Privateer 2 Cheats

True Quarto. I want to shout at my GM /my players for their actions (killing me/ destroying my adventure). :)

And mpanty: Granted I do not have that card lying beside me but I am very sure that this is the essence of the card: Cannot be destroyed by ceratures or by such cards as "lightning" or "Terror". Do you own the newest edition's of Urza's whatever, legacy, saga)? If you want I can ask the card owner to explain it.
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

And mpanty: Granted I do not have that card lying beside me but I am very sure that this is the essence of the card: Cannot be destroyed by creatures or by such cards as "lightning" or "Terror".
Well I believe you Mekt, but that doesn't make at all that card is "ultimate"... it just means it cannot be targeted by Terror orLightning Bolt... respectively black and red cards...

The cards of other colours, such as Swords to Plowshares, Counterspell, all the artifacts and all the creatures, can get rid of the card fairly simply...

[Edited by mpanty on 05-01-2001 at 15:41]
The thing about things which are called 'collectibles' is that you can never collect them all. They always release new ones, or there's always some rare card that is near impossible to get. Which is why (thankfully) I've never been into things like magic. I wouldn't have the pockets for it, anyway.
Well, you seem to know far much cards than I do, so that must be right. Of course if you can prevent it from being played out (that's what a counter-spell does, doesn't it?) it is out. But what do the other cards do? Keep in mind the text on the card states "Cannot be destroyed", not that it is immune to only Terror and Lightining.
Slightly off-topic, isn't it? ;)
Re: Collecting -- one of the neat things about Magic is that you don't *have* to be a collector... you can still play the game, regardless.
True. Even with the year-old cards of my brother I still had a chance to win against the deck of my friend's son, full of the newest cards available. Actually, I never won but sometimes it was a close fight. :)

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 05-02-2001 at 15:01]
Ok I will fess up! The only things I have of WC are the games, a few collectable items and add on stuff for the games. I have to complete the collection with the novels, books etc. But I am shure I will always be lacking something in the WC universe to collect!

Don't be sad RFB. The CCG is perhaps nice to have as a collector but it isn't a terrific game IMHO and half of the drawings are really horrible, especially most of the Kilrathi pilots. You can have a look at them at the CIC I believe. ;)
I found the CCG game rather enjoyable... although I'd been playing the basic thing when it was called Star of the Guardians. :)
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Well, you seem to know far much cards than I do, so that must be right. Of course if you can prevent it from being played out (that's what a counter-spell does, doesn't it?) it is out. But what do the other cards do? Keep in mind the text on the card states "Cannot be destroyed", not that it is immune to only Terror and Lightning.
Well... Swords to Plowshares does not exactly "destroy" the card... it "removes it from the game"... so the characteritic "cannot be destroyed" does not work...

Also, you could use Artfifacts such as Icy Manipulator to tap the card each turn, rendering it unusable as long as it is tapped...

I wish you could find the exact name and description of the card so I could tell ya more... :)
No problem mpanty, I'll ask the owner tomorrow and post it.

LOAF: The game was fun to play once or twice juts for being WC. But it wasn't very well balanced IMHO. What I'd like to know: Did you ever finish a game by destroying the enemy's carrier? I never finished one that way, we always had one of the players reduced to zero PPs.
mpanty, I got the card. It is less powerful than I remembered (he played it with a combination whcih let him choose protection from a colour and with some other mean cards): The card is "Cho-Manno" Cost: 2 colourless + white
creature, rebel legend
Text says: "Prevent all damage dealt to Cho-Manno" (everything is translated from German, maybe not the correct English "Magic" term ;) )
So a "Terror" can destroy it, my fault.