Commodities wanted! for WC Universe

Originally posted by Darkmage
no Kilrathi pelts, Imagine what they would do if you were flying in Kilrathi controlled space and they caught you with that!

but i would buy a kilrathi pelt. theres a market. you should be the supply.

*sees mekkit coming. hides*
Originally posted by Darkmage
That's where I got the Idea from seaquest dsv that and why the hell would synthi meat exist if you could have real meat.

Aaargh! This is driving me insane! No matter how many times I clear my cache, I'm still talking to a cute little kitten! How the hell am I supposed to take anything you say seriously, if you're a kitten? :)

Seriously though, Seaquest DSV is very, very different to WC - Seaquest does not deal with planetary exploration. Common sense tells us that if you've got access to so many planets that you've got virtually unlimited space and edible species (both plant and animal) available at your disposal, you will eat meat. And certainly, there's no reason why ordinary meat would be illegal even if it was hard to get - I mean, what, are papyrus-based scrolls illegal just because we've got wood-pulp paper?
And in case you haven't realised, synthi-meat, much like everything else in P2, was a joke. Just read the description Nemesis posted - who could possibly take that seriously?
Wing Commander deals with exploration... Yeah right! If by exploring you mean making people die, then I guess you must be right!!! Hell... Exploration is barely even mentioned in Wing Commander other than a ship here or there.

It's just synthi meat, get over it, sheesh, ok under new CSPCA regulations animals are not allowed to be killed unless utterly necessary, Happy now, sheeesh....
No, I'm not happy - it doesn't make any sense. If you so desperately need another item to put on the black market list, then at least come up with something logical. I for one do not believe that humans would ever allow a bunch of... cat-lovers :)D)... to destroy several thousand years of culinary heritage. Remember how well the alcohol prohibition worked in the US?
Well obviously not everyone was behind it, just a bunch of influential high minded people who really didnt think things through.
Originally posted by Quarto
Aaargh! This is driving me insane! No matter how many times I clear my cache, I'm still talking to a cute little kitten! How the hell am I supposed to take anything you say seriously, if you're a kitten? :)
Really? That's gotta hurt! :)
Darkmage, about alcohol prohibition...thats Americans for ya :D

Loaf, can't you try and change American society, its getting really f***ed...can't you make it more like Australia's? Or at least Europes? Because its taking everyone down with it! :)
No no no no no no, redwolf, stop it, please. You're giving Aussies a bad name. Americans can stay as they are. The only problem is when others try to emulate them.
I've lived in both the US and Europe, and haven't really found much of a difference in the societies -- just in the way they're shown on TV.
I do not think badly of Americans the only thing I wish they would change is their foreign policy, they should Piss off and leave everyone alone before they start world war 3
Just look at the spy plane incident recently if they had just minded their own Damn business none of that would have happened, and if I see the us sell any more weapons to a country which then turns into another Iraq I am gonna spew, if they keep doing that then the country that will neeed eraticating will be the US
I'm sure the US wouldn't feel the need to spy on China, if China didn't spy on the US... the US isn't soley responsible for its foreign policy -- the rest of the world spies one eachother, too.

(And, of course, the US was only one of several countries that went to war with Iraq...)
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I've lived in both the US and Europe, and haven't really found much of a difference in the societies -- just in the way they're shown on TV.

Well, actually there ARE much differences between the US and Europe. First, we have many different languages, and differences between the countries are significant, even though we have the same religion (I have lived in Germany and Denmark, and there are a lot of differences)

In Europe, we have social security systems and medical care for everyone (again there are differences between the countries)

Our democratic systems are different from the US, too, we have much more parties and so on (Well the UK are close to the US, but Germany, Denmark, Belgium, France and others have another system)

Education is very different from the US, too

But you are right, it is still the same civilisation.
I dont know if you've heard the term "melting pot" before but the US is full of people who speak different languages. And one end of the country is very different from the other end. The west coast has rainforests, south west has deserts and mountain ranges, the midwest is farmland, the south is very tropical, and then the east has completley different mountains but a more temperate climate that fluctuates between winter and summer. The US has pieces of all the cultures of Europe and elsewhere. In fact we're made up of people who came from everywhere else (not counting the Native Americans)
The US is *full* of people who don't speak English... Spanish is very common, as are many other languages. It's not so divided into specific regions as Europe is, but it's very, very common to find people who don't speak English.

The people themselves, though, *aren't* different -- they're the same sorts of people with the same sorts of values, not the cliched stereotypes you see on TV. To decide that Americans are all horrible pigs because that's what they're like on sitcoms would be to believe that all French people are chefs. :)
I wasn't talking about the US going to war with Irag, did you know that the us originally saw Iran as a threat just because Iran was a big country in the Middle East? the US gave CHEMICAL Weapons to Iraq so that the Iraqi's could do the United States dirty work for them, in eliminating Iran as a threat.