What were the worst injustices in the Wing Commander Movie?

I also like the WCM's Kilrathi design. It looks more alien and feral than the other incarnations.

I do admit that the costumes in the movie moved like a pile of bricks...
I liked the Kilrathi from the movie. I knew ahead of time that they were going to be the same, so i wasnt shocked and appalled like some people were. It actually looked pretty cool.
I still say the best Kilrathi incarnation has been Wing Commander III :)

They were tiger-like, furry, massive and menacing with gnashing teeth and evil, prowling eyes. Plus they stood tall. I think the Wing Commander III Kilrathi are the "true," Kilrathi. They just fit the bill perfectly!
WC3 had great Kilrathi costumes! Okay, perhaps I was a bit too critical of WCM's Kilrathi outfits in my earlier post, but that's just because I expected them to look a lot more like the awesome ones in WC3.
heh... WC3's cats were pretty cool. I had special pleasure in gunning down Thrakhath. :)

The kitties in 4 were too kiss-ass. Melek talked like a humble servant instead of a battle-hardened honor-obsessed warrior.
Thats probably because all Melek ever was in life was the dead prince's servant.But you are correct the WC3 cats were much better.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
His title was chee'dyachee -- senior retainer.

Was he part of the Imperial Clan or from another bloodline. It's been a while since I read the novel and I don't have it on hand. I know some of the Kilrathi (esp in Action Stations) have a problem with him surrendering) I'm wondering on what authority he did it.
Originally posted by Shane
Was he part of the Imperial Clan or from another bloodline. It's been a while since I read the novel and I don't have it on hand. I know some of the Kilrathi (esp in Action Stations) have a problem with him surrendering) I'm wondering on what authority he did it.
On the "We're all depressed and don't want to continue the war except for a few die-hard fanatics" authority. The destruction of their homeworld was a stunning blow for the Kilrathi, and - while we can only guess this - I think that most of them genuinely wanted to end the war following that shock. At any rate, Melek must have had some authority, but ultimately, he just needed to set an example.
As for his Clan, I don't think we actually know what bloodline he's from, but we do know for certain that he's not from the Imperial Clan - False Colors mentions repeatedly that err, that guy whose name I don't remember, is the last surviving (or at least, last known) heir.
That's easy, how Angel was portrayed. Now, I thought the movie was alright, and Saffron Burrows did a good job of playing the character. But it was, in my opinion, almost a 180 degree turnabout in attitude. She even looks nothing like Angel, unless you count SWC.
Why are looks so important? It should be expected that there are going to be different visual styles represented in a movie compared to video games.
How she looks isn't all that important, even if I didn't know who she was until a name was given. In fact, I do like the look rather well. It was the personnality that bugged me. She spent most of the movie scowling, pouting, growling, hissing, and generally being bitchy, only for her to break down and cry at the end of the movie. In the game, Angel is caring, compassionate, and yeah, she does cry a little over Bossman, but she gets over it. Plus, two of her quotes: 'If you die, you never existed' (everyone from WWII legends to asshole SEALS see dead comrades report to guard Heaven until they are called to fight in the ultimate war) and 'emotions get in the way'. Now, if I heard a soldier say that I'd seriously worry about their mental stabability.