WC4 Mod For Homeworld 2 In The Works (June 5, 2006)

As do I. As do I...

In the meantime, I think everyone will enjoy the new patch with the vanilla game, the changes are quite comprehensive and should give a new youth to HWRM. The improvements to the MP stability should make it worth it by themselves and with some luck, we could have before the end of 2016 a stable Wing Commander multiplayer RTS. No promises, though. :-)
You already have a somewhat built-in reporting deadline...the CIC Birthday is two months away!...which reminds me that Pete is going to kill me if I don't get to testing the latest Standoff package
Holly cow! Never mind the mod, best of luck with that PhD!
Thanks! :-)

Anyway, two important things:

1) The patch is out, and Flag Commander is officially NOT WORKING for the patched version.
2) Gearbox released HWRM on GOG.com, which allows you to buy the game legally without any DRM, copy it on any number of computers and play without internet connexion or whatever. Plus, it's at -50% right now, 16 € from where I am.

Seriously, people, get it!


I will obviously make sure the releases of the mod will be compatible with the GOG version and will give manual installation instructions for the users. :-)
If only it were offered on GoG Connect, as I already was an early adopter on the steam version. But I suppose I shouldn't get my hopes up

Also big news!
The patch is already live, as I said in the previous post. As for GOG, well... I rebought the game, that way I'll be able to keep it on a USB drive and work on the mod everywhere and anywhere as long as I have a decent-ish computer. Plus, it will allow me to make absolutely sure the releases work for everyone.
This update is fantastic! I was originally very pleased with Geerboxes ambition to meld the two games together and make a colossal super game. They could have so easily done the easy route, slap their brand on it, and shove it out the door on steam. But they didn't, and instead tried to make something spectacular out of it. Unfortunately that ambition lead to a lot of obvious design issues that made me very sad (The utter uselessness of HW1 fighters for instance and many HW1 strategies just didn't work out in the HW2 environment). Its great to finally see all that hard work start to pay off.
This update is fantastic! I was originally very pleased with Geerboxes ambition to meld the two games together and make a colossal super game. They could have so easily done the easy route, slap their brand on it, and shove it out the door on steam. But they didn't, and instead tried to make something spectacular out of it. Unfortunately that ambition lead to a lot of obvious design issues that made me very sad (The utter uselessness of HW1 fighters for instance and many HW1 strategies just didn't work out in the HW2 environment). Its great to finally see all that hard work start to pay off.
Yep. HWRM 2.0 seems to be the Homeworld that should have been, and it's been given a decade of additional life through modding. And keep in mind this patch took something like 20 or 30 programmer-months of work to do, meaning half a million dollars in cost at the very least, and they release it for free for the community. That's dedication for a niche game.
Gave it a try last night. Now, just to make sure...HWRM 2 is the HW2 remastered? or am I missing something? (Total HW newbie save for my Flag Commander time and playing HW1 campaign)
HW:R includes the original and remastered versions of both games, as far as I know. At least, the version I bought does.
Gave it a try last night. Now, just to make sure...HWRM 2 is the HW2 remastered? or am I missing something? (Total HW newbie save for my Flag Commander time and playing HW1 campaign)
HWRM is HW1 and 2 together in remastered, but when I said HWRM 2, I meant the 2.0 patch of HWRM, with a lot of tinkering and additional tactical options.

Oh, my defence is done: I'm a PhD in physics now. Yay! *collapses in exhaustion*
Ahh, as in the 2.0 patch affects both HW1 and HW2 remastered versions...for a second I was confused that I was missing some super button that had some combined game.
HWRM is HW1 and 2 together in remastered, but when I said HWRM 2, I meant the 2.0 patch of HWRM, with a lot of tinkering and additional tactical options.

Oh, my defence is done: I'm a PhD in physics now. Yay! *collapses in exhaustion*


*Insert random Big Bang Theory joke here*