Origin/EA 97 catalog


in the WCP ad,theres a pic i've never seen before,it looks like an FMV scene,it's bug ship with a circlur hatch opened up with a green bolt in front of it.this catalog came with my copy of P2

That her?
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The picture of the kraken firing at the Devereaux can be seen during the losing credits of prophecy and on my main page. http://www.tcstarawa.com

The page is ugly. I haven't uploaded the format yet. For the first web page i ever wrote, it aint that bad. :)
It was also one of the first screenshots from Prophecy released... in a press package at the E3 (it was called killfire.jpg).
i found a pic of the tiamat jumping in, and that was called killfire.jpg.

Also, this pic looks more like some art work. TO high res to be a WCP cut-scene
That's what WCP cut-scenes look like before they're compressed onto WCP CDs (G) (or, what they'd look like on WCP DVD...)
Guh? Is that some exclusive deal or something? I don't suppose you have one of the tweleve, if only for collection's sake.
There's only so few copies because Prophecy DVD was never released. It was originally suposed to come out with the next generation of Creative DVD kits IIRC, but was droped for some other game (Freespace?).
Not much in the storry department though, FS2 at least tried...

But if I do remember correctly and it was FS released instead of Prophecy... why? FS with it's 5 minutes of CGI doesn't deserve to be on a DVD.
NOTHING comes before WC, not Freespace, not Starlancer not a certain series of games from a certain famous movie trilogy.