movie question

Hmm, I do not think that there was much of a resemblance to cats in the movie not even shaved ones. Even their ears looked totally uncat-like.
They are called "Kätzchen" or "Mieze" for kitty and "Fellknäuel" for furball. :)
Originally posted by redwolf
One problem...Cats have hair.

However, I DID like the cats without the hair as well, but still, you have to have hair on 'furballs'.

After all, we are "furrrrrrrrless frrreaks."

Wow, you liked the way they looked. I didn't. Maybe I'm just old schooled and think all cat's should have hair. :) I guess now we have to call them 'big oafish hairless felines' hmm.... just doesn't sound the same.....
Fraix, the movie storline fits in so well with the rest of the universe, that you have to be a plebe no to see it.:)
A plebe without the movie novel. C'mon EW. Are you accusing all the 'regular' WC fans out there of being plebes?
Actually, I consider most of people here to be plebes.:)

I don't care if one has the movie novel or not, if you don't know enough about the WCU to know that the movie fits in, then thou art a plebe.<G>
No, I'm being serious here. If I wasn't a regular here, I would have a hard time trying to reconcile all the movie differences with the games I've played. What you might call 'nitpicking' and 'trivial,' others might think of as being the difference between Terrans and the Nephilim.
Really EW, so that skipper missile (that ConFed know all about it since the captain of the TCS Tiger Claws[note:this is not the WC I bengal carrier, that one was called TCS Tiger´s Claw, its a new one] know all about its cloaking) must ......come from a kilrathi time machine ?
And after the battle everone forgets about cloaking, since the TCS Tiger´s claw (not the TCS Tiger claw) is destroyed by cloaked fighters and when Blair says that it was, none belive him, that must happened because the Kilrathi used a mind control machine that made everone forget about that (incluid the Kilrathi).
It fits real nice.

[Edited by Dragon on 03-08-2001 at 20:33]
Not everting fits, WC IV novel is a good example of parts of the game are radical diferent from the novel (Blair - Sosa love affair....ARGH).
Besides WCU is made by Origin, the games must always come first, not the novels.
Originally posted by Dragon
Really EW, so that skipper missile (that ConFed know all about it since the captain of the TCS Tiger Claws[note:this is not the WC I bengal carrier, that one was called TCS Tiger´s Claw, its a new one] know all about its cloaking) must ......come from a kilrathi time machine ?
Wow, I explained several posiblities for that so many times that I won't even bother now.:)

As for Blair and SoSo, we're never actually told that they have a love affair.:) Just a few curious situations.
Originally posted by Earthworm
As for Blair and SoSo, we're never actually told that they have a love affair.:) Just a few curious situations.

That may be, but I'm sure when authors do that, they're implying something much more.
The skipper missile cannot be explained since cloaking was developed by the Kilrathi during WC I time, it was first used against the TCS Tiger´s claw but since the Kilrathi world that was making those fightes rebeled, the Kilrathi were forced to destroy that shipyard in order not to fall in ConFed hands, only 10 years latter new cloaked fighters show up (WC II).
None belived Blair story of invisible fighters that dont show up on radar, since the fight recorder was stolen by Jazz, Blair had no prove and he was demoted and transfered to in-system security, 10 years later WC II start and (using the manual as a reference) ConFed still belived that Cloaking was impossible.
If there was a Cloaking Cap missile in WC I time, that would show up in the WC II manual and Blair story could have been belived, it was one of the movie errors in the time line.
EW know that, since it have been brought up in here. :)
EW said something about a Vorgchath (no idea how to spell it) missile, and that the Skipper missile in WC3 was stronger than the one in the movie. Also that "Skipper" was just Confed's name for the missile in WC3.
EW, stop calling the people stupid.

People, stop being stupid.


No, but seriously, folks, lets discuss this...

We know that cloaking was developed during Wing Commander 1 -- it's mentioned several times in Super Wing Commander, and the first use of manned cloaked fighters was in 2656, just two years later (note that I am not referring to Wing Commander Academy -- that was *not* the same type of cloaking... that was more akin to the Shroud Device seen in WC3). In fact, Super Wing Commander deals with a fight between Halcyon and Tolwyn regarding the existence of stealth fighters -- why would Halcyon believe they exist, had the Kilrathi not already been working on the technology?

Anyway, if they could cloak a living organism in 2656, it stands to reason that they could partially cloak a missile in 2654 -- especially since we see it. We also know, thanks to the movie novel that it was a prototype -- this is further explained in the Confed Handbook. The handbook also specifies the model number, and some operating details... so we know that it is *not* the same type of Skipper being tested in Wing Commander III. (Note Eisen's line... the Kilrathi were tested a *new* type of cloaked missile... no indication that it was the *first* type of cloaked missile).

As for Blair and Sosa, it's specifically stated that they do *not* have an affair -- we also see in the video sequence s of WCIV that Blair *is* interested in Sosa (he comes on to her when she's doing the data translation by hand, and is later shocked that she's hooked up with Catscratch in the veggies scene).
Wedge009, True and false, it does not change the fact that the Cap missile in the movie cloaked, it could have been called "Toto" missile, it still do something that acording to WC II manual was impossible to do at that time period.
It Cloaked.
And it was nothing new to ConFed in the movie, so why Blair story of Cloak fighters sould not be belived, if a Cap Missile could cloak, why not a fighter?
Also the WC II manual say that Cloaking tecnology (does not matter if its a Cap missile, a fighter, a Cap ship, a Base. It the abilety to Cloak) is not possible by ConFed/Kilrathi in current tecnology, that is of course wrong, it just to show that ConFed did not belive that Kilrathi did have
any cloaking devices on anything at the start of WC II.

[Edited by Dragon on 03-08-2001 at 21:47]
Then there's the explanation that Intel is rarely correct, or at best, reluctant to release certain info.

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF

I'm still unsure of this meaning. Though having asked, I hope people don't start using it like they started copying <G>.

Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
...and is later shocked that she's hooked up with Catscratch in the veggies scene).

He didn't look very shocked to me. Of course, I don't have the benefit of the novel explanation. Maybe he's very good at hiding his 'disappointment'. Besides, wouldn't he be a bit old for her? (Note: I said "bit" not "too")
Tolwyn has *always* violently argued against the idea of cloaked fighters, even when faced with proof -- in Invisible Enemy, in Super Wing Commander and in Wing Commander 2.

Further, the Confederation Handbook classifies the information on the existence of the Skipper missile at one of the highest levels at which something can be classified -- Joan's is a publication for civilians, and thus wouldn't have access to such classified data.
Originally posted by Bandit LOAF
As for Blair and Sosa, it's specifically stated that they do *not* have an affair -- we also see in the video sequence s of WCIV that Blair *is* interested in Sosa (he comes on to her when she's doing the data translation by hand, and is later shocked that she's hooked up with Catscratch in the veggies scene).

He's not shocked!...
In fact, he seems rather amused... he even says "Well, carry on..." smiling, when he leaves to check on the newly arrived Dekker an his men... :)

[Edited by mpanty on 03-08-2001 at 22:20]