Plunkett-class cruisers

That's because carriers *don't* fight ship to ship actions. A *destroyer* will beat a carrier in a ship to ship action...

The Kilrathi dreadnoughts are apparently easier to build than the Terran ships -- the Kilrathi produced a number of them very quickly... whereas it takes five years to build a Midway, or a very expensive production facility to build a Vesuvius.
Maybe carriers are just harder to build for some reason. And Maybe the Kilrathi use som kinda compartmentalized system for building their ships, where they can build all the parts seperatly and assemble them later, or at least the Dreadnought.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
That's because carriers *don't* fight ship to ship actions. A *destroyer* will beat a carrier in a ship to ship action...

Tell that to the skippers of two Confed cruisers that engaged the Karga. :D Though I guess the Karga was hardly a typical carrier, more like a small dreadnaught.

Best, Raptor
Well, the Kilrathi have (or had, anyway) more resources on their hands. After all, they DO have a gigantic system-spanning empire, and the Confederation, while large, is definetly NOT an empire. Besides, they have to go through all sorts of bureaucracy before they get their ships online (case in point: Action Stations and the Prophecy manual, where well-intentioned senators strip Confed). And the Kilrathi, being the bad guys, don't have to worry about being ethical; they could be using massive slave labor or strip-mining planets,, for all we know!

Besides, size is not always representative of power and/or resources; I mean, look at the gigantic Yamato battleships that Japan put out during World War II. Big, powerful dreadnoughts, twice the size of the US Iowa class, capable of taking out any ship in one-on one combat (and maybe even four-on-one).

But, as Bandit LOAF said, CARRIERS don't fight one-on-one, and when the Americans ran into the Yamato, they swarmed her with carrier torpedo bombers. Lacking fighter cover and virtually alone, she went under. As Admiral Yamamoto knew, what Japan really needed was carriers; by building the Yamato, they drained their limited resources, resources that could have gone to creating more carriers, planes, and pilots. The Yamato, like the Dreadnought, is a large, powerful symbol of brute strength, but little else.
Originally posted by Wedge009
The Kilrathi dreadnought isn't very massive at all. But that's irrelevant - you don't send carriers against a dreadnought, you send fighters and bombers from a carrier against a dreadnought. Carriers themselves should not attempt to engage other capships.

And when they do, they usually come to a bad end. Case in point is the Karga. Despite taking out the two cruisers that were attacking her, she ended up helpless and exposed to deadly radiation.

Best, Raptor
Dover and Juneau engeged an entire Kilrathi battlegroup, though -- Karga was just the last ship left.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
That's because carriers *don't* fight ship to ship actions. A *destroyer* will beat a carrier in a ship to ship action...
Except when the carrier itself used to be a destroyer :). I was amazed at how easily the Intrepid kills the frigate, destroyer and cruiser during the Ella mission.
I... flew the Bearcat ;). I was too lazy to take on the capships without torps, so I figured, what the heck, let's see how the Intrepid goes :).
Hmm, I wonder if the Victory would fight a Kilrathi Lt. Destroyer in a cap ship battle shouldn't the Victory win? According to the stats she has thicker shields and more weapons. And she surely seems more powerful than a terran Destroyer. But these are just paper-stats, I guess. Never know what they really have as armament...
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
OPhoenix: I think you mixed the Midway and the Vesuvius up.
From what I know the Vesuvius weighs 250,000 tons and is 1,600 meters long, whereas the Midway weighs 200,000 tons and is 1,830 meters long.
Depends on your source. The novels describe the VESUVIUS-class as 2Km long, thereby making them the longest. There is no definitive source that states they are 1600m, so far as I know.
Really, 2km long? I do not remember that part, only when Blair thinks that they were about twice the size of the Concordia, what doesn't mean anything, because it is just a guess from quite a distance. But as I said, I am not sure about the Vesuvius' length, 1,600 is just what I heard most often here. I cannot think of any source which states its length precisely, you are right.
So the Vesuvius would be longest and most massive class of the three.
Actually, the novel describes Vesuvius as being 'about' twice as long as the Lexington (800 meters) or the Concordia (900 meters)... they don't give a specific length.

The length of Vesuvius can be determined by measuring in WCSO -- all the capships are to scale.
Uh, Blair would only be using his judgment there, it's not as if he got his pocket ruler out and started triangulating and whatnot. :)
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
Really, 2km long? I do not remember that part, only when Blair thinks that they were about twice the size of the Concordia, what doesn't mean anything, because it is just a guess from quite a distance. (...)

That's what I wanted to say. :)
According to the stats, yes. But we never know what those Destroyers or Cruisers have for anti-cap ship fighting capacities. Or how much speed is going to affect the battle...