WC:U intro movie

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Well, you can definitely make a case that soem of charlieg's posting was immature. That said, I feel that the banning itself was pretty immature. For one thing, even if a ban was a good idea (I don't believe it necessarily was), there was no reason to make a post informing people of the ban. Assuming that your objective was to cool down a topic that was getting into a pointless argument, the act of banning would have already achieved this. There is no further gain that I can see from this post. It doesn't really tell us anything, since we all can see that he is banned without the post.

However, the post will still be around long after the ban has ended. While I am sure that this isn't the real reason behind the post, in many ways it comes off as more of a taunt that anything else. The post appears to be a statement declaring loudly that "I have the power to ban you." In my opinion, this really isn't called for, and does nothing to help alleviate the situation.

The most immature act, however, was the changing of his profile picture. I don't see how this is anything but spiteful. This act discredits any claims about removing charlieg for the sake of returning to an intelligent conversation. I really can't think of any way to interpret this in a positive light. It very much appears to be a direct insult against charleig, and moderators (or anyone in a position of responsibility) should be above such immature acts. Anything else destroys the credibility of the forum.
The most immature act, however, was the changing of his profile picture. I don't see how this is anything but spiteful. This act discredits any claims about removing charlieg for the sake of returning to an intelligent conversation. I really can't think of any way to interpret this in a positive light. It very much appears to be a direct insult against charleig, and moderators (or anyone in a position of responsibility) should be above such immature acts. Anything else destroys the credibility of the forum.

I don't disagree with the practice of funny avatars - I think it's often a good way to diffuse tension without a ban... but I agree with you that this one wasn't particularly funny or well explained. I can't do anything about it, mind you: he pissed off Kris, and in all things administrative he ranks me.

I'm not clear on whose credibility you think we should be trying to cater to, either. The Wing Commander community has been self sustainning for many years - one would be laboring under a misconception were they to believe that we have any special interest in appealing to people who are not fans.

In a purely utilitarian sense, it stands to reason that we should support Eder - he's responsible for the greatest of the Wing Commander fan projects... and as best I can tell, for all the subsequent ranting, charlieg's role is purely weirdo who threatens to kickbox people who don't like him.

I wish I was making that up.
charlieg was asking to be banned. His manner... ok he had some problems. He threw in an unnecessary set of comments that got his ass served on a silver platter.

Let us look at his intellegent move:

If you don't like it, what the hell are you doing posting here? You must like at least some part of it to be posting requests for new features and joining in discussion.

How can we have heated debates if one side of the argument is so freakin' ludicrous? "Yeah, I don't like this game, but please do $FOO." I just spit my cup of tea all over my keyboard in laughter.

charlieg unfortunately set himself up for a banning. I'm starting to wonder if we should begin to include a warning bar to forumites for unruly and downright stupid behavior.
ricree101 said:
For one thing, even if a ban was a good idea (I don't believe it necessarily was), there was no reason to make a post informing people of the ban. Assuming that your objective was to cool down a topic that was getting into a pointless argument, the act of banning would have already achieved this. There is no further gain that I can see from this post. It doesn't really tell us anything, since we all can see that he is banned without the post.
It isn't always clear to people that they've been banned, since the standard message is something along the lines of "you don't have permission to post in this forum." Secondly, some people, when banned, will have an axe to grind with the person responsible for this gross violation of their human rights. This is illustrated by the fact that charlieg immediately started harrassing BradMick over the matter - even though the guy is just a regular member on the board. That and the Thai kickboxing incident show that charlieg isn't right in the head. The ban would have lasted only a few days at the most, but I'm in no hurry to let back on someone who makes physical threats. (even hilarious ones)
heheh, yeah, they all want to actually drive down here to tennessee and kick my ass. pretty funny really. *shrugs* oh well. let em come i say, if they're that desperate to exact some kind of vengance for disagreeing and pointedly pointing out where they're ideas are just flat wrong. i won't be an easy prey.
Ricree101 its not that some of us dont agree with you, its that there is no point arguing the fact. The moderators at this forum have a track record that is well known. Its not going to change. We can just hope that the people that jump ship here (or are banned or whatever) find the other forum where they are not subject to the moderators whims.

I cant comment on the "funny" avatar without invoking Goodwin's Law, so I will just keep my mouth shut on the topic.
If the Wing Commander community is really sceaming for the ability to randomly yell at people and then physically threaten them for no reason, then they're welcome to post somewhere else. I'm pretty sure most everyone here is smarter than that.

I'm closing this thread.
I agree that this isn't a very productive discussion, but there's no censorship in this forum. I agree with LOAF, but I also made a committment. Topic re-opened.
This is LOAF's forum and ultimately he has the right to say what goes and what doesn't. I don't dispute this. This said, I ****MUST**** keep my promises to the best of my ability. If he wants to override me after that, it's his thing, he won't lose any respect from me, and my conscience is clean.
its never wise to make promises you can't keep, especially in matters you really have no control over. makes for a bad way to go.
This was stupid. You can look back on the darned front page of the forum and find threads you've closed before - this isn't a moral issue, you just wanted to be stupid.
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