WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

Maybe we can put out a front page call for assistance for you?
Maybe, but I'm a bit unsure. Thing is, my code is, to be simple, a pure mess. Setting up a larger team could possibly help, but I'm honestly doubting that it would really work correctly, as we would have to coordinate ourselves, which is going to be hard since there aren't that many people familiar with HW2/HWRM browsing the CIC that I know of, and in addition to getting knowledgeable with the code, they'd have to make sense of my spaghetti plate that is used as code. Add to it the general confusion that will come with the release of the patch as noone knows exactly the new features (and there will be a LOT of them) and you have a recipe for disaster.

Right now, being the main coder for the whole endeavour allows for better consistency, because pretty much everything is mingled together in HWRM, files calling one another, to the point that setting up a single weapon can require the creation and/or modification of a dozen all over the place. Then there is a good dozen of obscure fan-made programs and patches to edit proprietary files and the such, which add to the nightmare of coordinating the work. What would be needed is non-coding competence, 3D-modelling and texturing, the stuff that @DefianceIndustries and @Lunawolf242 have been doing for this mod and for his other projects, or sound editing. Thing is, though, we're already having really good models done, so in a way we're covered on that part. Sound editing? Heh, it could be something pretty cool to get for the mod, like voices for the Kilrathi units and maybe voices for the upcoming campaign, but I realize that's a freaking huge job requiring numerous people to be done properly, meaning that unless there is a bunch of voice actors/actresses lurking on the CIC and eager to do some fan-job, asking for help that way would probably end up consuming a lot of time for everyone involved for too small a result.

End result: the main obstacle for the mod is going to be the coding, but that's a part that I honestly feel will do better on my own, particularly as I partnered with a large French HWRM modding team and we are regularly exchanging tips and code, rather than trying to set up a team from scratch to work on an obscure HWRM mod (there are much more visible mods out there) and get the right amount of coordination to actually get the thing to work. For the modelling/texturing part? Well, I'll ask @DefianceIndustries for that one: do you want us to call for assistance in the creation of specific models, like the Border Worlds and Black Lance bases, the Dragon superfighter or such assets? In any case, if we go that way, we'll also have to contact the prospective modellers to be clear on what we need, because, well... I've tried to play around with Klavs' models, and I was saddened to see such beautiful crafts and to be unable to set them up properly ingame due to various issues (among others their absurdly high amount of detail ^^). Though, one day, if I get good enough with 3D editing software and if @Klavs81 agrees with it, I would be glad to get his models ingame for everyone to play with in the HWRM engine.
Hmmm...well from an asset perspective I'll quote the immortal Klavs (ok paraphrase) that for at least the UBW and Lancer factions as much as I'd love some extra help, pulling in another modeler or a dedicated texture artist (oh dare to dream) now for those factions could lead to inconsistent art styles; love or hate my work, we'd run the risk of making the mod look funky if we added another artist this far down the chain. I'm actually texturing the F-107 now and will start on the carrier and the cruiser shortly thereafter, I need to add some VLS tubes to the cruiser so it's not quite ready to texture. I'm going to take a small break from the MUP because A) WTF BSP trees and B) I need to iron out the BL faction. In reality, the assets for the MUP can pull double duty in HWRM when/if we do Prophecy era work so we're actually probably better off than it appears. Plus, I think it'd be fun to play the Nephilim war (maybe a campaign idea, hint hint).

I agree: we could use some voice acting for variety. We could probably add a few Confed voices as well as Kats (do we need pirates for the merc bay?). I also think we could use some original music, so any composers out there would be a bonus.
Hmmm...well from an asset perspective I'll quote the immortal Klavs (ok paraphrase) that for at least the UBW and Lancer factions as much as I'd love some extra help, pulling in another modeler or a dedicated texture artist (oh dare to dream) now for those factions could lead to inconsistent art styles; love or hate my work, we'd run the risk of making the mod look funky if we added another artist this far down the chain. I'm actually texturing the F-107 now and will start on the carrier and the cruiser shortly thereafter, I need to add some VLS tubes to the cruiser so it's not quite ready to texture. I'm going to take a small break from the MUP because A) WTF BSP trees and B) I need to iron out the BL faction. In reality, the assets for the MUP can pull double duty in HWRM when/if we do Prophecy era work so we're actually probably better off than it appears. Plus, I think it'd be fun to play the Nephilim war (maybe a campaign idea, hint hint).

I agree: we could use some voice acting for variety. We could probably add a few Confed voices as well as Kats (do we need pirates for the merc bay?). I also think we could use some original music, so any composers out there would be a bonus.
That's what I kinda suspected, there are still some ships needed for the UBW and BL, but given the massive coding work that will fall on my lap next week, new modellers/texturers wouldn't really improve the release speed while adding the inconsistency risk. For voice acting, we would also need someone competent with sound editing to make the Kilrathi voices sound Kilrathi. I happen to know a guy with this skillset, but right now, he is quite busy IRL. In any case, voice acting would be a nice option, but not really one on which I can afford to spend much time managing, meaning it would probably have to come a few months or years down the line.

