Originally posted by mpanty
Eheh... I thought we were talking about adventure games, but naturally, as Dom would put it, Commander Keen r0x0r!
Speaking of old games, does anyone remember Sokoban? Prince of Persia?...
Nibbles? Gorilla?
Indeed, bow down to Monkey Island, my friend! The original(secret of monkey island), though it did not have speech, is still one of my favorite games of all time. And Zak McKracken? Zak McKracken, come on! Beneath a Steel Sky(that was downright awesome). The DIG(That dude from X-Files, Robert Patrick, does the voice of Boston!), and of course: Sam and Max. Ah yes, indeed, Sam and Max Hit the Road. Of course, there was the legend of kyrandia series; They were good for time-wasting, but they were never the best of the point-and-clicks. Every AGI game I ever played I loved, especially the SQ, KQ, and PQ series(Larry doesn't count, it really wasn't my thing... I was only eight when I started playing these games). Of course, there's Keen; the original, truly great Castle Wolfenstein and Return to Castle Wolfenstein games; Abandoned Places(Amiga); Prince of Persia, one of my first games on a mac(I prefer the mac version, actually); Lemmings, Holiday Lemmings, Oh No! More Lemmings; James Pond I and II(robocod); Agony(amiga); Alien Breed(Amiga), god the list goes on and on!
I also enjoyed Sokoban, in all it's many incarnations. I still enjoy minesweep, for what it's worth. And does any one remember Dragon's Lair? Or hellcab? And of course, the many FMV games(Spycraft, Biohazard, Dracula Unleashed), first-person adventure/puzzle games(Return to Zork, 7th Guest), Myst and all it's various rip-offs(Frankenstein; Through the Eyes of the Monster). Ahh... The memories.