2 Questions...

Personally, I feel the Hellcat was pretty good in WC3... however, it lost its edge in WC4. It's also sad that missiles in WC4 only need to hit a fighter once for it to go down. Twice if it hits in the right spot. Bloody ridiculous.
Well I always insist that the fighters have their pros and cons. And if you know how to fly all those different fighters then you can call yourself a true Wing Commander. I think that's part of the challenge, at least in WC1/2 where you don't have a choice of ships.

What I don't understand is why the Hellcat and Arrow in WC3 were equally armed in guns. With the Arrow's greater missle loadout, faster speed, and only slightly weaker shielding, it was definitely superior to the Hellcat. I'm glad they stuck Particle Cannons on the Hellcat in WC4, even if missiles are more realistic in damage rate.
hmm... this raises a question... what is considered a true pro at Wing Commander? Someone who does their best, no matter what happens (losing a wingman, failing a mission, etc.), or someone who breezes through the games with ease, never getting shield or hull damage, losing a wingman, missing a shot, or missing a missile?

Remember, I'm not asking what seperates pros from everyone else... I'm just asking what the words "wing commander pro" means to each person. And it's not supposed to be an argument, but rather a simple statement of personal opinion with respect to those of other people around you!

I feel like a legal disclaimer.
Who gives a crap? It's a game, play it, have fun, it doesn't really matter if others are better than you at it in some way.

Ouch. Thanks for insulting me. Remind me never to pass my theories onto anyone next time, Q.
Don't be ridiculous, human. The idea was unspeakably dumb, but I didn't say you are. Feel free to bring up any theory, if it's worth bringing up.

I would consider someone a true pro if she or he could beat be in Armada every single time. I know I'm not a pro myself, so I wouldna be much of a target, but even I get lucky, and it would be the mark of a pro to kill me even then :).
As for just playing the single player games, there's no pros there. If you can breeze through the game on nightmare, it just shows you've got too much time on your hands, and have managed to get a really good 'feel' for the AI - something you couldn't possibly do against a real person.
Earthworm: "Remoras don't have pilots."
Lucky them.

Saturnyne: "it lost its edge in WC4."
The Hellcat hasn't lost anything. If anything it gained 2 particle guns for the 2 lasers. The problem is it keeps getting sent against superior craft. Like the time when you're attacking the Vesuvius and Hellcats are spilling off its deck only to get shredded by the UBWs newly stol - er - confiscated Dragons.
"Bloody ridiculous."
What's so ridiculous about a missile that does its job?
"wing commander pro" = person who gets the job done better than the next guy.

Quarto: "have managed to get a really good 'feel' for the AI - something you couldn't possibly do against a real person."
But if you got married then surely you'd have a good feel for your spouse [no puns intended].
The idea is not dumb at all... and you can't disprove it, can you? Theories are hardly dismissed because someone thinks they're "stupid". That is not a criteria for the validity of a theory.

The basis is that since the aliens know human DNA, it could be VERY possible for the aliens to use the human genome to reproduce more soldiers, as it may be possible that the aliens can't reproduce. Are they mapping the human genome for fun? Nothing can be proven or disproven, and I certainly think my first idea holds leverage, because the aliens continue to capture more and more pilots. Why would they do that? Again, for fun?

No, of course not. You think that's "stupid".
why does everyone keep dissing the piranah?
i reckon it is a very capable ship...i mean if u have played one of the wcp simulator missions made by i forget now, but there are like a whole heap of kilrathi corvettes it is actually possible to kill all of 'em in a piranah...the only thing i can't kill in them so far are the aces
Hmm... you're absolutely correct, Saturnyne. Calling your theory stupid doesn't disprove it - it merely indicates that I believe your theory isn't worth disproving.

But ok, let's take a look at it.

Are the Bugs using humans as genetic stock? Your theory is 'yes - they are mutating the humans into aliens'.

My answer is 'no - it is a stupid idea.'
But since you're not too satisfied with this answer, let's try a different one :).

No. While it is impossible to deny that the Bugs know a good deal about DNAs and possibly genetic engineering, there is no reason to suspect that they are capable of altering an existing human being into one of them.
Secondly, what would be the point? The process would probably waste as much resources as simple cloning would, and is therefore obsolete even before it is invented.
Unless, of course, the aliens never invented cloning, and they somehow developed this concept instead. Well, anything's possible, I suppose, but what would be the point of the development of such a process? The bugs already appear to have a hive structure (see references to the Mother Creature - and this name alone dismisses your theory that maybe they can't reproduce), and therefore we can guess that their reproduction rates are much faster than ours. So, there's no point.
Furthermore, even in societies where reproduction is relatively slow (like ours), cloning or cloning-like processes are not developed to speed up the society's reproduction, but merely that of subservient creatures, such as sheep and pigs. The aliens undoubtedly think differently, but does this mean that they consider it worthwhile to clone creatures which are not subservient - such as soldiers, who by definition are anything but subservient. Well, let's imagine what our dear Mother Creature might think about this. If soldiers can be cloned, than sooner or later some smart-ass bug will decide that they could speed up the production of workers by the same process. The Mother Creature thus faces the risk of becoming useless, and losing her dominant position in society. Or worse - some smart-ass bug might come up with the bright idea of cloning the Mother Creature. Thus, our dear Mother Creature finds herself in an even more disturbing position - direct competition.
In short, the Mother Creature is mightily displeased with the prospect of cloning or cloning-like processes, and uses her dominant position in society to force an end to the research.

