When and How you heard or saw something about WC for the first time?

Another "sort of" adventure game, which is absolutely fantastic: Blade Runner !

Originally posted by Lelapinmechant
... Lemmings, Holiday Lemmings, Oh No! More Lemmings; (...) I still enjoy minesweep, for what it's worth.
Eh... I remember Xmas lemmings, they were all dresse with cute Santa Claus costumes... which didn't make them any less stupid though... :p

I love minesweeper too, it's my favourite Windows game. Wherever I go and use someone else's computer, I try to leave the best time possible... :D
Originally posted by Starkey
SimCity 1 and Civilization 1.
True classics! I can't recall the days spent on Sim City filling the whole map...
I can't recall the months spent playing Civilization !! :-) It even got my dad addicted!
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Same with Monkey Island, only played 1&2. I am thinking about buying 3&4, any experience with them?
Monkey Island 3 (Curse of Monkey Island) is nice... they changed the character design, but it's still click and play... And the insults sword fighting is back! :D
Monkey Island 4 I've never played, but I know they've completely changed the game system: it's in 3D and not click and play anymore i.e. the "hotspots" -points of the environment that you can interact with- are not shown anymore, you have to move around with Guybrush and press space in front of an object (or somesuch) to see if you can interact with it... Be warned of the style change therefore!! :-)

Has anyone played Grim Fandango? I heard that's a very neat adventure game too!!
The first I saw of WC was the SNES version for rent at Super Video. I checked it out expecting the normal shoot-em-up, but then I was blown away! When I finally got a PC, I was like,"Great! Now I can get the rest of WC!":D
I remember waking up early during the summer to play WC for the SNES. When I actually GOT it, I played it even more. Since then, I played WC2 a little bit.

I first owned Prophecy, then SO, then 2, 3 and 4. Still don't have 1... but I can't run it at a slow enough speed. I'd need the KS version.
The first time I saw a WC game, it was when my father bought WC1 in 1990 (it was an american version of the game)... I saw him shooting down space fighters, and I started to play with it... It was fun but too hard for me (I would play adventure games when I was young, it was pretty different)...

I started being a fan with Wc2... and I can't deny that WC1 is still one of my favorite game presently...

Originally posted by mpanty
Prince of Persia?
Yeah... cool spikes. :)

Originally posted by mpanty
Nibbles? Gorilla?
Yay, go QBASIC 1.0. :)

Originally posted by Lelapinmechant
Lemmings, Holiday Lemmings, Oh No! More Lemmings
Lemmings, Oh No! More Lemmings!, Holiday/Xmas Lemmings '93, '94', '95(?), Lemmings II: The Tribes, Lemmings Chronicles... :) Things went downhill after DMA Design disappeared, though. :-(

[Here's an excellent place for Lemmings info.]

Originally posted by Starkey
Yay, B-Wings. :-)

Originally posted by Starkey
Loved those crashes after flying in the air for several minutes. :-)

Originally posted by Starkey
SimCity 1
The original SimCity? Yeah, that was good too.

Originally posted by mpanty
I love minesweeper too, it's my favourite Windows game.
As if there's anything better on Windows (remember Win3.1?) :-)
Originally posted by Wedge009
As if there's anything better on Windows (remember Win3.1?) :-)
Why... there's Solitaire. :D And the desktop adventures, another "classic"... I played only Indiana Jones and Yoda Stories though.
What's OFX LOAF?
Originally posted by Zor Prime
I liked it so much, i have TWO copies!! :-D
Money well spent! :) Now you can mail me the second copy as part of the extra goodies you were talking about... :D
Uh, what's OFX? I always wondered what those two files were in the Files section. I've only seen OFX in that little intro sequence the orchestra does at the start of WC1&2. :)
KS was a victim of economizing or something (laziness mayhaps?), hence certain things missing.
I don't remember much of the story behind The Kilrathi Saga. Laziness could very well be the answer. They did a great job converting the original Wing Commander, then slacked off on Wing Commander II. I didn't notice that many problems with Wing Commander III, though. However, any problems that did come with The Kilrathi Saga are far outweighed by the ability to play the games in Windows. Until I get a nice DOS machine built, that is...
I agree with Weasel. One always tries to find imperfections everywhere, but the fact is we've got a great compilation of the first 3 WCs, playable under Windows! There's really not much to bitch about.
Oh yeah... the price. <g>
Originally posted by WildWeasel
I liked those little movies. I wish that they'd been included with The Kilrathi Saga.

I liked the music from them, and those little poppy firework things.
Originally posted by WildWeasel
Laziness could very well be the answer.
I don't think so. Having people mostly different to the ones who originally coded WC1/2 hack their way through all that stuff and manage to get it working (mostly) in Windows is a feat in itself.

Originally posted by WildWeasel
I didn't notice that many problems with Wing Commander III, though.
Mostly because WC3 DOS was already playable in Windows 9x.

Originally posted by Zor Prime
I liked the music from them...
The original Roland MT-32 MIDI as an MP3, courtesy of Mad Hatter. Don't all go for it at once, though. Bandwidth limits and all that.

[You'll need to use "Save Target/Link as..."]

[Aww, WildWeasel beat me. Unless you have a soundcard that plays MT-32 well, I think the MP3 sounds much better, though...]