Playing around with Privateer...

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Well... you guys seem to go straight to the Centurion...
I seized the first chance when I had enough money to buy an Orion (an excellent ship if you ask me), she only sost 7500 credits...
I bought the Galaxy, but I didn't like it, so I loaded back the game with the Orion...

I'll be buying a Centurion pretty soon though, 'cause I'm alredy at the post-Oxford missions... :)
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

BTW, mpanty, what about the fabulous comic strip?
Eh... I had a delay... I guess you won't see it until after June... forgive me, but I was busy...
I'm not lying though... it's a great comic (for me).
Of course, you'd have waited so long that you'll say it's crap when you see it! :p
The Orion IMHO does´t have the power of the Centurion or the Cargo bay of the Galaxy.. I prefer the Centurion and second the Galaxy, and whe you must save the guy at Oxford (Salman Rushdie :D) is better to have many weapons
The Orion is a heck of a tank! It can take a beating and still keep fighting. Only problem I had with the Orion is its limited view in the cockpit. And it wasnt very fast, but has excellent shields and engines.

I think the game could have used a couple more ships for the player, maybe could have included the Demon and a Talon, but you can win the game with the three ships available to you. I have completed both Privateer and Rightious Fire in all 3 ships. Took many repair stops in the Tarsus, long drawn out battles in the Galaxy, a bunch of break and shakes in the Orion, and straight in and shoot, get the heck out of there in the Centurion.

I found that a good gun combination for the Centurion is 2 Tachyons on the inner mounts, 2 meson blasters on the outer mounts, 2 IR missile launchers on front, 2 Tachyons and a tractor beam on the rear turret. Engine 3 and shield 3, with the shield running on level 2 most of the time, that way when a shield takes a hit, you can switch the shield generator to the next higher level, and it will cause the hit shield to recharge faster, drawing a bit of energy from the other shields and the generators, so it restores much faster, but you have to remember to switch it back down to the next lower level so you can get the energy charge rate back like you had with the shields running at level 2. That technique saved my ass several times, particularly near the end where you run into many a bogie and many an asteroid!

(watch out for that rock!)

Originally posted by RFBurns
Once I had to jump out of a system filled with pirates on a cargo run, and my luck, ended up in a dead system with no planets or bases, and had no more jump fuel!!
Funny, I've never had that happen to me. But then, I usually travel along the main lines, away from dead-ends and close to inhabited systems. I always wondered how far Taryn would send me before I would run out of fuel. Good thing fuel stays fresh, even on a derelict ship. :)

Originally posted by mpanty
I seized the first chance when I had enough money to buy an Orion (an excellent ship if you ask me), she only cost 7500 credits...
75 000, isn't it? I like to go through every ship before talking to Sandoval, but that's just me.
I was comfortable in the Tarsus, carrying on in Mack's stead, as long as it was practical anyway. The Orion, however, felt (and looked) like a turtle. Too cramped for my tastes. By comparison, the Galaxy was too big and empty. (Where's my crew? It got awfully tiring running back and forth, climbing in and out of those two turrets!) But the Centurion was just right. Sleek, powerful, and those bartenders on the pleasure planets look at you more longingly when you have one. (Could be just my imagination though.:))
I ran out of fuel once, but it was on purpose - I decided to check if the derelict base is really dragged away ;).
Hi all. the newbie speaks.
I always tried to get to the centurion as fast as possible. Of course, it had to be loaded out with Tachyon cannons. If I remember right, they did the most damage per second, took the least amount of energy per unit of damage, were like 3rd in energy per second, and were among the fastest and farthest flying. Score. FF missiles on the wings, and the tractor beam in the rear turret.

Damn, I miss that game. Rather, I miss that game being current. Curses at the demise of P3/WCO whatever.
real sig
I ran out of fuel once, but it was on purpose - I decided to check if the derelict base is really dragged away.

