
Originally posted by DragonRider
In wc4 he tolerated Kilrathis more easily than in WCP when his character completely deepened his hatred for them.

Which is surprising, considering the War ended before WCIV. You'd think that he would've gotten over it more by Prophecy.

Unless some Sivarists crossed him.
Remember the reference in the WC:p manual to the kilrathi pirates the midway took down prior to the start of the game? I recall Hawk griping about losing two (was it two? don't remember) pilots to poor teamwork in the intro section of the ships database... that'd put me in a bad mood.

Edit- It wasn't Hawk who was griping. It was The Midways CAG, Commander Patricia Drake... but there's no doubt he was involved with that strike. ;)

[Edited by Manic on 07-12-2001 at 01:55]
Which is surprising, considering the War ended before WCIV. You'd think that he would've gotten over it more by Prophecy.

Well, if he faced up to his hatered and dealt with it, I would agree, it would lessen with time. If he let it fester though, it would become more pronounced as time went by.

Best, Raptor
I don't think so. Everybody he loved was dead. So then I'd like to see whether you wouldn't hate and wouldn't want to take revenge. For the rest of your life.
Well, I would liked for him to at least have had a cooler death than hearing "Hawk didn't come back" after the fact. At least if you choose the "traitor path," you get to see Hawk's final moments ... even if you feel like you need to take a shower afterwards.

-The Gneech
He always dies, and you can kill al the kilrathis that you want but later in some mission they will not help you.
In most times yes !!!, i think that is the most dificult mission in WCP, first you must patrol the navpoints and later when you reach the Midway is a *Festival of bugs*
Originally posted by Ghost
In most times yes !!!, i think that is the most dificult mission in WCP, first you must patrol the navpoints and later when you reach the Midway is a *Festival of bugs*

and thats difficult in what way? just save your missiles for when you have to protect the midway. finish them quick and you can rest between the waves. and allways remember to not get too far from what your protecting.
The first time and the second one that i played that mission was a total failure....but later i have a good timing to catch the Skate Clusters and Red Mantas !!!
My WCP have one problem..... it is bugged and you can´t lower to the 2nd level of dificulty...only plays with the 1st.
Originally posted by Ghost
My WCP have one problem..... it is bugged and you can´t lower to the 2nd level of dificulty...only plays with the 1st.

prophesy has the same number of difficulty settings as the rest of the games right? just lower the settings and the missions are a breze. infact i allways play games on the easiest settings first because i want to see the whole thing right away