3D Printed Starfighters

Hey guys! First of all, Shapeways decided to print Klavs' models after all, and fortunately they turned out fine- which means they'll remain available for everyone to order!

Also, I gave Shapeways' new material, gold plated brass, a go with one of Dream Foundry's Dralthi's. Do check out the picture! Detail is great (this is a really small model!) and it is reasonably affordable. Anyone looking for some Bling Commander:


  • 2013-08-29 20.37.25.jpg
    2013-08-29 20.37.25.jpg
    236.4 KB · Views: 237
Also, I gave Shapeways' new material, gold plated brass, a go with one of Dream Foundry's Dralthi's. Do check out the picture! Detail is great (this is a really small model!) and it is reasonably affordable. Anyone looking for some Bling Commander:
Hehehe, I can just imagine someone putting that on a thick gold chain around their neck :D.
Thanks BSmith! That means I can afford to prototype a couple new ships for the holidays!

Went with Michelle D's Gratha Gondola idea, and thanks to Howard Day for letting me use his Jalthi as the basis for this current monstrosity!

Wow, I'm honored. Thank you. I will probably look at getting one of your models. I've been away for a while but every now and then I do image searches for Gratha's and this gem popped up.
I'm afraid Shapeways continues to reject models that have already been successfully produced.

They are now telling me the Salthi, Dralthi, Dralthi Mk IV, Ferret, Sabre (All Versions) and Arrows (All Versions) are unprintable. At this rate, I would be surprised if they would be able to produce any of them. I will be removing the models from Shapeways at the end of next week. If anybody is interested I have a Hellcat, 2 Excaliburs, an Armada Arrow and a Tarawa Ferret for sale.

PM me if you're interested.

Otherwise, I'm afraid the great Shapeways color printing experiment is over! :(

Other sites have similar tolerances and have also rejected the models outright.

There is a local business that would be happy to produce any of these models using the same technology, with zero rejections, but their minimum order is $250 per batch. If anyone really really really wants prints and wants to band together to get the inventory up to cost for printing, I'd be happy to do a batch.


Cruel...just cruel. As I sit and stare at my Arrow, Rapier G, and Hornet I realize that they are probably the last to grace my desk. Thanks for your wonderful efforts Klavs, I don't think I'll have any spare money for more planes anytime soon.

The technology just needs to mature a bit more I suppose. Don't let those source files disappear, I'm confident another avenue may come available in the future.

Now we need a new excuse for you to dream up more of Maniac's tales.
Bad news :(

I just ordered an Excalibur in full scale in response. I just hope that shapeways will deliver it

EDIT: Shapeways just confirmed my order. At least the Excal is still orderable
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Dang that's too bad. Those Shapeways guys are perfectionists, they contacted me several times with pictures of tiny holes in the models and asked if i would buy them anyways. I always answered that i would, but i can imagine that frustrated them nonetheless.
Ah man, that's unfortunate. I still had at least a Salthi on my wish list. Apparently Shapeways keep sharpening their tolerances.

Will you maybe look into other materials (like metals) for the smaller scale models, or does that make them too expensive or in need of serious remodeling?
Hi Klavs

Any chance of smaller scale WC3 models? Thinking about being scaled for tabletop gaming so only a few centimeters long or so at most, I'm planning on making a set for the X-Wing game using the stats from the WC CCG cards.
Or if anyone knows of a full range of such scaled WC3 models would be great
Cheers, and its a pity to coloured printed models idea hasn't worked out as yet.
Wolfman, I'm working on getting the models uploaded to a different site that should allow you to size the thing however you want. Stay tuned!

That sounds like what I'll be looking for, looking forward to seeing how you go. And hopefully a full complement of WC3 ships? (Fingers crossed)

Cheers mate.
I won't be happy till I get a "lead sled".

Just kidding...can't wait to see the new pricing. Star Citizen, PC parts, bills oh my! Somewhere I need to squeeze in a fighter or two.
Well, initial try for the WC4 Hellcat. You can pick material, scale to the size you want, view and rotate the model, do the solidity check (an 8" model should be printable, you'll have to play with it) see if it's printable, and order! Bing bang boom.

Default scale is the same as it was on Shapeways.

And if they reject it, try it in a different material or a larger size.

It's been awfully quiet in here lately. Any updates on getting your ships printed?

Still working on it. Think I'll stick with Shapeways for now and keep the shop open there. They won't let you order any of the ships with problems, so the ones that are still available for purchase should print okay.

I'll eventually be working on some lower detailed models for the problem ships that should print with fewer problems.
Still working on it. Think I'll stick with Shapeways for now and keep the shop open there. They won't let you order any of the ships with problems, so the ones that are still available for purchase should print okay.

I'll eventually be working on some lower detailed models for the problem ships that should print with fewer problems.

It's a damned shame... as a fellow modeller I quite understand the desire to put as much detail in as possible. It's a real pity that you have to sacrifice some fidelity because the technology can't keep up with your imagination. I suppose it will catch up eventually though.
It's the same problem that was had with computer games before the mid-1990s--the tech can't live up to the vision yet.