I did the same (and like you I must still be floating "out there" somewhere). I also once tried to see if I could find the jump point into Delta Prime before I was supposed to. Sure enough, the game produced it, I jumped, and then everything crashed. (So close!)
Well that's no fun... I mean, why shouldn't you be able to discover it before you get the missions? Ah, well. I guess the game gets confused or something.
That reminds me, I always wondered what Garrovick encountered that drove him mad. Certainly trying to destroy the Drone when you first run into it is a maddening experience for a player, but I could never see how the mere fact of the Drone could unhinge a pilot's sanity in the WCU. (A Tiamat maybe--especially if one suffers from arachnophobia--but not a "green egg".:)) Is there "something else" still out there?
Originally posted by Wedge009
Originally posted by mpanty
I seized the first chance when I had enough money to buy an Orion (an excellent ship if you ask me), she only cost 7500 credits...
75 000, isn't it? I like to go through every ship before talking to Sandoval, but that's just me. [/B]
Yup... I forgot a zero... :)
Originally posted by mpanty
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt

BTW, mpanty, what about the fabulous comic strip?
Eh... I had a delay... I guess you won't see it until after June... forgive me, but I was busy...
I'm not lying though... it's a great comic (for me).
Of course, you'd have waited so long that you'll say it's crap when you see it!
Dear mpanty, of course, I'll always say that it's crap, reagardless of how long I wait for it. :p ;)

The Orion is IMHO, a very good ship for its price, but that you could only so few weapons was the fact I didn't like her too much. And 350kps is a decent speed for such an heavily armored ship. In RF with thast booster she is even better, but I think due to her poor maneuvrability and large size, she gets hit more often, so that her shield/armour advantage is neglected. If she had 3 guns racks and 1 missile launcher, then she would be a very good ship.
I don't recall, do you get the full price for your ship and equipment back, when you sell it (like in Priv2), or just a fraction? If you get the full price back, then it's sensible to get first an Orion. But I think you only get half the value or so...

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 05-28-2001 at 08:35]
Yep Centurion for me too. Does anyone know what happens/where you go when your supposed to pick up the guy for Lynch in Newcastle but he's not there. I went back to New Constantinople but Lynch was gone too.
Hell... the Orion is the most armored and powerful ship of the game, it's the only one that has up to level 5 Engine and Shield upgrades...

True, it's quite slow with its heavy mass, and gets hit more often, but I thinks it's the 2nd best ship of the game: with a full upgrade of shields and (engine) afterburner and blaster power, she's as deadly as a Centurion (except for the lack of guns space though, 2 is a bit low)...

Nevertheless, I just bought a Centurion with full upgrades, and two Tachyons + two Plasmas as guns... DEVASTATING!!! :cool:
Originally posted by Mekt-Hakkikt
I don't recall, do you get the full price for your ship and equipment back, when you sell it (like in Priv2), or just a fraction? If you get the full price back, then it's sensible to get first an Orion. But I think you only get half the value or so...
You get the full price for the ship, but half the price for the equipment (you get to keep the Targeting system though).
Originally posted by Ashman
Does anyone know what happens/where you go when your supposed to pick up the guy for Lynch in Newcastle but he's not there. I went back to New Constantinople but Lynch was gone too.
Eh eh... it was a trap in fact.
Didn't you "notice" that Miggs (Lynch's assistant) was waiting for you at the jump point in Newcastle? Lynch wanted the artifact, so he sent Miggs to get it from you.
Obviously, after you send Miggs to the skies, he thinks wise to disappear... <G>

Remember though he mentioned that the guy you were supposed to pick up, had access to the OXFORD LIBRARY? Well all you have to do is go there, and the clerk will finally propose you to fly missions for Oxford to gain access to the library...
Voilà! :)

[Edited by mpanty on 05-28-2001 at 11:08]
If so, the poor guy must have been a nervous Nelly to begin with. But judging from our hero's experience, one could apparently join the ES, at least at the time, with little or no questions asked.
What's your favorate non-player ship in Priv? 'Cause I'm planning on making models of the Talon, Orion, and Epee, and I just wanted your opinions. :)
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