Origin/EA 97 catalog


You can all join my cult! Yay!
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No, Lisa did that. TV's Kerri-Lee probably doesn't actually sign her name with a "TV's" in it. :)
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
You can all join my cult! Yay!
LOL LOAF!!!!!!

Yay, let's create a whole new chat forum on that topic... ;):D

[Edited by mpanty on 03-08-2001 at 22:23]
Oh no, im not working my way up from the ground again. It took me over two months to be a captain. Besides I dont even know what a crid is!
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
No, Lisa did that.

Now which Lisa is this one?

And I'm not trying to be insensitive or anything, but why a 'memorial'. I vaguely remember something about a helicopter crash or something... or maybe that was someone else.
An entirely different Lisa alltogether!

The memorial is because she moved to Boston, not because she's dead.
Moved to Boston from where? I don't see how that justifies a 'memorial.' You might want to clarify that in your site. Plus for some reason I can't access the LMG Board. Possibly the access is blocked cos I'm at uni.

[Edited by Wedge009 on 03-08-2001 at 22:44]
She moved from DC to Boston, and disappeared from the FOX5 Morning News... thus, she got a memorial.
Forgive my ignorance but who is Kerri-Lee? From what you said I guessed she is some kind of news speaker. Has she done something special (besides looking not bad)?


[Edited by TC on 03-10-2001 at 03:35]
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A lot of people are fond of saying they need help.

LOAF's Merry Guild is fond of *proving* it!


(Kerri-Lee was the woman who did traffic reports for my local FOX affiliate. She was veerrrrry pretty. When I was in line for Star Wars, I made a Kerri-Lee sign and they put me on the news. Then she moved to Boston.)
Originally posted by Wedge009
What exactly does a Merry Guilder do anyway? And LOAF, why, oh why did you have to use those evil... <shudder> Po... Po... Pokemon in there?

Eek, now I gotta wash my mouth out... [/B]

Just wash it? No, you need to use some alcohool (to desinfect your mouth...not drink it :D)

Now never, ever say something like that again ;)
A mind wipe would probably be best, and the most effective.
Just think, you can start over and relive the WC experience from the beginning all over again for the first time!