Best and Worst WC acting?

Originally posted by Col.Dom

I think that Jennifer MacDonald (Flint *dr00lz*) did an excellent job. She got emotions across quite well.

Yep, she sure displayed more emotion than the standard video game actor!
I don't think the WC series has the best actors even in video games... Eisen is really good, and not just by video-game standards, but he's an exception, not a rule. The game's script isn't the best, either— in fact, it's so far from naturalistic as to make the script of the WC Movie seem believable(wretching sound of a horribly dissapointed fan). But then, most of us don't play the game for the cut scenes, do we? I mean, we play to fly, and the series has always been the best when it comes to the flight— and the acting/writing has always been adequate enough for us to develop a bond to the story. Lots of games have better actors, though. Much better.
Originally posted by Lelapinmechant
But then, most of us don't play the game for the cut scenes, do we...the acting/writing has always been adequate enough for us to develop a bond to the story.

Of course it's all dependant on your opinion but half the reason I play the series is because of the story. I think the stories are a bit more than adequate, as fun as WC is to fly I don't think it would have held my interest this long without them...
Originally posted by Lelapinmechant

I don't know it, so I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not. Sorry. However, I will say that the acting in Riven was downright spectacular!

Oh, I was being sarcastic, all right ;)

The acting was terrible in all of them. Definitely give them a play. I know Shockwave and Shockwave: Operation Jumpgate are available on the PSX on one disc (Shockwave: Assault, I think is what they dubbed it). The biggest difference is the increase in FMV quality and that all missions take place at night (opposite 3DO's "let's surprise the aliens by attacking in stealth planes DURING THE BROAD DAY!"). I'm not sure if Shockwave 2: Beyond the Gate was released on PSX.

The games and cliched storyline, I thought, were good. The acting... ugh :(
Originally posted by Happy
Nobody mentioned John Ryes-Davis. I thought he did a good job in 3&4. He often did better than Hamill.

That is an awfully subjective comment.
Originally posted by Soma

Of course it's all dependant on your opinion but half the reason I play the series is because of the story. I think the stories are a bit more than adequate, as fun as WC is to fly I don't think it would have held my interest this long without them...

Now wait... I didn't knock the story. I love the story. I just said I didn't think it was well-written or acted. It was, however, well conceived. The plot itself is one of the more interesting in games. It's the presentation of said plot, the execution of it, that I think could be far better... Even by computer game standards.