Best and Worst WC acting?

I believe their the same people, so it doesn't really matter which one Wedge was referring to does it?
Well I meant from the "attitude" point of view... WC1 Bluehair hardly speaks a word, WC2 Bluehair participates actively in the conversations...
If referring to the definition set forth by LOAF, WC1 Bluehair is a better Blair than its WC2 counterpart, because WC2 Bluehair has a lot more personality... <g>
Best: Naturally I'm going to say Tom Wilson as Maniac. It's sad he got very few scenes as opposed to everyone else (this is especially true in WC3). Tom Wilson is the perfect Maniac. His execution of his lines are right on target.

Jason Bernard and Malcolm McDowell are obvious choices :cool:

Elizabeth Barondes is on the "Best," list because she is absolutely gorgeous. Jennifer MacDonald was also very attractive plus she could act :D

I also think that Hamill's Blair was spot on!

Worst: EVERYONE IN S*U*P*E*R WING COMMANDER :mad: Plus, the CAG from Prophecy. Also, Joshua Lucas didn't seem very comfortable with playing the role of Flash, either (he did way better in A Beautiful Mind).
Originally posted by Col.Dom
Elizabeth Barondes is on the "Best," list because she is absolutely gorgeous.
Isn't she? :) I think there's enough people on this board to create a "Panther fan club"... :)
Originally posted by Col.Dom
Also, Joshua Lucas didn't seem very comfortable with playing the role of Flash, either (he did way better in A Beautiful Mind).

Good thing "A Beautiful Mind" was a pretty bad movie. We don't want actually deserving movies to win (Lord Of The Rings, Moulin Rouge) or to be nominated (Artificial Intelligence)
I'm confused, did LeHah just call the 3 mini movies in one of increasingly pathetic quality "somthing deserving":confused:
Reasonably original 1 hour special
Really cheap Blade Runner rip off
Insanley Cheap 2001 rip off

AI has made my list of movies that have destroyed in a horrible and cruel manner hours of my life. I'm hoping I missed some sarcasm somewhere :)
Originally posted by Pedro
Reasonably original 1 hour special
Really cheap Blade Runner rip off
Insanley Cheap 2001 rip off
You don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about, do you?
Originally posted by Pedro
Reasonably original 1 hour special
Really cheap Blade Runner rip off
Insanley Cheap 2001 rip off
That's an interesting way of discecting A.I. Although I didn't find anything original about that movie. And the kid, Haley Joe or Joe Haley (whatever), seemed to me to be trying just a little too hard.
I liked A.I. a lot. Especially Jude Law... <g> [Jane] Hey Joe, what do you know? [/Jane]
I wonder how the movie would have turned out if directed by Stanley Kubrick (it was one of his last projects after all). Darker probably...
Originally posted by mpanty
I think there's enough people on this board to create a "Panther fan club"... :)


btw: I felt duped AI wasn't nominated either. The world is falling deeper and deeper into this "Pop-Minded Collective." I mean, N*Sync were going to be in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones! Jar Jar!? AGH!!
Originally posted by mpanty
I wonder how the movie would have turned out if directed by Stanley Kubrick (it was one of his last projects after all). Darker probably...
It wouldn't have. If you watch the Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures documentary you will know that Kubrick gave the project to Spielberg quite willingly. AI was not something Spielberg picked up after Kubrick died, it was a movie Kubrick tried to do for many, many years, and finally decided Spielberg was better suited for it.

Anyway, getting back to WC... I won't say who are the best and worst actors, because there are many deserving competitors for both, and I'm too lazy to make such decisions :).
However, I do think that the guy who played Dallas did a really great job, and should have been left alive at least until the end of CD2. He played the nervious inexperienced rookie really well, as well as getting across all the emotions of someone who signed up to make money, and suddenly found out that getting shot at was a part of the deal. Hell, they should have killed off someone else entirely and kept Dallas alive all the way to SO.
Originally posted by Quarto

It wouldn't have. If you watch the Stanley Kubrick: A Life in Pictures documentary you will know that Kubrick gave the project to Spielberg quite willingly. AI was not something Spielberg picked up after Kubrick died, it was a movie Kubrick tried to do for many, many years, and finally decided Spielberg was better suited for it.
I see. I did read that the two directors talked about the movie a lot and worked together on it, before Kubrick died, but I didn't know Kubrick had left the project to Spielberg for him to direct...
Originally posted by Quarto

However, I do think that the guy who played Dallas did a really great job, and should have been left alive at least until the end of CD2. He played the nervious inexperienced rookie really well, as well as getting across all the emotions of someone who signed up to make money, and suddenly found out that getting shot at was a part of the deal. Hell, they should have killed off someone else entirely and kept Dallas alive all the way to SO.

