The one to end all.....

Originally posted by Wedge009

Indeed, but somehow, I wonder how many of his intuitive revelations were only for the sake of portraying him as a near infallible leader?

Near being the operative word. While he was a tactical genius, Thrawn did turn out to be wrong on a lot of the impaortant things, like the Nohgri and C'Boath. I guess what I like about him was that he wasn't sadistic or arbitrary like a lot of the SW bad guys, or bad guys in general.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by mpanty
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
I do cheer in most games for the bad guys.
We can imagine Mekt... you like lost causes then, don't you? :p
No, I just don't like it when the "bad guys" are always shown as the bloodthirsty and dumb evil whereas "we, the good guys" are pure, honourable heroes. Best(worst) example: Starlancer.
I see it this way: If I fight alongside the baddies, I fight with the weak (due to their technological inferiority) and misunderstood. And the baddies very often look much cooler. :)
As for SW, I never understood why the Empire was considered evil.

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 05-06-2001 at 08:00]
No, I just don't like it when the "bad guys" are always shown as the bloodthirsty and dumb evil whereas "we, the good guys" are pure, honourable heroes. Best(worst) example: Starlancer.
I see it this way: If I fight alongside the baddies, I fight with the weak (due to their technological inferiority) and misunderstood. And the baddies very often look much cooler. :)
As for SW, I never understood why the Empire was considered evil.

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 05-06-2001 at 08:00] [/B][/QUOTE]

Well the empire is not at all evil, but their government is pure dictatorship, the emperor is evil, but not the people, therefore, concidering its only the emperor who works like he does the empire really isent all that bad, their just following orders so they dont get fried lol

Bossman was KIA, or so they say, the letter to his wife in the Confed Handbook, explains what happened. He supposedly died of radition poisoning. Later they found his body inside the ship.

Well, obviosly, he didn't die, and they were able to cure his wounds and release him back on roster after the pilgrim incident. Who knows the reason why Command kept the secret of bossman being alive, I don't know.

Knight was for all points and considerations MIA. I assume he must have been picked up by another squadron, who didn't mention to tell Blair and his friends he was still alive. Knight is most likely treated for wounds. After the pigrim incident he is released back into the roster.

[Edited by Valiento on 05-06-2001 at 13:17]

Maybe knight wasn't hurt that much?

As for bossman, he had a bit more time to heal. He was injured before the pilgrim crisis. Before blair got on board the ship.
Blair recovered from serious burns in only six months.

My theory is that Bossman was captured -- we know it's standard practice to write letters home saying that a loved one was killed painlessly when they've actually been taken by the Kilrathi...

As for Knight -- we don't know that he ever died. He could have just ejected, been picked up and gone on with his life... we just never saw that part of the story... after all, there was no funeral, no "Oh, I can't believe we lost Knight!" and so forth...
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
My theory is that Bossman was captured -- we know it's standard practice to write letters home saying that a loved one was killed painlessly when they've actually been taken by the Kilrathi...
Good theory, except for one detail - to get captured, he must have ejected (otherwise, there'd be no ship to recover). But if he ejected, how come his ship was recovered in flyable condition?
Wouldn't the Kilrathi love to get a Confed fighter in flyable condition? Of course, only if they realize it is in flyable condition...
Maybe they already had enough...they did capture the Gwenhyver (SIC, probably), which did have a prototype Rapier squadron on it...they didn't say which type of Rapier it had, though.

Point is, they probably scanned the drive for any valuable info, and abandoned it.
Hmm, do you really think that you can have enough enemy fighters? They are really great to set up ambushes.
Still, it can be used as explanation.
I don't think the issue is whether or not they want it (to be fair, it's a hundred year old fighter, *not* a state of the art one:)), it's whether or not they *can* have it -- whether or not there's a large enough capship to take the fighter somewhere else.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
His ship was disabled, he was taken from it, and the ship was abandoned...
Hmm... ok, I guess I can see how that would happen.

Oh, and Nep Parth - those were definitely the new Rapiers. We killed them all in SM1 :).
We missed some? Oh yeah, now that you mention it, I have some vague memory of meeting Rapiers while flying a Dralthi... :)