
Originally posted by Raptor
I think that those Black Lancers who were directly involved in carrying out terrorist attacks against Confed or the BW, all those involved with the bio-weapon attacks, and those who were involved in planning or supporting either of the above two would have gotten pretty hefty sentences. I imagine that the ordinary foot soldiers would have gotten off pretty lightly, especially if they were willing to give testimony or help Confed with tracking down any other black projects/plans that were hidden away. I don't think that Confed would shoot them simply for having been part of the Black Lance, which after all was a branch of Confed black ops.

Best, Raptor

I'd tend to agree with that. Although the government might want to destroy anything that resembles the BL (on one hand), it was something that YOU helped create, so that does make it a bit harder to wash your hands of. (Although I can't really remember, didn't Tolwyn say that the BL/GE was supposedly "canned", but really was just put under such harsh secrecy, that only a few people knew about it?)
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

I dunno, that officer was responsible for *creating* the Black Lance...:)

Heh heh. Nice joke about Chris Roberts' "special guest appearance." ;)


Marvelous acting. The art at its finest :p
Originally posted by Col.Dom

Heh heh. Nice joke about Chris Roberts' "special guest appearance." ;)


Marvelous acting. The art at its finest :p

God, that went right over my head. I remembered the uniform, but I forgot it was CR. :)
Meh, don't feel too bad, panther. It took me a while to get LOAF's joke too!

I'm like "Wha--? Does it say in the novel that he genetically engineered all the BL forces or something?"

Then I realized "Oh... wait.... That officer was Chris Roberts. HA," :p
Originally posted by Skyfire

I'd tend to agree with that. Although the government might want to destroy anything that resembles the BL (on one hand), it was something that YOU helped create, so that does make it a bit harder to wash your hands of. (Although I can't really remember, didn't Tolwyn say that the BL/GE was supposedly "canned", but really was just put under such harsh secrecy, that only a few people knew about it?)

Somehow I don't think that Confed would be that eager to let a group that had just tried to kill billions of its people and failed have another chance to get it right. What Tolwyn "said" (actually his thoughts while he was preparing to hang himself) was that some GE elements had been hidden away where no one could find them, presumably before it all went to hell for the BL. How right he was on that score is open to question, given the number of miscalculations he made in WC4. My own view is that *some* influential Black Lancers night have gotten away, just as Nazi war criminals did after WW2, but not a lot.

Best, Raptor
It was the Kilrathi super-weapon (Proton Accelerator Gun/gravity thing-a-ma-bob) from Secret Missions 1.
Originally posted by Raptor

Somehow I don't think that Confed would be that eager to let a group that had just tried to kill billions of its people and failed have another chance to get it right. What Tolwyn "said" (actually his thoughts while he was preparing to hang himself) was that some GE elements had been hidden away where no one could find them, presumably before it all went to hell for the BL. How right he was on that score is open to question, given the number of miscalculations he made in WC4. My own view is that *some* influential Black Lancers night have gotten away, just as Nazi war criminals did after WW2, but not a lot.

Best, Raptor

They weren't really trying to kill billions of people within the Confederation though, they were trying to kill the Border Worlders. (Which were a seperate group at the time.)

Although I think your right, he did say something about hiding them to fight the Belsarius (or however ya spell that damn word) group in the future. Which, was it true, may actually be more likely. (And he didn't really do THAT badly in the miscalculations department, if it hadn't been for Eisen and Blair, he'd actually have gotten away with the entire plan.)
So why are you here? ;)

Most of the people here have already played most/all of the games and/or read most/all of the novels and/or don't really care if stuff is spoilt for them.
Originally posted by Rami Sihvo

And Sivar 1 was seen somewhere else then?

I believe Sivar 1 would be from the movie, although since I haven't seen it, I'm not certain.

What's Belsarius?
Actually, i got the impression that the BL was part of Belesarius. I could be wrong. And it's been awhile since I read False Colors. On a side note, do any WC Mac fans have any idea on how to get WC 3 & 4 working on MacOS 10.1. I got a badass new Mac and it won't play any of my old games. Also, if you know how to get The X-Files game working too (i know wrong SF universe) that would help too. Thanx
I'll agree with you, I haven't read it in a while either, but I think they were Tolwyn's first line of defense to twart their takeover plot.
Tolwyn was against Belesarius (which if I recall also produced Quantum Leap...hmm...) I understand Belesarius was plotting to take over Confed and turn it into a military dictatorship, which Tolwyn could not support... He may have been fascist, but he was democratic, damn it.

Whatever the hell that means...
Originally posted by Skyfire
They weren't really trying to kill billions of people within the Confederation though, they were trying to kill the Border Worlders. (Which were a seperate group at the time.)

From Tolwyn's own words in TPOF, they were going to use the Gen-Select on worlds on both sides of the conflict, as a way of "seperating the wheat from the chaff". Call me crazy, but I think the "chaff" citizens in Confed might object to that. :D

And, yes, I'm back. The Conferance was great. Three days of eating. drinking, and catching up with my mates from pharmacy school, with a few education sessions thrown in for variety, all paid for by my boss.

Best, Raptor
Yea, Tolwyn was a brilliant man. But he lost a couple gears in his transmission and broke down. It is too bad, because he was one of my favorite characters. I remember playing WC4 and almost coming to tears when I found out Tolwyn was behind the black ops. He had been a honorable character that I had always looked at as very noble and perhaps the best leader. But maybe I am just getting too into the story... anyone else feel the same?
Oh I too loved Tolwyn, he was incredibly intelligent and capable.

My only problem with that, although I do agree with your Raptor, was that I don't think he intended to do it to ALL the planets. (He realized that you need people for the economy/infrastructure, etc.)