Fav Wc4 Character

I think everyone turned the cockpt off when playing (more view area), so they spared themselves the trouble of making them in the first place.

I know I always turn them off in every game.
Unless you're Wonder Woman, you can't turn off the cockpit in a real fighter, so I don't do it in the games.
McGruff said:
Unless you're Wonder Woman, you can't turn off the cockpit in a real fighter, so I don't do it in the games.

600 years is plenty of time to get beyond the current HUD setups of today's fighters, into full-view virtual displays that could edit out physical vision obstructions like a cockpit, to increase pilot visibility.
Edfilho said:
I think everyone turned the cockpt off when playing (more view area), so they spared themselves the trouble of making them in the first place.

That was Origin's reasoning, that most fans didn't like the cockpits and got rid of them, so Origin made the HUD displays and didn't waste memory with modeled cockpits. I, however, prefer the cockpit view, as do many flight sim fans.
A few faves

Well, I thought Pliers was funny as hell, and how can you not like Tom Wilson? The guy always kept me laughing. I would say it is a three way tie between Maniac, Pliers and Eisen. I don't know.....I really appreciate quality acting in a game, and those guys were the best, in my opinion.

Edfilho said:
I think everyone turned the cockpt off when playing (more view area), so they spared themselves the trouble of making them in the first place.
I know I always turn them off in every game.

I never turn of cockpits. I even played Freelancer from the cockpit perspective.

Only exception would be if we are talking about tournament, PvP conditions. In that case everything that helps and is legal will of course be used.
I agree with Death (never happened before). When I was young and didn't know better, I actually tried to design new fighters concepts for WC. One of the things I came up with was a completely transparent cockpit, the pilot would be inside a dome (like the nose fof the Longbow) and every gauge, control and display would be either holographic or projected on the "glass" (probably some kind of transparent durasteel)...

regarding the games, why would I force myself to clog my view area with fancy graphics? When piloting in games, we have a severely impaired situational awareness, when compared to a fighter pilot, who can turn his neck and look around easily... therefore, we must optimize the limited tunnel vision we have.

Of course, you can play however you like, i'm just explaining my reasoning.

finally, piloting in FL inside the cockpit sucks hard, the game wasn't really made to be played that way.
Edfilho said:
Now that's the saddest thread I've ever seen. Eech.
Ok, those actresses are cute, I think they're pretty too, but, ferchrissakes, keep your jaws from hitting the floor, please.

My fave WC4 charac... Hummm. that would be... aside from the ones in WC4.18378721381, i think pliers is cool. and panther too.
read the ww2ol forums thats sad :cool:
I find their "inertial" late movement in relation to your flying sometimes disturbs my piloting, but true, I often leave the cockpit struts on.
Yeah those are cool but doesn't make much sense, since the cockpit structure is moving in relation to the fixed gun position. To be "realistic", this possition, ie, the crosshair would have to move too (since what's actually moving, supposedly, is the pilot and not the cockpit, unless it's made of a really maleable material), but then it would get too complicated.
See, it is confusing =)
but they are not really a cockpit in the same sense as WC1-3 ones, they just the "struts".
1. Tie between Blair, Melek, Pliers, and Dekker
2. Panther
3. Sosa
4. Hawk
5. Catscratch
6. Vagabond
7. Eisen
8. Paladin (I loved that bit at the end where he says to Maniac: "Maniac, shut up!")
9. Maniac
Been awhile since I last played WC4...but here goes my top 3:

1: Vagabond
2: Tolwyn (good idea...bad methodology)
3: Catscratch