They could have killed Zero "Behold. The briefing room!", instead. Dallas was right when he said "Zero - a very appropriate name".
Col.Dom: Don't worry too much. N'Sync will probably be disguised as aliens in the background and shouldn't be particularly noticeable. I'll also admit some of Jar Jar's scenes were ludicrous but he's not that bad...

Quarto: The funny thing about Dallas, I feel, is that the writers wanted to have a character you'd actually care about. That's why Dallas starts off "I'm in it for the money," gets spooked by the war, gets over it with a little help from Casey and then goes KIA. The dumb thing is that having spent all that time developing Dallas they kill him and leave the player with a bunch of undeveloped characters.
Frosty unfortunatley I do, I wish I hadn't seen it I really really do, I don't have enough brain cells to spare to such films but alas it was one of those things in life that robbed me of my ever diminishing stock :(

The first hour I enjoyed, maybe original was the wrong word but I did find it moving, the second hour was all about a cheesy way of saying this is what humans can easily become in a Blade Runner enviroment, I could live with it, the robin williams computer annoyed me not to mention 80s motorbike chaces but I could live with it, but the last hour, god I could have gone away not completley hating the film no matter how cheesy ridiculous and non sensical had they just left the boy in the ice but then they had to do the whole uncovered by aliens thing and bring his mother back for a day with an even cheesier plotline :P "And he knew his mother loved him and all was well" Completley destroying any and all point of the first hour and therefore making ALL the film a waste.

As for Jude Law hes a good actor, Gattacca and Enemy at the Gates are the first films that spring to mind, the digital gigilo probably wasn't his finest hour

Penguin: Yeah totally, to be fair Maestro did his best as an actor to make his character intresting but there wasn't much of a script for him to work with, Zero had his one cutscene delving into his past and the rest..... nothing :P
On Dallas

I know! I always pondered why he was killed off so soon. He was the one guy I actually cared about. You're right, Penguin, after he goes, you're left with a bunch of under-developed characters. Dallas was a well-developed character and deserved more on-screen time.

He was my fave wingman in WCP because he was the only one I cared about.

Maestro's gay :eek:
While I don't disagree with you about how crappy the movie is, I think your nice little cliché assessment of the film is lame.

It shares no meaningful similarities with Blade Runner. We can't just call a movie a Blade Runner ripoff every time it has fake people, and it certainly doesn't share any meaningful similarities with 2001. IT TAEKS PLACE IN TEH FUTARE!! So what?

Besides, "originality" is hardly a good scale by which to measure the quality of Hollywood movies. Ignoring superficial psued-philosophical arguments that nothing is truly original, we can safely assume that it's just inaccurate. By following that rubrick, we'd have to say that every WC ever made sucks, which I know nobody here is willing to say, else why even visit?

AI was crap because is was a completely irrelevant story. It made no point, and none of various plot contortions did any good in creating a story. More a collection of factual statements rendered visually, the movie failed to present any enjoyable characters, or any situations to which the audience might be sympathetic, not because of some semi-humorous bandwagon-type cliché complaints about Blade Runner and 2001.
Originally posted by Frosty
It shares no meaningful similarities with Blade Runner. We can't just call a movie a Blade Runner ripoff every time it has fake people, and it certainly doesn't share any meaningful similarities with 2001. IT TAEKS PLACE IN TEH FUTARE!! So what?
Pedro didn't exactly explain it very well, but there are some meaningful similarities between Blade Runner and AI, as far as the subject matter goes. Both films deal with the issue of how humans would react to sentient robots (well, Replicants weren't robots, but they were man-made), and the question of how the robots' emotions affect this judgement. The two films even have the same answers to these questions - like the crowd in AI's Flesh Fair scene, Dekkard in Blade Runner has no moral qualms about killing sentient robots, until he encounters one which displays emotions.

Penguin: Well, strictly speaking, there were some brave attempts at fleshing out the other characters, too. The problem was that Dallas had both a background ('in it for the money') and development ('200 percent'). The others, on the other hand, had only a background, and they were not developed during the game, with the notable exception of Hawk, Maniac and Blair... who didn't really need development anyway.
God, I wish we could see the original uncut script :(.
well I'm just assuming that Casey's wingmen were left undeveloped so we could have something to do with them in later WC games.