Sharper Batwing Dralthi Flies Into Vision Engine Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Here's a look at DefianceIndustries' latest Kilrathi fighter, the iconic Dralthi IV. Although this won't play a part in the Secret Ops MUP, it'll have a small role if and when he managed to get around to a Prophecy model conversion in the future. While he was painting the Kilrathi durasteel, he also took the time to illustrate the exotic Kilrathi ace variant from Wing Commander 3. It's quite a visual treat!

And let's not forget the long-lost Ace paint job. Certainly it will never appear in the stock games, but I've created a separate mesh and IFF set for it called "DralthiAce" which can be used in other mods or video projects.

The Dralthi Ace is roughly 25% better than the standard Dralthi, it has better shields, gun power, recharge rates, and missile loadout. It maintained the standard armor of the original Dralthi, though its maneuverability is again 25% better in Y/P/R rates, its speed is about 50% better, though it has the same amount of afterburner fuel. It also carries slightly different guns. The lasers were moved to the proper outer wing housing (added these, the original WCP Dralthi ignores them and has lasers in the nose), the nose guns are now ion guns, and the big gun in the pod is still the traditional WCP tachyon. It's still a far cry from the Devil Ray, but it should present a challenge to any player who wants to go have some fun with it.

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