Privateer 2 Cheats

The Punisher

Are there any other Privateer 2 cheats besides these:

NO TALENT invincibility
REP ME UP repairs weapons and shields
PETY PETY refills afterburner fuel
CHILL OUT cools laser temperature
NAPALM unlimited nukes

There is, i think, some hexidecimal one but i don't really know how to do it. I am really just looking to make a lot of money quick aside from trade runs.

Editing a file is not really 'a cheat', and it's not without risk. I wouldn't recommend it.
Well, editing files is not a "Cheat" but is cheating.

There is no God but myself. No destiny but what I deem for me. I walk my path and no others, for I am free.
Well, gee, shall we have another argument over 'cheating' like we did with the Fusion/Steltek gun trick in Privateer?
UH....ALL I really wanted to know was....well what I asked. I wasn't planning on editing any files and I don't care if it's cheating or not. I don't mean to seem rude if I do but, who really cares if it's cheating a person is going to do it if they want regardless of what they think of it.


Oh? I want all the money in that bank over there, but I wouldn't go rob it even if was guaranteed not only success but also immunity from prosecution.
See, some people have this thing called a sense of morality. i said didn't want anyone to argue. I actually agree with morality. But to be honest, specifically when I am playing role playing games where i sit there for hours and hours and "level up my characters", I sometimes realize how much of a complete waste of time video games are. Don't get me wrong I am not trashing games I am just saying that, and I don't know about anyone else, when i play video games I can honestly say that I am not being productive with my time. That suspension of disbelief is gone and I realize what I am really doing.
Ok so you say "well then don't play them" Well like most people that play them I like them so i am going to play them. It's just that cheats are a way to get me through the rest of the game quickly after I have realized that it's a time waster and, so I can finish the game and put it away.

This may be hard for some people to understand because I would almost even say to myself "well if you think you are wasting your time, just put the controller down."
I think anyone that's played wing commander III, knows it's not that easy.

So to end this subject, if anyone knows of any PRIVATEER 2 cheats post here.

Actually I just got down running trade routes for the last two days, until my eyes bled. And am now worth around 430,000. Which is by the way just enough to by the best ship at the begginging of the game cause thats still where I am (just got done with the SHONDI thing) and all the other BEST GOODIES.

Another thing anybody have a preference on guns for PRIVATEER 2. I am running around in the Danrik and its got 5 guns ports. Right now I have 3 STREAM LASER II, and 2 MASS ION CANNONS. But they don't seem to be doing the insane amounts of damage I thought they would do. Does anyone recomend anything diffrent.

ANyway talk later

Don't have a gun preference, it has been too long since I played Priv2. However, on another topic, I saw a story the other day on CNet, I think or maybe it was CNN's technology show on Sunday. Anyhow there is some guy who will, for money, play characters for you in MMP games like Ultima Online, if you go on vacation or if you are having trouble reaching a certain level. Another service he offers is creating charaters from scrath, building them up and then selling them to you, so you don't have to spend valuable time getting to level 50. And my mother 20 years ago told me I was wasting my time with computer games and no one who played games all day would ever make money from it.
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Quarto said:
Oh? I want all the money in that bank over there, but I wouldn't go rob it even if was guaranteed not only success but also immunity from prosecution.
See, some people have this thing called a sense of morality.

It's a computer game, Quarto, I don't think it's that serious.

If I'm locked on, there's no such thing as evasive action!

[This message has been edited by Dralthi5 (edited November 02, 2000).]
Shane said:
And my mother 20 years ago told me I was wasting my time with computer games and no one who played games all day would ever make money from it.

Good call!
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The Punisher said:
I sometimes realize how much of a complete waste of time video games are. Don't get me wrong I am not trashing games I am just saying that, and I don't know about anyone else, when i play video games I can honestly say that I am not being productive with my time. That suspension of disbelief is gone and I realize what I am really doing.
Yeah, games are about as time wasting as TV, cinema and such. Yet still, everyone watches TV every day. I don't know about you, but I'd rather play WC4, wich has a better story than most sci fi movies, and additionaly, I can play the main character. Sure as hell beats watching some dumb re-runs of an old TV show or remakes of some old movies.

It's just that cheats are a way to get me through the rest of the game quickly after I have realized that it's a time waster and, so I can finish the game and put it away.
Make sure to fast forward through some parts of a movie, you'll save even more time!
Yes, a brilian idea that is.
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Well then see, EARTHWORM agrees with me.

although I must say SHANE's quote was pretty good, too.

There are actually alot of people that do the kind of thing you described, SHANE. They usually sell their characters on ebay or something. I knew a guy once I use to work with that did it for hours and hours out of the day, playing EVERQUEST. Didn't make bad money either. I am not sure if ebay has outlawed it yet or not but I think they are having trouble doing it.

