Wing Commander Continuation Petition

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I've accepted that it's over... I don't hope for a new game anymore. WC has left after it a legacy of unimaginable proportions for alot of people and that's good enough in my book. WHo am I to ask 100 people to work hard when I for so long already have chosen to take part in the joy that their work has created? No, we must never alow ourselves to take for granted what we have been given. Thank Origin and CR for the wonderful games, and stop asking for more. If they could, they would.
The thing to remember is that they still retain the rights to WC and the source codes to all the games, which a majority of software companies, dump the old stuff like yesterday's trash. Since EA is keeping these things close in hand, it may just be a matter of time and a new WC game will be out. But your right about having high hopes. But it doesnt hurt to keep a little bit of hope up for a new WC game!

Originally posted by gryphon
I've accepted that it's over... I don't hope for a new game anymore. WC has left after it a legacy of unimaginable proportions for alot of people and that's good enough in my book. WHo am I to ask 100 people to work hard when I for so long already have chosen to take part in the joy that their work has created? No, we must never alow ourselves to take for granted what we have been given. Thank Origin and CR for the wonderful games, and stop asking for more. If they could, they would.

I couldn't disagree with you more. The WC fans HAVE to have hope or else WC WILL die. Yes, thank Origin and CR for what they have given us. But we should ask for more. Why does anything happen? Because people want it to. Begging, whining, crying, protesting, petitioning, the whole nine yards is the way to get things you want. Bug EA enough, maybe they will release a new game if for nothing else but to shut us up for awhile.

We need support at this point. EA just needs a nudge to get them going. We are that nudge. If we don't ask for a new WC game, there won't be one.
Maybe EA will drop the idea for good and some other game company will make a new one. I would rather have that than no new WC at all.
I'd be happy with any new WC product, not just a game, but even, you know, a new novel or something. Just something like that would be great.
Originally posted by Marcml30

Kazan, you do realize that most (if not all) of the WC games have been re-re-re-released in various formats and/or as part of various bundled packages, right? You probably also know that part(s) of Kilrathi Saga were released as part of a gaming mag's CD. So, while you and other diehard fans might be willing to shell out $40 to pay for games that are very old by software standards I would wager that the majority of the gaming public would not. And why would anyone want to pay a "new game" price for a game that they already own only with better graphics?

i cannot run any of them but prophecy, and SO because of my system speed and the fact that I have a digital flight control device
i cannot run any of them but prophecy, and SO because of my system speed and the fact that I have a digital flight control device

The only game that has speed issues is WC1 (and the WC2 movies...). Play the games without a joystick, or spend 5 bucks on a cheap stick... Wing Commander only really needs two joystick buttons anyway. Or you could play them in Windows which would allow you to use the stick... All the original games other than Armada and Privateer run quite nicely in windows (though some require a fair amount of fiddling)

You can´t play in windows , the most that you can do is a PIF, but you must use DOS because the JEMM........JEMM and THE HOLOGRAMS :D
Actually I got Armada to work in Windows once. It was slow, but it worked. I forgot how I did it though. :(
Ehhh, getting Armada working in Windows is dead easy... I can do it in my sleep.

In fact, I can only do it in my sleep :).

If You can get Armada going... mind emailing me the tips, so we don't hog the board with tech support questions?
Originally posted by Wedge009
Read again. ;) All games other than Armada and Privateer will work in Windows.

P2 only works in DOS for me. Also Priv1 works with a reboot as well as Armada.

Whats with that? Was it the engine?
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