No new WC game= boredom, need something to hold me over...

That's really great, LeHah :).

As for StarLancer, I did try the demo once... I had no joystick, though, so I was unable to complete even the first mission. The voice acting seemed pretty atrocious, though.
Originally posted by Mav23
WOW, has anybody here actually PLAYED Starlancer? :)

Yes, I did. And no it has no good plot IMO. It is a horribly pathetic and patriotistic game, where the good and pure alliance (consisiting of the UK, Germany, France, Italy, the US and Japan, perhaps some other "good" western countries) fights against the evil and ruthless eastern coalition (Russia, China, most of Asia and the middle east). You know the enemy just kills everything, has far inferior ships (but cloaked ones)and is ugly and dumb. Of course the western alliance has colonized most of the sol system due to their peaceful regime and its superior technology. Then, when a peace treaty was to be signed between coalition and alliance, the coalition launches a Pearl Harbor-style attack, destryoing the French and Italian fleet, commiting crimes against humanity etc...
If you can stand that horribly clichéd plot, you get a very nice space sim, with very cool graphics.

And that is very good news about the music CD! :D

[Edited by Mekt-Hakkikt on 05-27-2001 at 07:12]
You know, I really don't get that... why is it that people who can't even build proper ships are always the ones who invent cloaking devices?
Maybe they just focus on other points of technology. Like you build the strongest, most perfect engine for a car, but the car itself is just a piece of junk...
Mav: Probably Fatman's own studio. I imagine that its gonna be a "By Demand" CD...They take the number of people who signed the petition, and add like an extra 100 copies for future buyers and then start printing them on a local (or their own if they have one) label.
The Bloodfang was also a good ship, is the only Bloodfang the one of Thrakath or did they build more ???????
The fact that Confed designed the Excalibur specifically to counter the Bloodfang would indicate that they're more common than that...
Seeing as there was only the one it didnt seem like much of a threat. If there were a lot of them we probably would have encountered more of them so it must have been still relatively new with not too many produced yet. Unless they were all serving in the home fleet that was destroyed in orbit.
Except that the 2669.218 Intell Report (WC3 Manual) says that the Bloodfang is "said to be a pound-for-pound match" for the new Excals. The wording indicates that it was the Bloodfang (or rather, its latest version) that was designed to counter the Excal, not vice versa.
This doesn't of course mean that there would only ever be one Bloodfang - but there's no reason to believe that there's more than one Bloodfang at the end of the War.

[Edited by Quarto on 05-28-2001 at 01:20]
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
It was designed to counter the Bloodfang, according to Barbara Miles...

Hold on, wait. With all due respect, LOAF, is it a good idea to listen to Barbera Miles? I mean, she's a news anchor. [maniac]They don't tell news anchors everything, you know[/maniac]
Well since the Bloodfang has existed since WC2 I would expect the Excal to be a response to it.
Originally posted by Supdon3
The WC2 and WC3 fighters are completely different though. Guess its a response to the old one.
Seems to me you're scratching at the bottom of the barrel there... There is a large chunk of time between WC2 and WC3. If the Excal is a response to the WC2 Bloodfang, then it took a pretty damn long time to design and test it, and a really short time to design and test the WC3 Bloodfang considering that it was meant to counter a ship the Kilrathi didn't know about until the beginning of the game. Which doesn't even out.