3D Printed Starfighters


Rear Admiral
After a lot of design analysis and a period of prototyping, I'm very pleased to be announcing 3d prints of my WC inspired fighters!


First up, the Rapier & Scimitar available in 1/600 scale (About 40 cm [1.57 in] long) and 1/300 scale (About 80 cm [3.149 in] long)

These models cheap as I can make them for you guys, and thank you for your support over the years!

I'll be making my version of the Raptor and a new Hornet and Rapier available soon. There may also be some more "feline" models in the future.

The Frosted Ultra Detail printing from Shapeways allows details as small as 0.003 mm to show through. You've got panel lines, thrusters, radiators. The only thing missing is the scorch marks on the sides of the ships.

Keep in mind that the final product will require a bit of sanding, as the 3D printing process applies some extremely minor "terracing". Regular model paints and glues will work fine after gently washing the model with dish soap.

I am also entertaining the thought of making a basic decal sheet available, based on interest. It would include insignia, squadron markings, lights, "INTAKE" & "NO STEP" markings, etc.

Please let me know what you think! I love my little Rapier, I just wish I could find a cheaper way to get these to you guys.

Let me stress that the markups are kept to an absolute minimum, this is about showing off the work, not making money. I WANT you guys to have fighters on your desks!


They're actually reasonably priced for something that'll probably never hit the 1,000,000 sales mark. I'd like to hear some first-hand buyer experience though, do you need a credit card, how much do they take for shipping to other countries and so on. Now if only i could actually paint those things, but some horribly mutilated W40K miniatures speak volumes of my skill.
Is there a place to get the models as .obj or .3ds or whatever too?

EDIT: I'm stupid, they actually have all the info there. Now all i need to know is: do they accept Paypal?
Shapeways was having a run on the Frosted Ultra Detail material when I was ordering protoypes, so you might need a little patience, I recieved mine in about 4 weeks. Which is the downfall of the whole "print on demand" thing, but their customer service was very quick to respond to queries regarding any delays.

I've also ordered some additional production models for painting and display purposes. I'll keep you guys posted as to when they arrive, and how long it takes.

I hope you like them, Red Baron!
Hmm seems like their 3D printers don't like your Scimitar:

The following models have been rejected/cancelled:

- #298160 Scimitar 1/600 1 x $ 27.99 Can not be cleaned : Product can not be cleaned. There is no hole to remove support material

We have cancelled these order lines and have created below coupon in return. You may use this to order the updated models again.
Hmm seems like their 3D printers don't like your Scimitar:
Ahhh not so fond memories of that message. :mad:

It generally means the model needs a "large enough hole" to extract the material. If your model doesn't have a hole to begin with just put a small 1-3mm hole in the bottom of the ship for mounting anyway. That should open up the cavity. BUT ive had a back and forth with SW about 5 times over one model because I had an enormous hole, that supposedly still wasn't cleanable. I finally got the techs to override and send it to me un cleaned. Cleaning wasn't a big deal because I find I always have to clean their models anyway to my standard. Dont forget to reinforce around the hole for a mounting post.

Great to see someone else making starships, I got rather burned out but I still want more ships!

You should also post on Starship combat news, some people there will be excited.
The Scimitar model is being extremely frustrating with regards to the above issues. I've made it unavailable for the time being, but please bear with me, I'm a workin' on it! :)
The Scimitar model is being extremely frustrating with regards to the above issues. I've made it unavailable for the time being, but please bear with me, I'm a workin' on it! :)
Do you get the feeling that you can never get a straight answer as to why exactly they wont allow it? Do you get the feeling that resubmitting the same model 3 different times will get you 3 different failures. Well you have 2 options
1. 3d print a brick wall and beat it against your head.
2. think of the happy little fighters people will finally have and keep at it.

I feel your pain oh so well....
Sorry for the bad quality, but i only had a mediocre cellphone camera at hand.
So for those still worrying (like me at first): This is for REAL!
The quality is amazing for its size, some small bit missing from one of the "flaps" but that's not surprising. Now i'll DEFINATELY order the bigger models too.
Shapeways Rapier.jpg
Red, if you get a chance with a bigger camera, could you give us a shot of the missing area? I'll see about working on it.

Glad you're somewhat happy with it! :)
The prototype Super Rapier got ordered today, if it works out, I'll make it available too!


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It's real, and it works! Really surprising how much detail came through. The Super rapier is now available in 1-600 scale! You'll note that the new version has the guns moved further outboard, just like the SWC version.


Long range scanners are also picking up some sort of "flying pancake".


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Hehe was almost about to place another order. Until i read about this mysterious pancake, think i'll wait a little while longer.
Medium Fighter 4 Pack!

I'm working on a deal with Shapeways to possibly get multiple ships with a single order, making the overall price significantly cheaper. So you could conceivably order a single thing and get 4 ships for cheaper than you would be able to just buying them one at a time. So the end result, is more ships for cheaper!

I've ordered prototypes of these, just to make sure everything is working before I release them to you guys. :) I'll also update the single Scimitar when I confirm that the prototype is working.

All ships are scaled to their correct sizes, except I actually made the Dralthi a couple meters shorter than cannon (28M) since it already looked to big by comparison. The Super Rapier has similarly been scaled up slightly, reflecting a slightly larger spacecraft. Mostly to keep the canopies the same size as modeled.

The 1-600 scale ships wind up being nearly the same size as some of the old Star Wars action fleet Micro Machines, and conceivably if you had any of those little stands remaining, you could drill a small hole and mount them on a stand.

Hmm... Might have to design a stand...


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They work! Except I accidentally ordered them at half scale. So they're even smaller. Amazingly enough, these little guys still hold detail quite well. Compare these to the 1-600 scale Super Rapier. Even the fragile little Dralthi laser cannons came out completely free of defects. Keeping in mind that these little ships are the size of a penny! ($0.01 USD)

Going to order a set at 1-600 scale now just to make sure they work, then I'll make them available!


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