As for the Nephilim, yeah, particularly as there is an obvious route to go for a first Nephilim War campaign, AKA the untold story of the TCS Eisen. :-)
That's what I kinda suspected, there are still some ships needed for the UBW and BL, but given the massive coding work that will fall on my lap next week, new modellers/texturers wouldn't really improve the release speed while adding the inconsistency risk. For voice acting, we would also need someone competent with sound editing to make the Kilrathi voices sound Kilrathi. I happen to know a guy with this skillset, but right now, he is quite busy IRL. In any case, voice acting would be a nice option, but not really one on which I can afford to spend much time managing, meaning it would probably have to come a few months or years down the line.
Perhaps you should contact @Tempest, who edited the voiceovers for Standoff to make them sound more like radio transmissions, and also edited the Kilrathi voiceovers. Knowing him, he probably doesn't even remember doing it, let alone how he did it, but he'd probably be reasonably happy to help.
Perhaps you should contact @Tempest, who edited the voiceovers for Standoff to make them sound more like radio transmissions, and also edited the Kilrathi voiceovers. Knowing him, he probably doesn't even remember doing it, let alone how he did it, but he'd probably be reasonably happy to help.
Thanks for the info, I'll keep that in mind. BTW, hi, Tempest, if you see this post! :-)
Heh, got a comment on Steam that might help for the 2GB issue. Apparently, there are ways of making 32-bit programs "Large Address Aware", which would allow them to use the extra memory properly, particularly on x86 versions of Windows. For reference so we can find the stuff later on: http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/threads/large-address-aware.112556/ As of now, I do not guarantee anything at all, period, but I will try, once the mod is back in business, to do a few MP games and check the overall connection stability to see if that helps.

Edit: aaaaand bust. According to the people on the official boards, this solution messes up the game quite hard.
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I did some voice acting work a few years back for a mod Aginor was (is) working on using Audacity - Kilrathi cockpit comms, mainly (in English). I could send you some samples of that work if you'd like and you could tell me if you think that'd work for this project or not.

What flavor of Cat would you want, WC2, WC3/WC4, Privateer and/or Prophecy?
I did some voice acting work a few years back for a mod Aginor was (is) working on using Audacity - Kilrathi cockpit comms, mainly (in English). I could send you some samples of that work if you'd like and you could tell me if you think that'd work for this project or not.

What flavor of Cat would you want, WC2, WC3/WC4, Privateer and/or Prophecy?
We're working with 3/4 at the moment, though the idea would be to get combat and non-combat stuff, like escort, resource collection, well, you can imagine the stuff in a RTS. Though, no worry about the time, we're still far from needing these at the moment. Thanks!
I think the feature I'm most eagerly anticipating is the convoy resource system. It really changes the whole tactics of the game.
Same here. Though the big thing will be to get the AI to act properly around it, but if I get the thing to work, well, that's going to change everything (again ^^) with Kilrathi corvette wolf packs, escort frigates and light carriers becoming critical to the war effort, and that's without getting started on the assholish things the Black Lance factions will be able to do with its Dragon, its jamming transports and its fast destroyers. The game would be much more dynamic if I pull this thing off, but that's going to be quite complicated.

In other news, with discussions on the official boards, I might have been wrong all along on the RAM limit, as according to an experienced Chinese modder, getting beyond the 2GB limit causes an immediate CTD, and since I haven't experienced it even in the harshest test deployments, that shouldn't be the issue. Which means you might not have to retexture the ships after all. :-P


Got an answer from one of the devs, apparently, the patch fixes a lot of desynchronization issues, so it looks increasingly likely that we won't have to rework the textures, as long as they don't get above 2 GB within a game.
God, so many posts here, I don't even know where to start.
As I've said before, I've been modding HW2 for YEARS and HWRM for like a year, so you can ask me for help if needed. Just keep in mind I have two other HWRM projects to attend.
God, so many posts here, I don't even know where to start.
As I've said before, I've been modding HW2 for YEARS and HWRM for like a year, so you can ask me for help if needed. Just keep in mind I have two other HWRM projects to attend.
Heh heh, any help is welcome. :-) What's your specialty, coding, modelling, texturing, AI, art, etc.?
Modelling/texturing mostly. Some starter-level script editing, like build/research or ship configs, stuff like that, but that kind of skill is rusty and I'd need to remember what exactly I do there.
Modelling/texturing mostly. Some starter-level script editing, like build/research or ship configs, stuff like that, but that kind of skill is rusty and I'd need to remember what exactly I do there.
Modelling/texturing? I think @DefianceIndustries is going to love you really fast. As said a bit before, it's better that way since coding would require you to get up to speed with all the modifications Gearbox did to the engine, then to coordinate with me for the additional code and stuff. Can you PM me some samples of your work to see what we can do and whether your texturing style is consistent enough with DI's to make a direct integration of new textured models possible?

I'm being silly, I forgot I already discussed your work, my apologies (kinda overwhelmed these days). Yeah, help for the Nephilim would be more than welcome.
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The patch notes for tomorrow's update have been released, and damn, just the high-level info means that everything will be broken but will most likely offer so many new stuff...

What does it mean for me in terms of coding? Well, I think it will be simpler and cleaner to pretty much start most of the mod again from scratch, and with paper/pen for several days before typing anything.

Official warning: you have less than a day from this post onwards to block updates on HWRM if you want to use the current version of the mod in any way. From tomorrow onwards, Flag Commander will be offline for at the very least several weeks, more likely months.