TCS Concordia (from movie)

thx m8 anyways the problem is i know nothing about texturing and u know shadows and stuff like that ill try to find someone who will help me texture it couse dont wana mess it up with my non existent skill:D

Talk to the Standoff team, they may be able to help u.
Hey any update on this? The design was going awesome! I want to see the finished design, including the forward and aft sections that have not seen a lot of detail yet!:(
yes ofc sry for the delay i have real life issues i didnt abandone the project ill get bac to it when i can thx for the encuragament thow
The Concordia bears a striking resemblance to the Nelson class battleship in terms of gun placement, you may want to start there as she also has three forward turrets.

Also, whos to say all three turrets were meant to be fired straight forward? I doubt the turrets could only move side to side. Perhaps the guns could have been risen and lowered as well.

A second thought could be making the dorsal hull slope a bit to make it possible that all the guns could fire straight I see no evidence that the decks were completely flat.

Nelson had two turrets with three guns each. I got sort of a fast battleship vibe, Concordia has the same gun layout as almost all American battleships of World War II.
someone one scifi meshes posted me a nice set of pictures from the handbook , the prob is those pictures give me a bit of pause u posted the ships specs and doesent includes an axial mounted supergun of sorts but in those pictures u can clearly see somthing with a big barrel in the nose
i know the game version concordia has a superweapon wicj is kinda flawed desigend whatever
and from what i can tell in those pictures her deck i mean where are the gun turrets mounted its flat from tower to nose
and the funny thing is it has an ancor like thingi on the nose wich is obviously not an ancor but still


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someone one scifi meshes posted me a nice set of pictures from the handbook , the prob is those pictures give me a bit of pause u posted the ships specs and doesent includes an axial mounted supergun of sorts but in those pictures u can clearly see somthing with a big barrel in the nose
i know the game version concordia has a superweapon wicj is kinda flawed desigend whatever
and from what i can tell in those pictures her deck i mean where are the gun turrets mounted its flat from tower to nose
and the funny thing is it has an ancor like thingi on the nose wich is obviously not an ancor but still

Does the Handbook have specs/diagrams on any other confed capships? Like Besides the claw?
Nelson had two turrets with three guns each. I got sort of a fast battleship vibe, Concordia has the same gun layout as almost all American battleships of World War II.

Both Nelson and her sister Rodney had three turrets forward, each containing three 16 inch guns within.
A thought on the flight deck

Hey all, I'm new to this thread but the model is looking awsome! Just a thought though on the flight deck, the Concordia is suposed to have some fighters and presumably the ablity to launch and recover them. As far I can see the current model has fighters being launched and recovered from the sides of the ship, along the "wings". What if they were recovered from the rear of the ship and then launched from the "wings" via launch tubes? (think BSG kind of system)

I'm not much of a modeler, but the model seems to have ample room in the rear for a small flight deck to recover fighters which can then me moved to a launch deck near the middle of the ship.

Seems like a realistic way to solve the flight deck issue to me, any comments?

Way to go with the model by the way, I've been trolling the net for a while for something like this! :)
I finally dug through Pilgrim Stars for information about the flight deck.

The ship has both forward and aft-facing decks. The forward one isn't described, but it seems to be the less significant of the two - possibly for shuttles/launches/etc.

The aft-facing deck is where the fighter complement is stored. It has a single rectangular launch-and-recovery opening with an energy curtain (which is large enough for an Errant to land).
I finally dug through Pilgrim Stars for information about the flight deck.

The ship has both forward and aft-facing decks. The forward one isn't described, but it seems to be the less significant of the two - possibly for shuttles/launches/etc.

The aft-facing deck is where the fighter complement is stored. It has a single rectangular launch-and-recovery opening with an energy curtain (which is large enough for an Errant to land).

That sounds like the layout to Saga's Lexington class.
Did the Concordia from the movie have shields? I think that's why it may have had an open flight deck but i dunno. I havent' seen the movie since it came out haha

Well, Tiger Claw has shields so i think Concordia should have shields too. However, while Tiger Claw is aircraft carrier and relies primary on fighters for assualt/defense, although it does have anti-capital ship armament this is only meant as last-ditch effort if enemy penetrates fighter defense, Concordia would have relatively strong shields when compared to Tiger Claw (it should be noticed that, with smaller air wing there is more room for weaponry and other assets, like power and shield generators); and also her armor is probably very thick so she could take heavy beating even without shields.
Hey all, I'm new to this thread but the model is looking awsome! Just a thought though on the flight deck, the Concordia is suposed to have some fighters and presumably the ablity to launch and recover them. As far I can see the current model has fighters being launched and recovered from the sides of the ship, along the "wings". What if they were recovered from the rear of the ship and then launched from the "wings" via launch tubes? (think BSG kind of system)

I'm not much of a modeler, but the model seems to have ample room in the rear for a small flight deck to recover fighters which can then me moved to a launch deck near the middle of the ship.

Seems like a realistic way to solve the flight deck issue to me, any comments?

Way to go with the model by the way, I've been trolling the net for a while for something like this! :)

What with rear thrusters? When ship is in motion, it would be impossible to make take-off or landing as exhaust from engines would severely damage or even melt fighters. And I'm not even sure if there is enough space between engines and hull for even small tunnel for fighters.
sory for the delay

well guys i am back , sry i kinda stoped working on the ship i had a lot of probs in my life plus my old pc got trashed in a lightning storm so i lost a lot of stuff , including this part wich i had done a few months ago so i had to re do it , i dont know how much free time ill have in the future but i intend to finish this ship
any new refrence photos or suggestions are welcomed


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well guys i am back , sry i kinda stoped working on the ship i had a lot of probs in my life plus my old pc got trashed in a lightning storm so i lost a lot of stuff , including this part wich i had done a few months ago so i had to re do it , i dont know how much free time ill have in the future but i intend to finish this ship
any new refrence photos or suggestions are welcomed

FINALLY AN UPDATE! That looks awesome! Love the detail!
another long delayed update

well i am here again , sry for delays
the ship is getting close to being finished , hope i can find someone who can help me texture it because i have 0 experience in it
i remodeled a few things and redid a few parts , dont forget i am still learning stuff in google sketch up so its still a learning curve
the underside is done as well thow i feel its a bit empty but atm have no idea what to put there to change this


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