A lot of what I said above is probably gibberish (but it sounded persuasive when I wrote it ;)), but I think I have a few valid points in there. Doth this answer please thee, or shall I need to come up with more gibberish?

Oh, there is one more thing. You ask why they would bother researching into humans. The guy (whatever his name was) who was the first to climb Mt. Everest was once asked why he did it. His answer will suffice to answer your question, too:
"Because it's there."
Hmm, spent so much time replying to Saturnyne that I forgot about the others.

Penguin: Yes, if you are married you can get a really good feel for the other person. However, in wartime, aces from opposing sides usually don't have the time or opportunity to marry their greatest foes just to get a feel for them :).

StarLight: Only a few people are dissing the Piranha :). It's a good ship, though it loses some of its charm once you're out of Stormfire ammo.
The more likely idea is that the bugs were studying humans to create some type of bioweapon. That seems to be the case in WCSO.

Saturnyne, I haven't been around lately with my usual boatload of weird theoires so Quarto hasn't had his usual punching bag to work out on :)
The virus from SO isn't some bioweapon designed specificly to kill humans.

It comes from DEAD Nephilim ships, for whatever reasons. Their ships are supposed to be organic, so the virus might already be there, but the bugs might as well use that as a trap for anyone that tries to salvage their ships.
Saturnyne: The reason the bugs are studying us? Well there's an old rule of warfare that shall surfice: "Know your enemy."

Quarto: If 2 arch-rivals have been contesting against each other long enough, then surely over the course of time, they could develop an intuitive knowledge of the other. Take Blair & Thrak - when they went head to head for the last time ,they must've been able to predict to a certain extent, what the other guy was going to do. The very fact that Thrak left the 'nought would be evidence of it.
Saturnyne, I haven't been around lately with my usual boatload of weird theoires so Quarto hasn't had his usual punching bag to work out on :)
Errrmmm... yeah ;).

Penguin: Yes, that's correct. But it's besides the point. There is skill in defeating an opponent, even when you know what he's going to do before he does it, but... well, Saturnyne was asking about our definitions of a WC pro, and in my definition, it takes more than killing an age-old foe to be a pro.
hehe... well, in any case, any theory is as good as another... I still think though, unlikely as any situation may be, any thing theorized between the two of us is possible. Truth is stranger than fiction. :)
mmm..if confed was gunna study the bugs u'd think they'd leach a ship or two, chuck a will smith and whack the living daylights out of the bug and perform an autopsy...i mean the bugs are doing it on them!

and if confed wanted any good ideas...they should rip of the wc3 kilrathi rock ship...that'd make the game a bit more interesting...u get to fly the rock ship and i'm sure it be quite a lot of fun :) if we can't cloak, let's look like something else!

or we should build another behemoth :D

or put our OWN viruses into our ships :)
Originally posted by StarLight
mmm..if confed was gunna study the bugs u'd think they'd leach a ship or two, chuck a will smith and whack the living daylights out of the bug and perform an autopsy...i mean the bugs are doing it on them!
Seriously, don't you think that leaching it would be rather hard? It's difficult as it is to disable a ship with leach missiles, and now that only torps can get through this new type of shields we see in Prophecy, how should leech missiles get through?

and if confed wanted any good ideas...they should rip of the wc3 kilrathi rock ship...that'd make the game a bit more interesting...u get to fly the rock ship and i'm sure it be quite a lot of fun
That rock fighter wasn't all that good... It was pretty fast, with strong defenses, but it's offensive capabilities sucked.
or we should build another behemoth
Yeah, lets spend resources and time into a weapon that's not of much use in a fight, instead of building carriers and heavy battle ships.:)

Johann, you can't cloak because cloaking technology is pretty much useless. There were many ways to detect cloaked ships, even before WC4.
So the K'ha'haf and the Behemoth had shortcomings back in 2669. Its been 12 years. Technology has come a long way since then. Besides the Behemoth technology would be the best thing to base development of a Confederation rival to the Bug Fleet Plasma anyways. Confed compatible tech that actually works more than once and is more powerful than what the enemy have.