Blast From the Past, Part 3 Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

Up today we have the magazine PC Format from Brittain. This is a review of Wing Commander 4 from Issue 55 in April 1996.

The planetary expeditions are another new feature of Wing 4, and build upon the Kilrah suicide mission of Wing Commander 3. But while the texture-mapped land-scapes are initially impressive, in SVGA mode they slow the game to such a jerky chug that it becomes almost impossible to dogfight with any real success. Even on a fairly nippy machine, like our 100MHz Pentium with 16Mb of RAM and a quad-speed CD-ROM, the action isn't exactly smooth... Still, if you're a Wing fan, Wing Commander 4 delivers another atmospheric dose of movie-style space combat.
As one of many people who happily played through WC4 on a 486, I'm not sure how they found the game quite so choppy, and load times were rather reduced from WC3. I played through Prophecy on a Pentium 100/16..

Prophecy Gets a Gamespace Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

One of the larger gaming websites out there, Gamespot, finally got a Gamespace for Prophecy. They've converted the original trailer to mpg and made it available for download here. You can find the actual Gamespace here. It's about time. In slightly related news, IGN has put up an enhanced photo gallery with (pretty much not new) screenshots here.

World at War Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

It's a relatively historic day. Things might get turned upside down in the world this week, so hopefully our troops can get their mission done quickly with minimal casualties on both sides.

Jumpgate Episode 2: Attack of the Conflux Released Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Update ID

A number of sites are reporting that Jumpgate Episode 2 has been released. You might recall that there were some Jumpgate ties to Wing Commander. It's the Privateer style massively multiplayer game with a much more newtonian flight style than WC. You can find out more about the game and sign up for a free trial here. Episode 2 details are available here.

Extensive additions to be introduced in Jumpgate(TM) Episode 2: Attack of the Conflux will include player-owned space stations, new alien territory and more.

Key Features will include:
Player-Owned Space Stations
A new Alien Galaxy
A new Squad vs. Squad Warfare System
An improved Chat Interface
New Pirating Technology
Several new ships and equipment upgrades

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