Oh and EARTHWORM I agree with you about WC4 I played it years ago and am about to go through the series again.(I am as we speak waiting for WCIII to come in the mail, already have P2, WC4, and Proph. And A halfway decent joystick (sidewinder Prescion 2) ) I remember falling completly in love with that SOSA chick....i think that was her name. Since i got interested in it again I've had to work really hard not to skip around and start playing 4 or 5 before i got 3.



[This message has been edited by The Punisher (edited November 02, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by The Punisher (edited November 02, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by The Punisher (edited November 02, 2000).]
The Punisher said:
Well then see, EARTHWORM agrees with me.
Since we are unfamiliar with the concept of sarcasm, I will now close the cash drawer...

They usually sell their characters on ebay or something.
I've seen Diablo 2 characters going for around $700, when the game came out. But you could still sell one for around $200. That's why I'm playing D2 night and day.
You mention that when you realise it's a waste of time, the suspension of disbelief is gone, Punisher. Well, it seems to me that cheating is not a particularly effective way of keeping up the suspension of disbelief.

Dralthi says:
It's a computer game, Quarto, I don't think it's that serious.
That's what they want you to think...

Seriously, of course it's just a computer game, but still, one shouldn't claim that there's nothing wrong with cheating.
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Oh jeez well fine then off with the gloves...

First things first, EARTHWORM, I have two words for you "DOUBLE SARCASM" HA!

QUARTO I actually agree with you about cheating being wrong, but the sad fact is, if you look around the world today there are plenty of people doing things that are "wrong" all the time. Does this make it O.K. from a personal stand point? NO. But it is a video game. Meaning it's made for the player to enjoy to the fullest. The only time I question cheating is when I read an article where the developers of the game are talking about difficuly levels and such, and are going over which are which. And they say that "such and such mode is the way the game was meant to be played." It makes me realize of course I would have a more enjoyable time if I played on this level mode and of course didn't cheat. A good example for me is BALDER'S GATE, it's pretty much the ulimate RPG you spend so much time just creating your characters it's crazy and leveling up takes even more time. Once you get to your belief breaking point, and decide to cheat your characters are pretty much invincible and have all the spells and you spend the next half hour trying out all the spells in the game to see what they look like and beating the spit out of a few bosses and then get really sick of it because after all what is the point of playing after you have done all the coolest things to do. RPG's I believe are a good example type of game to use when arguing "cheating" because more than any other game RPG's have a specific formula: you work hard in the begining and then towards the end things start to pay off. And that is where your 100's of hours of gameplay comes from. Not really the "pay off" but the "working hard". Therefore once you cheat and go directly to the pay off there is no longer any point in playing the game. Which is my personal motivation when I cheat. Does "working hard" contribute to the game play? Of course! You are much more inclined to keep on playing all the way through if you have characters that you have sweat blood over making stronger. Where as if you just cheat your really cheating yourself because your relationship with the characters has not developed.
So in conclusion,
DO I think cheating takes away from the fun factor in the gameplay?
Do I think cheating speeds up the time for the player to be content with having gotten out of the game, not all it's worth but at least, all he will be able to after cheating?
Is this a bad thing?
Depends on your perspective.

1. If you think that video games and their creators should be honored and there fore the gameplay not messed with so as to honor the game and to do so would be to heap dishonor upon yourself and the game, then I suppose yes it's a bad thing.

2. If you believe that video games are soley for the enjoyment of the player and if the player(since he is now owner of his own personal copy of the game and can do pretty much whatever he wants to his own personal copy, within reason of course we all know he can't copy it or sell it)thinks he or she will get more enjoyment out of it by cheating than it's their right to do so.

Therefore as, I believe, with all things good and evil, it's not about right and wrong, it's about making a choice. You choose and after that you deal with the effects of your choice.

Such is life and video games.


Oh yea almost forgot.

WEDGE why is that



[This message has been edited by The Punisher (edited November 03, 2000).]
Very good answer, Punisher
. At the end of the day, there's no black and white, just lots and lots of shades of gray based on the results of one's actions - and not the actions themselves. Which is not, of course, to say that morals are useless and irrelevant (that was the whole point of my original post - I don't mind if people cheat, but I very much dislike it when people say there's nothing wrong with it (or something along those lines)). Far from it... it's just that sometimes, an action which on the surface is completely immoral is actually the best answer... daaahhh! Must resist the urge to quote Machiavelli, or I'll never shut up...

About your RPG example... quite, quite right. It is the characters, isn't it?
Ah, that brings back all those memories of playing Eye of the Beholder II... rejoicing as my mage cast Cone of Cold for the first time...
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