Privateer 2 Cheats

Theres quite a few cheats for P2. One can be accessed via the options menu after you install the patch, the others are typed in the nav map, after hitting "F", then type in the cheat code.

Theres nothing wrong with using the cheats if you have a difficult time getting thru a level. Eventually, you figure out what to do and run thru the level or mission without the cheat.

Interesting that the use of cheats is much more accepted than it was, say, six years ago -- then, a thread like this would have started a major flamewar. :)
Boy isnt that true! I recall the friendly exchanges in several game forums back then, if you even hinted about a cheat, you got spamed!! Or a bunch of hate email! I like the way Descent reminds you when you use the cheats, everytime you take something out that you would normally get points for, the game zeros out your score and writes a big "CHEATER" in the score window and a voice clearly says, "Cheater!", a nice female voice, but she tells you very clearly!! :)

Originally posted by mpanty

Ach, nevermind, you don't have to answer that either... :)
RPG rules!
(except when it takes so much time away from us, that we forget we have better things to do... like STUDYING... <groan> )

[Edited by mpanty on 04-22-2001 at 23:51]

Do you mean RPG at the computer or the paper-and-pencil ones? At the PC some are entertaining but I always thought the idea of a RPG (playing a different character) was lost on the PC...
Well Mekt, I never really played the "pen-and-paper" versions... I guess I missed a really nice game, from what lots of my friends have told me...

In particular, one Italian friend couldn't stop talking about Advanced Dungeons and Dragons... he was nuts about it!! That, and Warhammer... :)

But RPGs such as Diablo, Fallout, or Baldur's Gate are AMAAAAZING!!! They can hold you glued on the chair in front of your PC for hours, hours, and hours... days even! <G>
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

There are *lots* of reasons for the average person to cheat, aside from "laziness" -- I recall a compelling argument from someone back at the OCZ who was near blind but still wanted to enjoy the game...
Ohhh... was that you, LOAF?..
How cute the affection between you and the WC games... :)
People have been yelled at fairly recently (within the year) in AGWC for asking for cheats...


Advocacy for Gulf War Children?
African GateWay Connection? :)

But seriously, what are you talking about?
And what's that?

From my research it appears to be some kind of newsgroup, but can you tell me more?

Warning: The following post contains cheat code links for Privateer 2: The Darkening. Use of cheats can result in headaches, bloating, constipation, glaucoma, breast cancer, general insanity, halitosis and death. Do not use cheat codes if you have liver probems, are nursing or have Reality Dysfunction Disorder (RDD). Plus, I use them, and look at me. :) Proceed at your own risk.

(Note: There is no such thing as RDD. I just made it up.)

Originally posted by Bob McDob

(Note: There is no such thing as RDD. I just made it up.)
Riiight... but the rest is all true, isn't it? ;)
Sad but true, I would guess. ;)

Warhammer, the RPG, cool. I like Baldur's Gate too, but I never got friendly with Diablo. It was just "click-on-the-enemy" all the time for me. It had great cutscenes though...
Ah, yes, Warhammer. So much money poured into lead figures ;)... oh, but we're talking about the RPG here. I personally thought it was one of the best - if not *the* best - systems around. Far better than AD&D. But alas, the Games Workshop people never really marketed it very well, so it kinda fizzled out as I recall.
Yes, Warhammer has the best world of all RPG I played till now. I just love the Chaos, especially the Skaven.And all those silly German names, just great! :)
AD&D is a bit simple, warriors are the most powerful class and the magic system was always not very appealing to me. The Warhammer system though, is also quite simple. GURPS and DSA have IMHO the best system.

Oh and Manjana: Diablo is surely no bad game but it never appealed to me. Matter of taste.
Battletech's good, though. I love Battletech. Read the novels and play the games all the time. Though, on a side note, is this getting too off topic? For that matter, what is the topic? :)
Chaos? Skaven? Freak :). Funny, I always prefered to play a human (or, occasionally, a halfling thief), regardless of what system I was playing. And I was always very irritated that all the other races are supposedly better in some way.