Best and Worst WC acting?

Explanation was never my strong point, I would like to point out that the middle hour was also visually very much like Blade Runner which leads me to believe that they were concious of the plot similarities whilst producing the film.

As for 2001 I should explain... 2001 intentionally had a confusing and bewildering ending to attempt to seperate its self from the crowd, it is the ending that most people remember, A.I. tried to do the same thing, unfortunatley there was a infact a meaning behind 2001s ending, in AI they'd just seperated it from the crowd by making it as ridiculous as possible
Dallas was a pretty well-developed character, but you have to have that love for someone to really draw you emotionally into the game.

Everything else was just bad acting, the kind that makes you want to turn away from the screen so you don't have to watch them muddle through the scene. WCP was the passing of the torch game, with characters trying to emulate great ones from the past. The relics from other games were there in the same respect that Shatner, Doohan, and Koenig were in ST:Generations, to give the series over to a new "crew". Casey would become the new "Blair", insubordinate, passionate, and one hell of a pilot. Maestro would become the new "Maniac", funny, arrogant, self-assured, great pilot, with no emotional content whatsoever (comic-relief). Stilleto would be the new "Angel/Flint" character, headstrong, beautiful, independent and another good pilot (future love interest).

While still a fun game to play, WCP was just the second leg in a relay race. From my point though, they seemed to have dropped the baton.

Prophecy Acting

While there is absolutely no denying that the acting in Prophecy was sub-par compared to III and IV, they were also a relatively minor role in the actual game. While III and IV were story driven games where the movies were supposed to be an integral part of the action (a lot of people say IV was just a movie game with some flight missions thrown in), Prophecy is completely driven by the missions, not the movies. So, it's kind of unfair to compare them to III and IV, when it's probably more along the lines of I and II.

Though some of the characters still lose out. The CAG. Ach.
Quarto: I don't think there were any brave attempts to do anything storywise. The story to WCP was fairly simplistic. Also by killing off the characters who had development (Dallas & Hawk) they were simply shooting themselves in the foot. I mean Maestro's meant to be your best friend. But at the end of WCP, just how much does the player know about him? The best thing they could've done was cut down the number of characters, say the Captain, Rachel, that comm officer, Dekker, Spyder and concentrate the development on Casey's close circle of friends. That IMHO would've been more effective.

Lack: I object to you lumping WC2 with WCP in terms of story. The acting may have been of equivalent quality, but WC2 had a far superior story.
Originally posted by Wedge009
In that case, WC1 Bluehair makes the best Blair.

Well, let me see... He has the classic conversation with his CAG back then where he plays along and talks about killing Maniac. That, in itself, qualifies as "good acting". Well, good story, in any case.

I liked Blair in 3 and 4. He tried the whole Morale thing, and Hamill did a good job of trying to be Mr. Charisma. But, of course, Eisen kept everyone's hopes up all story, so, I guess the award goes to him.

Dallas, and hawk were really the only people who got plot advanced in WC:P. Dallas, getting psyched for a real battle, and then, well, dying, as has been said all along. But, Hawk, with his past, still managed a few choice scenes with Casey which should qualify Hawk (and not the actor who still did a good job, but you'll see why the Char gets a higher score in a second) for "Best Actor".

Take a pilot. Add combat training. Add years of experience. Add your home planet being blown up by the Cats. Now, add Casey: a whiney brat, fresh out of the Academy. Insert advice. Try not to strangle the kid when he tells you how you should act. Look happy about it. THAT takes acting.

Worst actors... Prophecy's cold-as-ice CAG. And, that damned eejit Comms guy for the ship. GODS, I hated him. I actually destroyed the Midway to kill him. :p
"Get those bombers!"

Remember? :p
Is there a difference between a Commander Air Group and a Commander Flight Group (or it could've been Commander Fighter Group, but I'm not sure)? I know that Angel was the Commander Flight Group of the Concordia during WC2.
To quote Captain Johnny from 1998... (yes, I was looking through old agwc post *sniff*)

Actually.. I think, in Wing Commander Land, the CAG would be slightly above
what role Blair served.. at least technically..

