Vindicator II

Would you like a Vindicator II?

  • No, I'd rather have the old Vindicator

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • No, the Vindicator sucks

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Yes, as a Heavy Fighter

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Yes, as a Medium Fighter

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • Yes, as a Bomber

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Yes, as a Fighter Bomber

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Yes, as an Interceptor

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Yes, as a paperweight

    Votes: 5 16.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Victory, you say?
Well, do you want a Vindicator II?

Perhaps it would make sense to use an updated version of the old one, with a heavy stormfire and more missiles, since the UBW militia isn't swimming on money.

But, there could be a Vindicator II, as follows:

Heavy Fighter: Less speed, more guns, more armor, and a much larger missiles loadout.

Medium Fighters: More speed, similar guns, similar armor, more missiles and no torps.

Bomber: Much slower, same as the old one with more torps.

Fighter bomber: Same speed, but beter guns and more torps.

Interceptor: A lot of speed, better guns, killer missiles, no torps and short range.

Remember, the UBW needs an atmospheric-capable fighter!
Yes, as a paperweight :P

Sorry about adding that option by the way I just couldn't resist :) The Vindicator looked something rotten in WCIV and it just didn't handle right either.
Originally posted by Pedro
Yes, as a paperweight :P

Hehe, whats so wrong with it? It's a jack of all trades, master of none... A Typical miltia figther, that requires a truly skilled pilot. It's that what you were aiming for? :)
Well, I liked Vindicator ( but Dragon was better:D ), so I'd like to see it once again.
If I recall correctly, Vin was a fighter-bomber, right? So why change?:)
The UBW doesn't have a bomber per se. No craft that the BW uses on WCIV is a dedicated bomber. They use multi-role craft. The Banshee is the light fighter. The Avanger is a Heavy Fighter and a Bomber.

The Vindicator, however, is a medium fighter AND a bomber. Fighter bomber, yes, and medium. Like a hellcat, but with better guns, some torpedos and a turret. :)
I loved the Vin.

It would be nice to see the old girl back & updated as either a Fighter Bomber or a medium fighter :)
Heh. I see the Vindicator Cult is alive and well. :D Seriously, I would like to see an upgraded Vindicator as either a fighter bomber (link the tachs and stormfires up front, switch the lasers to the rear turret, more armour) or as a jack of all trades medium fighter (better performance, maybe lose a torp for more missiles.)

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Delance
The UBW doesn't have a bomber per se. No craft that the BW uses on WCIV is a dedicated bomber. They use multi-role craft. The Banshee is the light fighter. The Avanger is a Heavy Fighter and a Bomber.

The Vindicator, however, is a medium fighter AND a bomber. Fighter bomber, yes, and medium. Like a hellcat, but with better guns, some torpedos and a turret. :)
The banshee was definitely a light fighter but the Avenger wasn't much of a heavy fighter, it was all bomber!:D
The Vindicator was my all time favorite Border Worlds fighter though.
Originally posted by Raptor
Heh. I see the Vindicator Cult is alive and well. :D Seriously, I would like to see an upgraded Vindicator as either a fighter bomber (link the tachs and stormfires up front, switch the lasers to the rear turret, more armour) or as a jack of all trades medium fighter (better performance, maybe lose a torp for more missiles.)

I don't think the stormfire can be linked, it's a secondary weapon by nature.

My take: Make 2 versions, Medium Fighter and Fighter Bomber:

Medium Fighter: Tachyons and Viper Cannons
+30cm Armor
4 IRs, 6 HS, 4 DFs

Fighter Bomber: Tachyons and Mass Drivers
+50cm Armor
2 IRs, 4 HS, 2 DFs, 1 Pike, 4 Lances, 2 Anti-Radiation

Originally posted by Shaggy
The banshee was definitely a light fighter but the Avenger wasn't much of a heavy fighter, it was all bomber!:D
The Vindicator was my all time favorite Border Worlds fighter though.

Actually, the official designation of the BW Militia is "Heavy Fighter" for the Avenger, as you can see on the computer on WCIV. It's a little bit of a gray area. It's more of a fighter than the longbow, for certain.
Originally posted by Delance
Actually, the official designation of the BW Militia is "Heavy Fighter" for the Avenger, as you can see on the computer on WCIV. It's a little bit of a gray area. It's more of a fighter than the longbow, for certain.
Actually, the official designation of the BW Militia is "Torpedo Bomber" - we're talking about UE here, so the data in UE's ship viewer takes priority.
Originally posted by Quarto
Actually, the official designation of the BW Militia is "Torpedo Bomber" - we're talking about UE here, so the data in UE's ship viewer takes priority.

But that's a different ship, isn't it? :)

The Avenger on WCIV is a Heavy Fighter. There's also the "Rescue Ship" Avenger.

On UE, we have the Torpedo Bomber Avenger, which is a different ship, a prototype actually. And the SAR version, which I'm not sure its the same because we have 0 info on the SAR version of WCIV. It might be the same ship or not.

As I remember, the Avenger is an adapted shuttle, so it can be a number of things, from a heavy fighter to a torpedo bomber, or a hybrid fighter bomber.

Considering that the UBW lacks a heavy fighter, it kinda fills the role anyway. Unless they still have a Dragon hidden somewhere. :)
In Wc4 I would say Avenger is a "Light Bomber".It has 4 Torps.As many as a Longbow,but less missles.Almost the same armor.

Anyway ,I want the old good Vindi.

P.S. Dont forget my Hellcat too :D :D
Just give her some real shields and armor. All the other WC4 specs are fine.

Originally posted by TCSTigersClaw
P.S. Dont forget my Hellcat too

No Hellcats. We already have the Epee to fill the *crappy fighter* spot.
:( I know Starkey I just keep to mention that.Maybe some day you ll recognize the power of the Hellcat :(

Originally posted by Delance
But that's a different ship, isn't it? :)

The Avenger on WCIV is a Heavy Fighter. There's also the "Rescue Ship" Avenger.
Well, no. The Avenger in UE is a new variant, but it's still the same ship. The new one is the YB-1D (if it ever goes into full service, it will be just B-1D), while the original WC4 Avenger was B-1A. But don't bother checking your WC4 manual for that, the UE ship designations are all made up ;).
My explanation would be the apparent lack of a B designation in the Confed system (until WCP) - the Broadsword was an A, and the Longbow was an F/A. When the Border Worlds set up their own system of designations, they decided to include a B designation, and so the Avenger got redesignated.
Originally posted by Quarto
My explanation would be the apparent lack of a B designation in the Confed system (until WCP) - the Broadsword was an A, and the Longbow was an F/A. When the Border Worlds set up their own system of designations, they decided to include a B designation, and so the Avenger got redesignated.

But why change the designation the Border Worlds had for the Avenger? They don't even have another fighter to be their heavy fighter... And even an Epee can bomb with torps! :)
In the real world, planes are often reclassified to reflect their changing roles. Heck, many American dive bombers served both under the Naval designation SB and the Army designation A. The Skyraider (which was more of a mix of dive bomber and torpedo bomber) was in fact called the AD-1 in the Navy, though it could just as easily have been called the SB2D or TB2D.

In the case of Avenger, the reclassification is the result of a similar paradigm shift. Some time after WC4, the new capship shields came into use, and capships could no longer be killed with guns. This made the distinction between fighter and bomber once again relevant. The Avenger was far more useful as a bomber than as a fighter - so it became a B.