Classic WC MUSH Transitions To New Forums RPG Share on Bluesky Share on Facebook Share on Twitter

Iceblade is in the process of kicking off a really cool new forums-based RPG. He's taken the setting and storyline from the old WC Gemini Sector MUSH and transitioned it to a message board style that's more forgiving on people's schedules. It'll continue to retain some of the combat action and other elements from a MUSH while being merged with a more traditional text role play. Interested players can learn more and sign up at the Phoenix Roleplaying Forums.
The year is 2659. War between the Terran Confederation and the felinoid aliens known as the Kilrathi has raged for twenty years, with no end in sight. Seeking to break the stalemate, the Kilrathi have launched a surprise offensive through the edge of Terran-controlled space in Gemini Sector. A tenacious counteroffensive has pushed back the first wave of the Kilrathi assault, but a second wave has washed over Confed's forces and placed the Majestic deep behind the frontline. For the pilots and crew of the Majestic, survival is not the only goal as the current circumstances offer them a prime opportunity to cut the Kilrathi offensive off at the knees.

That's is where the old Wing Commander Gemini Sector MUSH storyline halted. I am now attempting to reactivate this MUSH as a Forum Role Play Sim over at the Phoenix RP forums. While the story will continue from where Gemini Sector left off, the sim will be easy to jump into for new players/characters. This sim will bridge the forum RP model with certain MUSH style elements by providing an easy to use and understand combat system heavily influenced by the Wing Commander games and a fully detailed layout of the environments you will roleplay in. Unlike the original MUSH, character creation is much simpler and significantly faster; and there isn't a lengthy set of commands you must know in order to contribute. In addition, while MUSH roleplaying events would generally require a single several hour period when all players can meet, this sim allows players to contribute at times more convenient for them with roleplaying sessions lasting several weeks. As of right now, we are looking for a few good men and women to join up and post there interest in the sim proposal thread. These Kilrathi have been waiting too long. Let's wake up the Majestic and kick their furry buts out of Gemini!

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