Let us assume that the Midway's "Air Group" consists of 2 "wings," with each
"wing" consisting of 2 Squadrons and each squadron being broken up into
several flights or elements of undetermined size on a per mission basis.

The "Air Group" is commanded by a "CAG"
( or "Commander Air Group" )

Each "Wing" would have a "Wing Commander"

Each "Squadron" would have a "Squadron Commander"

Each "Flight" or "Element" would have a "Flight Leader"
( sometimes referred to erroniously as "Wing Commander" )

(Of course, the Midway actually has *three* wings by the end of the game...)
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Halcyon's a Wing Commander, not a CAG.

I thought that Halcyon was in charge of all pilots on the Tigers Claw, I thought that made him the CAG. ALso I thought Wing Commanders actually flew missions and were part of the "Space Forces" (whatever the pilots were part of) and the CAG was Confed "Navy" (whatever ship officers where part of - Eisen as a Captain and Blair as Colonel).

I thought that Halcyon was in charge of all pilots on the Tigers Claw, I thought that made him the CAG. ALso I thought Wing Commanders actually flew missions and were part of the "Space Forces" (whatever the pilots were part of) and the CAG was Confed "Navy" (whatever ship officers where part of - Eisen as a Captain and Blair as Colonel).

Erm, then doesn't the fact that he's Colonel Halcyon conflict with your own definition <G>?

Wing Commanders don't have to fly, except during magnum launches -- Rachel mentions this in the WC3 novel. As I lazily quoted below, the CAG is a naval officer who coordinates multiple wings, each with a Wing Commander. The Tiger's Claw had only one wing, and htus has only a Wing Commander.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I was referring to WC2's intro... but Blair talks in several different console ports.
Oh, Kirk Winterrowd. :)

Originally posted by Col.Dom
N*Sync were going to be in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones!
Must be out of the loop... when was this declared? Besides, best to save judgment until after the movie is released.

Originally posted by Quarto
However, I do think that the guy who played Dallas did a really great job, and should have been left alive at least until the end of CD2. He played the nervous, inexperienced rookie really well, as well as getting across all the emotions of someone who signed up to make money, and suddenly found out that getting shot at was a part of the deal.
Of course! He was killed off so early, I completely forgot about him. Now that I think about it, he was one of the few in WCP who pulled off his lines quite convincingly...

Originally posted by Penguin
I object to you lumping WC2 with WCP in terms of story. The acting may have been of equivalent quality, but WC2 had a far superior story.
Definitely superior. So much so that reading dialogue is probably more interesting! :)

Originally posted by Anagram
I actually destroyed the Midway to kill [Lt Anderson].
Yeah, he can be annoying, but at least he was friendlier (at times) than Naismith or Lemonlips. :) Don't know why, but his line of calling you a traitor spooks me more than any other comm officer in WC.

Originally posted by Captain Johnny
Each "Wing" would have a "Wing Commander"
Each "Squadron" would have a "Squadron Commander"
Each "Flight" or "Element" would have a "Flight Leader"
( sometimes referred to erroniously as "Wing Commander" )
Wow, that's closer to Star Wars (or at least the X-Wing novels) than I previously realised.
Must be out of the loop... when was this declared? Besides, best to save judgment until after the movie is released.

Twas Really Dumb News pretty much everywhere a few months back <G>

Wow, that's closer to Star Wars (or at least the X-Wing novels) than I previously realised.

... or reality <G> {Insert Aaron Allston reference}
Nobody mentioned John Ryes-Davis. I thought he did a good job in 3&4. He often did better than Hamill.
Originally posted by Happy
Nobody mentioned John Ryes-Davis. I thought he did a good job in 3&4. He often did better than Hamill.

You're right!

I think that Jennifer MacDonald (Flint *dr00lz*) did an excellent job. She got emotions across quite well. Plus, she's so saucy :cool:

Panther's still the hottest, though!