Check Out WC2's Imperial Guards
Today's updates are brought to you courtesy of the year 1991. A little while back we put up a copy of the Wing Commander 2 demo, but at the time, running it may have been difficult for some people. It's not a playable demo, and if it weren't based off the WC2 cinematic engine, it would just be called a trailer. The sequence is an extended version of the Wing Commander 2 intro. Dralthi (not Drakhri!) are seen escorting Thrakhath's Bloodfang. Then you actually see the imperial guards that the Emperor dismisses before Thrakhath speaks. Additional commentary including the prince's new title as "Slave Lord of Terra" is also included, and the voices are unrefined. The sequence is runnable in DOSBox now, but the voices may be a little choppy if you use an emulator. A few screenshots have been selected below. This was one of those amazing things that PC owners showed off to their friends and family back in the early nineties. You can grab the 2 meg demo here.
A few key backgrounds were also changed. The shots on the left are from the demo. The right side is the actual WC2 intro. It's interesting that they made the decision to remove the guards and create a darker and more private mood in the final version.
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