Size of the Behemoth?

Haha...u don't have to be invincible to kill it! Just fly inside it with some careful maneuvering, find a sweet spot, and stick to it!
Originally posted by TC
In response to something or other down the page, it's unknown what the effects of the Behemoth would be on a tectonically stable planet...
It might not blow up any random planet, but it would sure fuck up the ecosystem.... what was the power output on it? 500 million GW? 500 billion? A whole shitload, anyhow. And it would confortably outrange any defenses.
Actually, we don't know what the range of planet based missile batteries and energy weapons are.

Best, Raptor
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
The problem is that the Behemoth wasn't a conventional weapon in any sense -- it was a psychological weapon: scare the Kilrathi into surrendering by convincing them you have the ability to destroy planets. It couldn't *actually* go around whacking entire galaxies worth of planets...

Either way, it was 11 kilometers long.

(The dreadnoughts in WC3 were 'Hvar'kann class', not Kiranka... too much fanfic;))

I thought the plan was to destroy Kilrah with the Behemoth specificaly to take out the emperor and the clan leaders (similar to what the T-bomb was for), then to use it as a psychological weapon against the remaing Kilrathi (fear will keep the local systems in line :D )
Is that from the game, novel, or your opinion?
was the idea of the T-bomb Paladin's personal plan?
Kevin explains the 'approved' plan early on in the novel -- Behemoth will be used to scare the Kilrathi... hence Blair's surprise when he finds out that Tolwyn is "going to Kilrah with that thing". (And, of course, this is the reason for Tolwyn's later court martial -- he went on the offensive without approval...).
The T-Bomb was a plan made by Paladin's Covert Ops team, yes. And the Behemoth wasn't supported, but Tolwyn pushed it, in fact rushed it, through in any event.

And yes, we get that information from both games, and books.
LOAF, did Kevin know Tolwyn was going to hit Kilrah with it? I remember that it was supposed to be to scare the Kilrathi, and his method wasn't endorsed-but I can't remember whether the novel gave us any indication whether Kevin knew his uncle was firing it at the homeworld....
Attacking the Nephilim with a Behemoth size ship is both tactically and stratigically foolish. Even with a huge battlegroup to protect it they aren't going to be able to stop every bug ship or missile from getting to it. Sending in a sizeable force made up of a couple large battlegroups to bombard a planet from different areas would be more feasible. It would probably be more cost effective that way as well. Spend a huge fortune to build a Behemoth and then have it get blown up as well as some of its support fleet getting destroyed would seriously bankrupt Confed. Losing some ships while bombarding a planet is more cost effective. Even trying to use the Behemoth as a psychological weapon wouldn't work very well on the bugs. I don't think they are capable of being psychologically defeated.
From what I've seen of the Nephilim we don't need the Big B.

Besides, when it comes to planet wasting, we can use the strontium nukes the Kilrathi used in the Battle of Terra, or maybe the Fleet Plasma.
yea, i think confed would spend some more into R&D on the anti-fleet plasma canon. if the midway could build one while underway, they should be cheap, and easy to reproduce.
Originally posted by Happy
yea, i think confed would spend some more into R&D on the anti-fleet plasma canon. if the midway could build one while underway, they should be cheap, and easy to reproduce.

Midway didn't build the cannon... it was stolen from a Kraken.
Midway didn't build the cannon... it was stolen from a Kraken.

Are you sure, cause i remember they built it from the spec.s the stole from the ships database, and built it themeslves. cause the Kraken got torp.ed when it started to move.
That big Crystal-disco-light was stolen from the Kraken then was mounted between the *legs* of the Midway, those designs were from the *mount* of the Crystal