Read this shit!

Maybe....but PP's are sleeeeeazy places!!! ;) just what I love!

How come we didn't see more of Sera Melissa Black(?) from P2???

Now THATS a woman! (and she's real) Love that accent too!
Hot Bar Tender

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF


And thanks to Death, TC and WildFire for helping me set up Privateer to run on this computer.

You have good taste, I always thought she was worthy of the CIC but the CIC has never put up a character page, why is that?

PS:I've Found alot of the ship data they have is wrong,

such as ship stats, names of ships, and a few ships were never shown in the first place.

Sorry i'm not trying to bitch, but whats up guys?
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Taryn Cross and Tayla were hot lookin too! Lynn Murphy wasnt so bad either, cept she seemed a bit bossy and arogant but not too bad lookin! She seemed a bit nicer in Rightious Fire, maybe she got lonely! How about that Louise Buttercup Phillips (more to the name) in Privateer 2!! :p Talk about airhead!! :D

Ugh, c'mon people. Fictitious cartoon characters?

Originally posted by redwolf
How could a bartender, well, get two Pewter Planets to use as earings???

Very observant. I didn't even notice the resemblance!
I have nothing to do with the ships data -- I'm sure someone will fix it eventually.

Here's Louissa... (Louissa Elizabeth Einstein Mayflower Tennessee Buttercup Phillips) -- but she's like 14, guys (G)

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Louissa Phillips, RFBanks mentioned her.

And here's Melissa Banks...

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I just remeber that we go to Louissa Elizabeth Einstein Mayflower Tennessee Buttercup Phillips room and we spend the night in there (he must be blind or being in ice that long make him that desperate ), now if she was only 14, EA would have a lot to awnser for.
Wrong character -- Louissa is the little girl who follows Lev around until her father arrives to take her away. You're thinking of Tamessa Ames.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
I have nothing to do with the ships data -- I'm sure someone will fix it eventually.

Here's Louissa... (Louissa Elizabeth Einstein Mayflower Tennessee Buttercup Phillips) -- but she's like 14, guys (G)


Yeah, she was kinda cute but....she was also out of he mind!

most of the P2 girls were hot, but P2 wasn't a real Wing Commander game(don't yell)

it had nothing to do with the WC storyline at all
no cats,no bugs,and no retros.....uh,can't say i miss the retros(opps...i forgot,they were dusted in P1RF weren't they!)
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Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
Louissa Phillips, RFBanks mentioned her.

And here's Melissa Banks...


Short but sweet, man Blair didn't even have as much luck with women, not unless they died or ditch him that is...
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If having cats, bugs and retros are what makes a game Wing Commander, then there are no Wing Commander games.
Since when does age determine airhead status? :D 14 and out flying alone in hazardous space, dont think daddy on Anhur was too concerned!
