Secret Missions 2


Ok I recently purchased the Kilrathi Saga and have completed WC1+SM1 however in the firekka system with doomsday as your wingman you were supposed to defend two draymans, I couldn't and only one survived, now I have gone onto the next mission which is rescuing the drayman which disappeared and it keeps getting destroyed on the way back to the tigers claw due to the large force. Any suggestions? This dralthi is so useless its almost impossible to take anyone down

[This message has been edited by Pedro (edited September 23, 2000).]
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Hm, I don't exactly remember that mission, but what you could try is fly ahead of the transport manualy, and engage any enemy fighters before the transport moves into range. Than get back to the transport, and auto to the Claw.
Thanks unfortunatley I have a much more annoying problem, you see the person who sold it to me left a mission branching guide and once I successfully completed that mission my wingman was maniac meaning I was on the losing path (on the winning path it would be hunter), I have to go back two missions! I'm really not sure I can do that first one though
I'd hate to be stuck on these secret missions much longer, I really want to play WC2, I've heard such great things about it but I'm having real trouble with these missions, the missions in the recent games aren't anywhere near as hard.
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Nope I was on the losing path but I went back and beat both missions first time due to my improved tactics
I'm now flying with hunter on my wing as the mission branching diagram indicated I would be.
Thanks for your help though.
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Ah, the General (Powell?) mission. Well done on getting through it so quickly... I think it was one of the toughest missions of SM2. Well, later on there will be some very tough ones, but usually you won't have to win them 100% to stick to the winning path.
I think I should be ok now, just 3 more missions to go, probably complete it today, WC1, SM1+2 all in 5 days, not bad
I'm planning on going straight through all the games and then going back to Privateer to see if I can't comeplete it.
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Yep as I predicted I am onto WC2, WC1 was great but I'm glad of the cutscenes in WC2, even if only some of them have speech.
What's the speech on WC2 like? Speech won't work on my version. Or music. Or joystick control.
I'm hoping PCGamer will be able to release KSWC2 sometime. Eh, I can dream, can't I?

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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He he, lucky me with my Kilrathi Saga...
The speech is great, even though sometimes it's hard to understand what the Kilrathi are saying, it adds a lot to the overall experience.
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Definatley, it was really annoying having to read what your wingman was saying in WC1.
Main problem is WC2 has some bugs, the most annoying one being that the text goes by so fast you can either read it or see whos talking to you, you certainly don't have enough time to take it all in. Dang it I need to buy an old P200 so my KS and P2 Deluxe run properly, put a Voodoo card and attach it to a TV instead of a PC monitor and I've got the ultimate Wing Commander system
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You can slow down the text, can't you?

I heard that Doomsday's voice in WC2 is just awful. So what's he sound like?

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!

[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited September 24, 2000).]
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Ha, ha. You're so funny, WildWeasel.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!
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What did you expect?

Fine! I'll be serious. He's always moaning. It gets on your nerves after a while. Be happy you haven't heard it yet.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Pedro: A P200 won't help. Indeed, nothing will. The cutscenes in KSaga WC2 will always be too fast, because they only implemented the frame limiting in-flight (note that cutscenes which are shown in the middle of a mission are at a much more reasonable speed) and in cut-scenes with speech.
Unless of course you get a computer so pathetic that the cutscenes will slow down to a normal speed (I think you'd need a P75 or worse). Unfortunately, if you have a computer like that, chances are that the space flight will be too slow.

Dralthi5: Doomsday sounds like a zombie. But instead of "Brains!" he usually says "One capital ship down."
Doomsday is really depressed but glancing at the credits the bad acting is probably due to the fact his voice is done by a woman, not that women can't act ofcourse
Its just I always hated them playing men and vice versa.

[This message has been edited by Pedro (edited September 25, 2000).]
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Oh and Quarto I still stand by my wish for a P200 Voodoo outputting to a TV, good enough for Prophecy, add an MPEG card for WCIV DVD, Privateer 2 at a normal speed and the TV will comepensate for 320*240 resoloution of video in prophecy and everything on WC1+2, Privateer, academy and armada. Every 320*240 game should be played on a TV, trust me.
Dralthi5 said:
You can slow down the text, can't you?

I heard that Doomsday's voice in WC2 is just awful. So what's he sound like?

I always thought he sounded like Eyore from the Winnie the Pooh movies and TV shows.
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