When and how.....

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The Kilrathi became warlike because of their enviroment -- the Star Gods were just their mythology.
Mythology and warlikeness often have a lot in common. The crusades, for example. Not to argue, just thinking in text. I wish we had more information on the Kilrathi and their history. I'd be interested in historical info on their equivalent of, for example, the middle ages, that sort of thing. There may not be an equivalent, of course, but comparing that sort of thing, or having the opportunity to, is what I want to do. Prequels would rock at this point.
You should watch some of those Kilrathi historical drama/fight movies that they appear to enjoy.

Well the Kilrathi were still on the Dark Ages in WC III (have you see kilrah? quite depressing) and I cant see "romeu and julliet" in the kilrathi version....(however they like bugs bunny)
Wow... What're you talking about? Sure they have a different society but I wouldn't call it a dark age...

Mythology is a societies method for explaining its actions -- the Kilrathi adopted their visitation to the star gods to explain their warlike tendencies. Looking at their society objectively, we know their warlike nature is because of their evolutionary environment (Victory Streak).
Because Kilrah is where a planet exploded. Plus, they'd been there before -- they're just not the actual reason the Kilrathi are warlike.
That is a human attempting to understand a creature other than himself, thus his opinion as to why a race is "hard-wired" to be violent is not at all necessarily correct. Also the fact that they are natural canivorus predators probably has more to do with their violence than any other specific reason. During any war, hatred gets in the way of clear thought and the ability to make a correct decision, which is a necessity in order to win a war. If blair outright hated the kilrathi he would have no remorse over personally killing multiple billions (the crew's of the capships/spacestations he took out, the pilots of the fighters he destoryed, the ground troops he killed in ground attack missions, the entire population of Kilrah). It that is the case then he has thrown away the essence of humanity and thus can no longer be considred human. Anyone who kills 30 billion scenient beings MUST feel remorse and regret for their actions otherwise they are no longer human, they are a pitiful lower lifeform that must and should be destroyed at all costs.
No, it's not a human trying to understand an alien, it's a scriptwriter trying to find an effective method of explaining something to the viewer.
while that may be true in FF all non kilrathi are refered to as "Prey-Species" that is the terminology that would be used by a species of intelligent predators. Also in Victory Streak Ralgha nar Hhallas gave an explanation to 2nd lt. Christopher Douglas on 2652.102 which was later revised on 2668.312, this document found between pgs 4 and 6 of Victory Streak says that the Kilrathi evolved as a predator species, this given by a Kilrathi explains Kilrathi agressiveness via saying that they were a predator species that evolved hunting down prey.
What are you ranting about? We're not debating whether or not the Kilrathi are a predatory species -- that's a given. We're talking about *WHY* they evolved as a predatory species. The *why* is because of their unstable enviroment.
Or perhaps because they are similar to human feline species, which in every sucessful evolution have been and are both predatory and carnivorus.
Why does everyone hate the Kilrathi?

I really admire them. They really outshine the wussy Assyrians. :)

(dreddnott has a big orange stripy kitty purring in his lap right now)
hating the kilrathi means hating all the kilrathi. including civilians with no involvement in the war. if you hate them too its disguised racism. still, since they dont exist who cares
I only hate the "warriors", since i have never met a cicilian kilrahti. But i seemed that all kilrathi hated us, and that's why we hated them 'cos they didn't care about civilians.
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