What were the worst injustices in the Wing Commander Movie?

That´s right, but they do look alike, Rangers and Concordias....

BTW, any chance for a Confederation-class vessel in UE2?
I rather doubt it, since it seems unlikely that any Confed class ships are still alive - and unfortunately, we can safely assume they are not being produced, either.
Worst injustice

The worst injustice in the WC movie was the dismal special effects. Compare it to Starship Troopers or any Star Trek film and the difference is apparent. I know it's because they didn't have the budget for that kind of eye candy, but since the pc games were the state of the art in visual effects, making a movie that ranks at the bottom of the sf pile is a great injustice to the accomplishments of the designers and graphic artists who made the game so engrossing.
The FX in Wing Commander were bloody outstanding. You needed to see it in the theaters to get the full effect, esp for the opening shots of Pegasus Station inside the Asteroid Field.
The worst injustice in the WC movie was the dismal special effects. Compare it to Starship Troopers or any Star Trek film and the difference is apparent. I know it's because they didn't have the budget for that kind of eye candy, but since the pc games were the state of the art in visual effects, making a movie that ranks at the bottom of the sf pile is a great injustice to the accomplishments of the designers and graphic artists who made the game so engrossing.

You are a crazy, crazy man...

I loved the WC Movie's special FX. There were some aspects of them I didn't enjoy so much, but for the most part they blew me away.
The colors are so vibrant, it gives space a much more oceanic feel; as if these people are navigating their way through channels instead of jump nodes... it makes space travel seem like an art form.
Those blue-green explosions looked amazing, making every battle that much more enjoyable.
Of coarse, there are stupid effects like ww2 plane sounds?? when the kilrathi are attacking Pegasus, that rather bothered me... and the dralthi weren't very well done... and pretty much every ship in the movie looked quite odd... except for the Errant Class and the kilrathi Fralthi...
Insanity Confirmed

No, I think I'm a crazy, crazy man. I still consider the "stealing the Enterprise" and "self destruct" sequences of Star Trek III mind-blowing special fx. HAHAHA!

I'm quite serious, guys.
I think the greatest injustice to the WC game was the script. The effects were good enought, and they did put some good actors on supporting roles. But the story didn't quite work out. Very few people got engaged. Almost nobody cared. The Kilrathi were also a let-down.
Yep, I totally did not like the movie Kilrathi either. They should have used the WC3 Kilrathi! Those are the Kilrathi! Most triumphant! Also, Eddie Prince spoke sort of... funny....

The script wasn't too bad. I actually liked the movie. Also, considering packing the highlights of a- then- four game saga into a feature-length film, I think they did a good job. I mean, it's not an epic but it's a good movie. Plus, Matthew Lillard was the bomb as Maniac!
Mattew Lillard as Maniac was obvious casting. Both a good idea and really annoying since Lillard plays no other kinds of characters in any other movie.

The script is actually somewhat solid. The novelization reflects this. I think the final result should be blamed more on the removal of the traitor subplot, which forced Roberts to remove a lot of explainations.
Originally posted by LeHah
Mattew Lillard as Maniac was obvious casting. Both a good idea and really annoying since Lillard plays no other kinds of characters in any other movie.

The script is actually somewhat solid. The novelization reflects this. I think the final result should be blamed more on the removal of the traitor subplot, which forced Roberts to remove a lot of explainations.

You're right about Lillard, which is unfortunate. I think he has potential. As for the script/screenplay, the only thing that didn't rest well with me was the whole Pilgrim subplot. I guess it's actually a positive thing, since it brings the whole "we're a happy mixture of cultures like Star Trek," feel of WC1 down to a more realistic level.
WC effects

LeHah Said "The FX in Wing Commander were bloody outstanding. You needed to see it in the theaters to get the full effect, ..."

I DID see it in the theatre! I can't remember a film I anticipated more keenly than Wing Commander.

Corsair said "...when the kilrathi are attacking Pegasus, that rather bothered me... and the dralthi weren't very well done... and pretty much every ship in the movie looked quite odd... "

I rest my case. In a film like
Wing Commander that's pretty much all about spaceships and combat, you have to get the ships to look right or you've screwed the pooch. It's like making a Baywatch movie starring Rosie O'Donnell and Phyllis Diller.
I agree with LeHah on the special fx in Wing Commander. They were great! I saw it in the theater as well and really loved the eye candy.

The movie Dralthi, in my opinion, were awesome! Just because the ships didn't have the traditional Wing Commander aesthetic, doesn't mean they sucked. Although I did find myself liking the Kilrathi ships more than the Confed ships.
hell yeah. the dralthi was way better looking than the confed ships.

and of course the ships in the movie would look odd compared to the ships in the game. the Tiger's Claw goes from a cool looking strike carrier into a flying cigar, the Concordia goes from a carrier (technically a dreadnaught, but she has fighters so she is a carrier IMO) into a battleship (every time i read Action Stations, whenever they talk about the battle wagons, the Connie from the movie always is what i think of. anybody else do the same thing?) and the same with the Snakier (sp?). but hell, the ships still looked good.
Originally posted by TC
The Snakier and Concordia aren't the same ships as in the game...

Very true. Same names, just that. Same thing with the Rapiers. But not with the Tiger Claw. No matter how incredbly different did it looked, or even the fact that it was spelled differently. Same ship.

But that had nothing to do with overall result of the film. Ships didn't look... very... good... They were not quite distinct from each other like Ships from ST and SW. At least to a public that has never played WC games before.

Flying pancakes, however, never looked better!
Originally posted by LeHah
The script is actually somewhat solid. The novelization reflects this. I think the final result should be blamed more on the removal of the traitor subplot, which forced Roberts to remove a lot of explainations.

Is there any chance we can see that traitor subplot someday? I mean, since it was filmed, maybe they can release a DVD extended version, like a Wing Commander: Redux :D
Originally posted by Starkey
Is there any chance we can see that traitor subplot someday?


I mean, since it was filmed, maybe they can release a DVD extended version, like a Wing Commander: Redux :D

I very much doubt that... In fact, someone asked that in a discussion that was reported on the CIC a while back, and it was a complete and irrevocable no... it almost seemed to approach a dear god why the hell would we do that type of response.