Wing Commander affected our lives

Originally posted by Manjana
They have no films, they maybe don't have such close characters. But many of them also have good storys, inclue good ideas and have good graphics. At the moment I am for ex. banned in front of the PC by is different, but also good even if it is different. Don't compare! I know it's difficult but it brings you nothing. You only lose fun to play other games...and do you want to play your whole life just WC?
I didn't say that I don't try them, only that, in the end, I rarely finish them. Half-Life & Thief were the last games that I wanted to finish just to see how they ended. Compare this to KS/WC3/4/P which I loaded up *again* a couple of months ago and played almost nightly, straight through - and I've played these games already!
I will continue to play all of the WC games even if I am strapped to a death bed in a home! Even if I hit 100 years old (ya right!) I will still play WC!

There we ae at the one discussion again! Be realistic....maybe you will still rember it, as being the best computer game in the last CENTURY....but there will come new technologies. Maybe ven the PC will just exist in another form. We are talking about a distance of 10-100 years if I quote what you've said. The PC will maybe end like the C64. And then you'll go with the time and buy the new technology. If there still is no new WC, it will die out! So easily is are unrealistic if you say what will be in 100 years...we are all very young. Everything or most things will change in our life...and then you want to tell me you'll still enjoy WC then? That's something you can't know. It's the same as if I'd say I'll become 100 years and fall in a war as soldier with 30. We can plan the nearer future but not so far!
Manjana most of us still play WC1, that looks outdated compared to the new games, I don't think that makes much difference, I'll probably play them all less as I get older but I don't forsee a time when I stop completley as long as my antique PC keeps working :)
*LOL*. I didn't say it comes so far in the next 2 years... but one day it will propably come...and the PC won't be so antiquired in the next years but maybe in the next 100....who knows where future goes??? And who especially knows where WC goes?
New technology doesn't affect something thats come previously Manjana, when radio came along the book didn't die out, TV didn't kill radio, Computer games didn't kill TV. Now people use the newer technology more but no one has burnt all their favourite novels, we wingnuts won't stop playing our favourite games :)
All those technologys aren't 100 years old....most of them were made in the last century (the book not...but the technical ones). But who knows how it will be 2100....the technology will go on. And that faster than in the last century. And even at the end of it nobody was able to know about all new technologys/ developments which were made. It was impossible...then imagine 2100...
Originally posted by Pedro
New technology doesn't affect something thats come previously Manjana, when radio came along the book didn't die out, TV didn't kill radio, Computer games didn't kill TV. Now people use the newer technology more but no one has burnt all their favourite novels, we wingnuts won't stop playing our favourite games :)

Did you ever read farenhiet 451? Great Book!!

Hint: It's about burning books, because they are outlawed!
Manjuna that last reply made no sense to me :(
Listen shakespeares plays are written in a form no one uses today, most people don't regard technology as a reason to do something, just a means, I won't play a bad game just because its got good graphics, I don't care what new inventions come along, Wing Commander won't stop being fun just because something else came along.
Yes, i will begin to replay all th WC saga today, to me is the best Space-sim. (Tie Fighter the 2nd)
Depends, if you a cute femal then yes, if not I hope to have found something better to do than browse chat zones (just not yet)
*LOL* if I am cute or not I always let the males think about.:) But the last thing I'd do would be giving a photo right in here....Loaf would close the thread immidiately,because it has nothing to do with WC. So do what all people which I get to know in the Internet do: Hope that I'll find the time to design my homepage...there will be one...
What I like most about the Wing Commander series was the total immersion experience. People talked to you, you got promoted or chewed out, depending on YOUR performance. Wing Commander let me become the "hero" especially at a time when my self esteem was pretty low. It also provided great stress relief, by allowing me to take out frustrations on unsuspecting Kilrathi ships.
Originally posted by Manjana
Loaf would close the thread immidiately,because it has nothing to do with WC.

I've never seen LOAF close a thread just because it had nothing to do with WC. :)