us).

How to do that? Well, contact certain computer magazines... in which such a demand could be made. OR, since such magazines usually have a website (with a related FORUM or CHAT, like this one), go post a thread up there to get additional "signatures" from gamers...

If everybody does his part, this could get very big (have u seen Pay it Forward ;)).

Problem is, as Kris said, a petition won't do much... we'll actually have to harass EA/OSI with letters, and by "harass" I mean in the positive sense, like overwhelm them with letters, so that they finally decide to move their ass...

Because as it is, they probably already know that there IS a fairly big community of WC fans out there, but apparently not big enough for them to release anything at the moment...

It must be said that the "success" of the movie did not help much in advertising the brand... :(
The fact that we posted a lot of requests to sign the petition on the news should have been a major influence. As for the movie bit, you know that's nonsense.
Originally posted by KrisV
As for the movie bit, you know that's nonsense.
Oh, I know, but general buyers don't :(

Of course, the serious gamer won't stop with the prejudice of the movie, but you can't deny that there is a minority (which turns out to be pretty big after all) that don't know that WC existed before the movie came out, and that go with the rule "video games adapted from movies generally suck"... Sad, but true... :(
What are you talking about? A movie is a movie. Why would a movie you didn't enjoy keep you from buying the next instalment of a game series you love? That just doesn't make sense, and EA thinks the same way. Hell, most of the people pulling the strings probably don't even know there was a movie.
Originally posted by KrisV
Why would a movie you didn't enjoy keep you from buying the next instalment of a game series you love?
Of course not!! Not if you put it that way, because you're actually talking about a series you know ALREADY...

But Kris, you can't ignore these facts: who are the most "playing" community of videogames? Young people!!
And among these young people, there are the youngest who haven't even heard "WING COMMANDER" before the movie came out... Therefore, you can't deny that there will be an amount of these youngsters that will be inhibited from buying the game, conversely if the movie had been a success, there would have been perhaps more buying the game...

Now perhaps that "amount" will be insignificant to the total number of people that will buy the movie, but it remains that an effect nonetheless...
WCESCRP was *completely* wrong -- it was the wrong request, sent in the wrong manner, in the wrong format to the wrong people.

I'm not saying that a regular paper letter will definately help anything -- just the opposite, probably -- but it can't hurt, and at least sending a bunch of them to EA executives will let them know how we feel.
Engine Source Code Release Project... essentially an over-glorified e-mail demanding that Origin give some people the source code for various WC titles.
Wow... "P" stands for "Project"... this is top-class! :) I thought it was merely "Petition"...

But obviously, Origin are not Valve Studios, so a WC-like of what happened with "Counter Strike" will never see the day... :(
Originally posted by mpanty
But Kris, you can't ignore these facts: who are the most "playing" community of videogames? Young people!!
Judging by the earnings, In estimate 12 young people went and saw the movie. :)