Reply to this message with new WC ideas

RE: steampunk

steampunk: And no one in their right mind would develop a glue gun.

CB: Well, steampunk, I'll make you a deal. You don't have to use a glue gun if one is optional to use in the next WC game. I for one happen to like having something to immobilize guns and turrets so they can't train on me. And I also like having something that won't destroy them so I can salvage them for future use. In the real world, there have been hoses developed that function like glue guns -- they shoot out glue like foam -- they've been used by police officers for crowd control (and for controlling criminals who run away) and by Marines for peacekeeping missions. The foam glue guns are one of many non-lethal solutions to problems.
chip, personally i feel my ideas for a game were better than yours, at least better than a giant, ship mounted glue gun to goop up a laser canon, especially when the gun could just melt the glue... how are you gonna bash my ideas and then say thats a good one...

Chip you are still intent on capturing every cap ship in the Universe arent you even when it is logistically improbable to even be able to capture 1 tenth of all the ships that would otherwise be destroyed, do you know of all the Logistical nightmares. AND WHY A GLUE GUN why not just blow the thing up. I bet that if we were to play some game and I blew your ships to hell and you spent your time capturing mine, I would be at your homeworld before you even captured your first ten ships!!!
Oh, for crying out loud. If you don't like his ideas, people, then stop replying to him.
[WC Movie]That's definitely an order.[/WC Movie]
Replies to messages below

Napoleon: Chip you are still intent on capturing every cap ship in the Universe arent you even when it is logistically improbable to even be able to capture 1 tenth of all the ships that would otherwise be destroyed, do you know of all the Logistical nightmares. AND WHY A GLUE GUN why not just blow the thing up. I bet that if we were to play some game and I blew your ships to hell and you spent your time capturing mine, I would be at your homeworld before you even captured your first ten ships!!!

CB: We should play some strategic game that the entire design is observed by both of us. I'll admit there might be times that I might damage your ships, but I'll be building up my fleet while you're attempting to destroy mine.

joncaleb: chip, personally i feel my ideas for a game were better than yours, at least better than a giant, ship mounted glue gun to goop up a laser canon, especially when the gun could just melt the glue... how are you gonna bash my ideas and then say thats a good one...

CB: Remember, I suggested the idea for a glue gun to effectively prevent the cannon from training on a target. By that I mean, the glue would jam turret rotation mechanisms and cannon aiming mechansisms.
I have an idea, just a general one. They need to revive the WC series, either the ones who created it, or someone who can buy up the copyrights and all so it can be continued. With all the support of the fans, its amazing that Origin put a stop to it. In the meantime, Im still waiting for my WCP SO purchase! The wait continues, probably for a long time! :(

A good one, I personly like a game were we are playing as a kilrahi pilot in the end of the war.
Origin is stoping all games except the Ultima online 2 game, A bad move, origin have being making mistakes after mistakes since WC IV. I hope that origin sees the light before its to late.
Chip, WHile I admit that in homeworld or Startrek armada or Starcraft (great games by the way) they in no way represent the WC universe. In wc a single relativly cheap jump capable fighter (actually bomber) can destroy the most expensive and highly maned ship in any fleet. Just play the last mission in SO I take out that Command ship easily and quickly whereas in order to capture and man and repair any battle damnage, it would take a helluva lot longer, that is why I say I could be in your back door b4 you knew it
Bad move? Origin? Like most private companies out there OSI is busy profit maximizing. When examining what games made the most money they discovered UO made the most regular income. So they figured they'd improve on that. Considering the popularity of games with strong multiplayer elements that's not surprising, is it?
Well, first, it's EA that's calling the shots...

Besides, switching to the UO franchise only is a bad move, if EA/OSI plans to make more than 1 or 2 new Ultimas. There is only a certain amount that one game like this can bring, and I think that none of the upcoming UO games will bring as much profit as the first one.

Not only that, but with MMP RPG's becoming more and more popular, the fight for that market will cut into the profits.
New Missions

I think that it would be nice to see somemore 'behind' the scenes missions, but I know I re-tried to play the Prophecy game on my new pc, but it was running WAY too fast. I know that I would like to see more missions, I loved WC3, 4, and Phophecy. I would like to see them create new missions the way they let others do with Lucasarts 'TIE Fighter', but with them concentrating on their new games, I doubt it will happen.
RE: To Napoleon's message

Actually, Homeworld is perhaps the best bet for reinacting WC battles except maybe for Imperium Galactica 2 or WC Armada. There is something called the Big File Viewer that lets people customize their own games' weapons (so creating a torpedo like fighter is possible).
yes chip i know, I have played Fleet Action as well but it is not the same and I still could defeat someone who spent all their money on salvage corvets which you would have to do in order to do what you want to do.
I have a new Wing Commander idea for origin, Has anybody played startrek:starfleet command because I would like to see a game like that for WC. It would be fun to be the commander of a carrier and use its guns then launch fighters (like the shuttles that can be launched in st:sf or at least in st:sf2). I would also love to see a mod or mission pack or something that allows you to fly in the Bot or the Mcalluff (sp) battle or the Enyo engagement. Finally I would like to see WC6 which would continue the war but from the Pov of the borderworlds just because I liked the borderworlds better than Confed and my favorite carrier was the BWS Intrepid.
There already is a game like that, called WC Armada.:) It might be a little oudated though...:)

Anyhow, to trully simulate a battle like McAuliffe or BoT, you'd need an engine that can handle hundreds/thousands of fighters/missile, and tens/hundreds of capships, you'd then need a comp capable of displaying that while providing you with fluid and smooth gameplay.

And lastly, playing for the BW would be a great pain. Mainly because their ships are so oudated. If those games were to have some realism, you would be flying in Rapiers or Scimitars against Vaktohs and Sorthaks.
Banshees and Vindicators aren't even in the novel.:) One of the reasons for that, is that it's hard to imagine the BW to have a light fighter better than the Arrow, and able to pull it's weight against something like the Hellcat, a medium fighter like the Vindicator, which is almost as good (and in some ways better) than the T-bolt. Or a bomber that is a pretty good counterpart for a Longbow.
Well how do you explain how the UBW had the Banshees et al? Or do they really have elves working in the back making all these things? Or maybe Pliers is an elf and that stuff he keeps chewing is actually magic elf stuff that allows him to look like a human. :)

Hmmm. I think you can disregard the last sentence. ;)
more ideas

Here are some more Ideas:

*Water Cannons - To cloud upt he enemy windshield
*Toilets - you go to teh bathroom, it dumps it on enemy
A ship-killing gun - Super powered
A multi ship - Like the remora one, but it is a mutli SHIP with multiple PILOTS

* all marked with these are stupid
Well Penguin, the only thing I can think of is that the game would be impossible to complete if you wre flying outdated Confed fighters.:)