Best and Worst WC acting?


Avenging Rooster
Please comment on who do you think did the best and worst acting in WC games. I think there were some great performances from Blair (Hamill), Maniac (Wilson) and Vagabond. I think Vaquero and Flash were pretty bad, though.
best has got to go to any tolwyn performance/speech Malcolm McDowell gives. His performances just reek of arrogance and superiority, but you still have that respect for him. Even in WC4, you still can respect him ( the man has charisma when speaking) and even pity him in the end.

Worst, I'd have to go with the CAG in WC:prophecy. She just never could get into anything. If we were under attack, the "air" of the breifing would be the same as if we were going out on patrol. Now Eisen, that man could give a breifing!

Agree totally about the CAG, she flatenned out WCP to a point more teious than just the computer voice would have been :P

Now I think I'd have to give the best performance to either the very under rated Vagabond, especially for his role in WCIV short lived as it may have been, Sosa (I'm full of unexpected opinions today it seems) or Mark Hamill for WCIV (he was merely suitable in the other games).
But despite all these options I give the award to Eisen, he didn't have the most exciting lines of the games but he came out seeming sincere and well... human which sometimes actors don't in sci fi, like they cut off that side of the brain.

As for the worst... that has got to go to the Kilrathi in the movie "Thats not the confederation fleet! *face remains plastically still" or if I can't pick a guy in a rubber suit then its Rosie from the film, something about her voice just really grated.
worst... the engineer in prophecy, I wasn't surprised when I found out she was an ex porn star...

Best? Tolwyn was good, and I think the guy who played casey in prophecy did good with "script" in prohecy
Originally posted by Conrad
worst... the engineer in prophecy, I wasn't surprised when I found out she was an ex porn star...

Yep, I only found that out after I played WCP. I think she acted normally in WC3, but in WCP she looks and talks like a porn star.

I think Vaquero and Patricia Drake (CAG in WCP) were awful.

I really liked Vagabond and Maniac was always hilarious.
Originally posted by Conrad
Best? Tolwyn was good, and I think the guy who played casey in prophecy did good with "script" in prohecy

Just out of curiosity, have you played WC3?
Jason Bernard as Eisen really did a fantastic job. As for worst? Hmm.. I don't want to waste this one... Well, a lot of people fell were given weirdo lines that made them appear worse than they were, but I figure Mindy Hester's performance as LtCmdr. Finley was painful enough for me that I'd pick her.

Prophecy was irritating though, because I could never tell if Casey was humping Finley or Stiletto, or both of them.
Good: McDowell as Tolwyn but it shouldn't count since that was some serious typecasting. Eisen was great. I also was plesantly surprised by Holly Gagnier as Velina Sosa.

Bad: Seether was very silly but was still fun to watch. Chris Roberts shouldn't give up his day job. Josh Lucas as Flash gives me all sorts of hurt.
Best: Maniac
Worst: Seether - that evil laugh was just too corney but I suppose the director/writer has to share some of the blame.
Best: Tom Wilson (Maniac) and Jason Bernard (Eisen). Absolute best: Malcolm McDowell (Tolwyn)
Worst: Seether maybe... I haven't played Prophecy a lot, but the few acting scenes I saw were pretty bad...
Originally posted by Frosty
Prophecy was irritating though, because I could never tell if Casey was humping Finley or Stiletto, or both of them.
Heh, I wondered the same thing, although it seemed that Stiletto was pretty standoffish towards Casey. (Eww, plebe germs!" :p)
Hey quit knocking blair! After his performance in WCIV he should have your ever lasting respect!
Best: Jason Bernard as Eisen, he was great, can't put any other way. Peter Jason as Wilford, I love it when he yells at Casey.

Worst: Robert Rusler as Seether, all his lines are painful.