Playing around with Privateer...

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Keen Commander
... for the first time (I just bought the CD version on eBay), and since I don't have the instructions under my eyes while I play the game (I don't have a printer at home right now), I was wondering about a few things...

I understand there's no real linear storyline to follow, is there?
In the beginning, I think the bartender in the Troy system tells you to see Salvander (probably mispelled) in New Detroit... who then gives you a mission... but until then, you're free to travel almost to any system... right?

After completing Salvander's mission... you're left with an alien artifact, but Salv. dies leaving behind this girl (Tanya?) and a lot of unanswered questions...
So you start working for this girl... even doing some contraband...
So I was wondering... do you have to continue with Tanya's missions for the story to go on, or...?
The thing is, I screwed up one of her missions once, and she told me to go to hell, that she wasn't taking anymore risks... and disappeared...
If you fail one of her missions, are you left without answers for the alien artifact? :confused:

Apart from that... well it's a bit old-fashioned for a game, after all we've seen in modern games and their astonishing graphics... but the concept (and the fun of playing in a WC universe) is excellent.
Looking forward to buy Privateer 2... in the meantime, if someone could answer some of my questions... :)
You screw your game, you can´t fail any mission of the plot, you must load an old saveed file, and don´t try to put any cheat.... also counts as failed mission, and yes, you will not have any information about the alien artifact..
DANG!! So harsh? :(

Lucky I had an old saved game of the mission, just before taking off...

BTW, what the f.... is the deal with "canceling" a cargo shipment mission if you have to land at another location (for urgent repairs, for example)...

That's how I screwed up on that plot mission: I was carrying a load of Brilliance form Pentonville sys. to Troy sys. , and I got roughed up by a bunch of Retros... so I had to land in the Junction sys...
What the hell?? It doesn't make sense! :mad:

[Edited by mpanty on 05-25-2001 at 17:44]
You have to complete all of Tayla's missions to continue the plot. But before any of that, you can fly anywhere in the game.

If youre running cargo missions, be it the plot missions or from the mission computer/merchant/mercenaries guilds, if you dont land at the cargo's destination, you loose that mission, even the plot mission! You have to fly to the mission destination, even if your barely hanging on to your nose cone or you are outside your ship pushing it to the destination! Only the bounty and certian plot missions will let you land elsewhere before landing at the mission destination.

And remember, always SAVE before you run the missions.

Thanks RFB, I get the picture now! :)

Though, it does not makes sense... does it?
I mean... let's say you have to make a series of jumps... use a lot of AB in a dogfight... for example... jump in a system... find heavy opposition, have to immediately jump out... that sort of thing... then you might not even have enough fuel for the last jump!! You'd have to land! :(

Or if you have to stop for repairs?..

Weird technicality of the game...

[Edited by mpanty on 05-25-2001 at 17:55]
I know what you mean, I had that happen with a cargo mission (mission computer) and had to go thru an asteroid field loaded with what seemed like 20 Retros and their endless amounts of gunfire energy! Well, I hit my AB instead of my missile selection key and flew right into an asteroid!

Once I had to jump out of a system filled with pirates on a cargo run, and my luck, ended up in a dead system with no planets or bases, and had no more jump fuel!! :mad: But I think the game makers intent here was something along the lines of resource management. Pre plan the route, etc. But I have noticed that any cargo mission you take, be it mission computer, merchant guild, you never are too far away so that you end up short on jump fuel. But with those pesky Retros and pirates about, it often happens when you end up escaping a bad situation by jumping out of the system, only to find that you just used up your last bit of jump fuel!

Tip...recognize the system names and become familiar with the distances and jump counts, keep them in mind during the first runs of the game, so you become familiar with how far you can go. And always remember, you have 6 jumps in your jump fuel tank.

Another neat tip is to load up with IR missiles, and use them to keep the enemies from ganging up on you, they will evade the IR missile, which in turn reduces the number of bogies fireing at you! The IR missile, or even the FF missile can be very usefull with shaking those bogies lining up at you!

Another good tip is to AB further than 10km away from the nav point where you encounter the bogies. Let your craft repair itself and regenerate sheilds, then just AB like crazy back to the jump point with full shields and hit that J key just as soon as your ship is inside the jump sphere.

Happy jumping! :D

And in an Asteroid field pull the joystick up and down faster and you will not crash your ship ;)

I remember one of the first mission in P, to go from Troy to New Detroit I choose to go trough Fariss quadrant....
The Pirates and Retros rip my ship in pieces :(

Don´t worry you will survive..
Eh eh, thanks for the wish... :)

Anyways, another question: what's the best "upgrading" tactic?
Upgrade the ship you have to the maximum, THEN buy a new one (once you have enough credits)... or upgrade to a certain level, then start "piling up" for the Galaxy or the Centurion? (I have an Orion right now)...
I kept my Tarsus until I had enough for the Centurion and a few extras, loaded the Centurion with minimal weaponry, but that was enough to work more missions to upgrade the Centurion to better guns and better engines/shields. But in all aspects, its really a matter of personal preference, cause you can win the game with any of the ships available to the player, even the Tarsus! You might take a regular spanking in the Tarsus, but you can win the game in it!

My Tactic:

Load my old Tarsus with AB,Durasteel,Robot Maint, level 2 generator,shield level guns because i´m chicken and run like mad wit AB.
I do the Sandoval Mission with this Tarsus.
Later i Buy My Centurion and upgrade it with the same of the Tarsus plus 2 Neutron Gun.....and start the Plot Mission.
A little tactic to adviod a fight is to upgrade your shields to level two or higher then when you start the mission lower them down a level then you have unlimited ab and nearly unlimited gun power then you are the best. :)
In Priv1, I always stayed with my Tarsus (I liked her very much) until I could buy a Centurion with the most vital upgrades (IMO: Tungsten, 4 Lasers, Repair Droid, AB, Jump Drive, Shield and Engine upgrade as high as you can afford, quadrant map and colour scanner).
But I always started the plot missions only when I had my completely upgraded Centurion. Mercenaries and Merchant's guild are very useful for collecting money.
I am sure you will enjoy Priv very much, it is really a great game.

BTW, mpanty, what about the fabulous comic strip? ;)

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 05-26-2001 at 09:22]
I just held my credits until I could buy a Centurion too. Once I had that, I just went and purchased all the best things I could for it, shield generator wise and all that, and went with regular lasers. I find that most people don't pay attention to the small amount lasers will take from your energy, but if you have enough they do pretty significant damage.
Evildence (from CIC news page)

Check out the recording of Sandovol at New Detroit, apparently, Sandovol is saying something weird, sounds like it was edited tho!

I heard something too but the quality of the recording was kinda bad and whatever it was happened really fast.
I did that too,pilled up until I can afford the Centurion. I just love that ship!

[Edited by LaughingWolf on 05-27-2001 at 02:09]
Actually maybe I just thought of something.

Perhaps I am like the bloke in Lost Souls. He couldn't hear the demons in this tape, even though it was turned up toi maximum, as he was 'turning'. I could not hear the evil, maybe because I AM EVIL! muahahaha!!!

I piped the sound of the game into my DAT recorder, then re-dubbed that into the computer and viewed the file in a wav editor, zoomed in on the questionable spot, and there is indeed a different voice and segment in there. It is strange.

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