Best and Worst WC acting?

Best: Malcolm McDowell, if you hated it when you saw Dr. Soran kill Kirk, see Tolwyn's little speech on Humanities future on WC4.
Worst: Seether and the rookies of the Midway. Hopefully they will be arrested for overacting and be sent to Terra for punishment :D
best: Eisen, Tolwyn, Maniac, vagabond
Worst: Rachel in WCP, CAG in WCP, Flash, stilletto, dallas, blair in P (was good in other 2), and pretty much everyone else from WCP <g>
Yes, that guy doesn´t make any advice or something, i think that he is the reason to have a self-bar in WC4 and WCP :(
One of the worst actors was Casper Van Dien in WC4, also a notable mention to Casey when he spits out his shot of BoomBoom before it's in his mouth...
Seether's characater sucked. He was wrapped up in himself way too much to be a decent character. Another character who sucked was Captain Paulson. I forget his real name but in WC4 his acting was terrible. I've seen him in actual movies and he is capable of much better performances.

Peter Jason and Jason Bernard play excellent parts in the two games they were both involved in.
Originally posted by Soma
One of the worst actors was Casper Van Dien in WC4 (...)
It's obvious you don't like Van Dien :), but to claim he's one of the worst actors in WC4 when you only see him in one scene is a bit too much...
Best: Blair (okay, Prophecy migght not have been his best work, but WC3/WC4 more than makes up for that.)

Worst: Finlay in WC:P. Much as I dislike Seether, I don't think that he was ever intended to be a 3 dimensional character. He was meant to be the out and out bad guy, someone you could hate as the worst aspect of the uber-men, and he did a good job of carrying that off.

Best, Raptor
I don't understand why so many of you think so poorly of Hamill. Sure, his acting might not be the best (especially in WCP), but I just think it's incredibly brilliant that they cast him as Blair. :)

Originally posted by Frosty
Finley was painful enough for me that I'd pick her.

Prophecy was irritating though, because I could never tell if Casey was humping Finley or Stiletto, or both of them.
Heh, heh. It seems to me that WCP in general was pretty poor in the acting department, minus Maniac and Wilford. Hmm, Dekker was okay too... sometimes.

I have to agree with the votes for McDowell and Benard for the Best WC Actor award, though.
Hamill made a great Blair, in that Blair is supposed to have no personality whatsoever. He won't win the great actor award for that, though... <G>
Originally posted by Wedge009
In that case, WC1 Bluehair makes the best Blair. :)

Disagree -- his later-added thick southern accent gives him more personality than does Hamill. :) (Well, I don't disagree that he's the best Blair... but based on the requirements stated below...)
Wait... accent? This implies speech... is this another one of those extremely rare extras you have, or from some other platform?
Originally posted by Wedge009
Wait... accent? This implies speech... is this another one of those extremely rare extras you have, or from some other platform?

Well, I was referring to WC2's intro... but Blair talks in several different console ports.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Hamill made a great Blair, in that Blair is supposed to have no personality whatsoever. He won't win the great actor award for that, though... <G>

Agreed. He played an everyman a bit too well; so well, you wonder if he's acting at all...

...And then the way he hit that bottle in WC3 makes me wonder if he could drink William Holden and Sean Connery under the table in a game of Beer Pong.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

Well, I was referring to WC2's intro... but Blair talks in several different console ports.
Wedge was referring to WC1 Bluehair though, wasn't he?